How To Get A Raspy Voice Quickly? ( In 8 Easy Ways )

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As a singer, getting a raspy voice should probably be the least desirable type of voice which you would want to develop. While some singers actually want to get rid of it, there will be some that will actively try to pursue getting a raspy voice, this is mainly because they want to imitate some singers who have raspy voices. What most will not tell you about these famous singers with raspy voices is the number of health complications and surgeries they had gotten due to their raspy voices.

While it is possible to manipulate your voice to create a raspy or hoarse sound, it is important to approach these techniques with caution. Whispering loudly or screaming can strain your vocal cords and potentially lead to vocal damage. It is recommended to prioritize vocal health and avoid excessive strain or forceful techniques.

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Some people do like their raspy voices, there are even a lot of singers who want to have a raspy voice. Getting a raspy voice isn’t difficult at all, the problem is if you do not do it correctly you might even injure yourself. The main problem for singers who want to get a raspy voice is that they want it quickly and this might not be such a good idea.

My personal recommendation, if you want to get a raspy voice is to slowly develop your raspy voice, rather than trying to get it quickly by forcing your voice. Most ways of getting a raspy voice will make you force your voice, while some forcing of your vocal cords is fine, but by putting so much pressure on your vocal cords in just a couple of days just to get a raspy voice isn’t the smartest idea.

DO NOTE: Getting a raspy voice quickly means that you will be forcing your vocal cords to a point where you sound raspy, this could lead to injury and even loss of your voice and if you value your voice then it is probably the last thing you would want to develop.

Most singers would want to keep their raspy voice which they have in the morning, the problem is that what is actually making that raspy voice in the morning is the protective layer of mucus that is formed on your vocal cords. Once you wake up, wash your teeth, and drink some water you will wash off all the excess mucus to make it easier for your vocal cords to produce your voice.

Male singers have a lot easier time getting a raspy voice, and they can even get their raspy voice a lot quicker than female singers. Most male singers do have a bass or a baritone voice, which is a lot easier to make it sound like a raspy voice. On the other hand, the vast majority of female singers have a tenor voice type, with which it is fairly difficult to develop a raspy voice quickly. If you are a female singer and you want to develop your raspy voice, then my personal recommendation is to check out my recent article How to get a raspy voice girl? ( 11 Easy Ways ).

How To Get A Raspy Voice Quickly?

If you’re looking to achieve a raspy voice quickly, there are a few techniques you can try. One method is to intentionally create vocal fry, which is a low, creaky sound produced by engaging the vocal cords in a relaxed manner. Experiment with adding this vocal fry quality to your voice by lightly constricting the airflow during speech or singing. Another technique is to imitate the vocal styles of singers known for their raspy voices, such as rock or blues artists.

By studying their techniques and incorporating elements of their vocal approach, you may be able to develop a raspy quality in your voice. However, it’s important to note that forcing a raspy voice excessively or using improper vocal techniques can strain your vocal cords and potentially cause damage. It’s always recommended to practice vocal techniques under the guidance of a qualified vocal coach or instructor to ensure proper vocal health and technique.

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By Screaming

If you want to get a raspy voice quickly then just start screaming, while screaming your vocal cords will start to vibrate faster and faster the louder you get. With this vibration, your vocal cords will dislodge any protective mucus from your vocal cords and this will make your vocal cords irritated. If you have ever felt like your throat is itching after screaming or singing then this is because your vocal cords are starting to get irritated.

The problem is that with enough screaming you will get to a point where your vocal cords are so irritated that your throat will start to also hurt, generally speaking, you can also lose your voice by doing this. If you do not want to scream so you don’t disturb the neighbors, then simply get a pillow and scream into the pillow, it has the same effect. In case you want to lose your voice, then check out my recent article How to lose my voice by tomorrow? ( Top 11 Ways ).

By Singing High Notes

Beginner singers often get a raspy voice even if they do not want one while they are singing higher notes. The problem is that singing higher notes correctly and safely without injuring your vocal cords, takes a lot of skill and knowledge on how to do it. As most beginner singers do not have the basic skills how to sing higher notes properly, sooner or later they will irritate their vocal cords, resulting in a raspy voice, or even losing their voice.

Getting a raspy voice, by singing higher notes is also viable for advanced singers, while advanced singers do have the skill and knowledge on how to sing higher notes, but they often overdo it and force their throat to sing for hours. If you are not a singer, then try to speak or sing in a higher-pitched voice, just remember if it starts to hurt then you have to stop to avoid any vocal cord damage.

Too Much Air Pressure Can Make Your Voice Raspy Fairly Quickly

Most singers do know how important is air pressure for their voice, if you put too much air pressure then you will sound off or even out of tune, and the same can happen if you do not apply enough air pressure. Singing with more air pressure will make your voice somewhat sound more powerful, but the problem is that your throat and vocal cords will not be able to keep up, and sooner or later you will irritate your vocal cords, ending up in a hoarse or a raspy, or even husky voice.

There are plenty of raspy voice singers, but what you need to understand is that most of them do have damaged vocal cords, either because of singing or because of their vices that make their voices raspy. Having a raspy voice is sexy but you know what isn’t, getting throat cancer by continuously forcing your voice to have a raspy voice.

Use Your Deep Voice

Everybody has a deep voice, no matter how high pitched your voice might actually be. A lot of singers actually confuse a raspy voice with a deep voice, mostly because the tone of it is fairly similar. Start singing or speaking in the deepest voice you can possibly produce, for some people this will be easy, but for many, this will be even harder than singing high notes. Most singers focus on singing higher notes and they do not develop their deeper voice.

If you just want to know how to make your voice deeper, or a raspy voice because it sounds deeper, then my recommendation is to check out my recent article How to make your voice deeper on mic? ( 11 Easy Ways ).

Fake Having A Raspy Voice

By far one of the safest and easiest ways to get a raspy voice is by faking it. Believe it or not but there are a lot of people who actually fake their voices, no matter if they are speaking or while they are singing. Faking a raspy voice is fairly simple, use your deep voice and try to speak in a monotone way. In addition, you could also slow down while you are speaking, as this will emphasize your raspy voice.

The trick with faking a raspy voice is to do it in such a manner that you do not irritate your vocal cords, which would eventually lead to a raspy voice. Once you have successfully learned how to fake your raspy voice, you will notice that with time it will become a lot easier to do it, and sooner or later you will not even have to fake it anymore.


Whispering has the same principle as the air pressure method, the difference is that you will put a lot more air pressure through your vocal cords. Most people think that by whispering they are not doing any harm to their voice, this is far from the truth as whispering is very hard on your vocal cords due to the amount of air pressure they get and how fast they have to vibrate. If you have ever tried whispering for a longer time then you probably already know how punishing for your vocal cords can whispering be.

You do not have to even sing, simply speak with a whisper. Depending on how long you have been whispering speaking will determine how quickly you will get your raspy voice, and this is how to make your voice sound raspy and sick.

Develop A Naturally Raspy Voice

My personal recommendation is to work on developing your raspy voice, everybody has a raspy voice on one level or another and just like you would work on enhancing any other of your voice types you also can develop your raspy voice. I know that this is not the best way to get a raspy voice quickly, but it is probably the safest way. It will take you anything between a couple of weeks to a couple of months to develop your raspy voice, depending on how much you are working on it and what kind of voice type you actually have.

Once you develop your raspy voice, you will be able to use it just like any other voice type you might know. A lot of people will tell you that getting a raspy voice, no matter if you get it quickly or slowly, will result in damaged vocal cords, although this is mostly true, but there are plenty of people who have managed to develop their raspy voice naturally, although I do not know how many of them did have vocal cords surgeries performed.

Eat Spicy Food

One of the ways of getting a raspy voice, without actually using your voice is by eating spicy food. If you do not like spicy foods then you probably know how much it will irritate your throat, and this irritation will result in a raspy voice. Just do not go overboard and eat the spiciest Chinese or Indian food till you get the hiccups as this will probably result in upsetting your stomach and sooner or later you will experience a whole other way how to get a raspy voice on the toilet.

If you do like eating spicy foods fairly often, then you are probably going to have difficulty getting a raspy voice by eating spicy foods. This is mainly because your body is already familiar with your eating habits and it is protecting your vocal cords much more efficiently while you are eating. Although there are plenty of spicy food types, which your body isn’t used to eating yet so you should give them a try.

Key Takeaways

The fastest way of getting a raspy voice is by screaming, while you are screaming you will create a lot of pressure on your vocal cords which will vibrate faster. Once your vocal cords are vibrating they will dislodge the protective layer of mucus and thus making your voice raspy. Do note that by trying to get a raspy voice as fast as possible you might end up losing your voice.


How do I make my voice raspy?

To achieve a raspy voice, you can experiment with techniques like vocal fry, growling, or adding breathiness to your voice. However, it’s important to use these techniques sparingly and with proper vocal care to avoid strain or damage to your vocal cords.

How can I make my voice hoarse in an hour?

Deliberately attempting to make your voice hoarse in a short period of time can be harmful to your vocal health. Hoarseness is often a sign of vocal strain or injury. It’s important to prioritize vocal health and seek guidance from a qualified vocal professional if you have specific artistic requirements.

Is a husky voice attractive?

Attractiveness is subjective, and people have different preferences when it comes to voice qualities. Some individuals find a husky or raspy voice appealing, while others may prefer different vocal characteristics. It’s important to embrace and appreciate the unique qualities of your own voice.

How can I permanently deepen my voice?

The depth of your voice is primarily determined by factors like vocal cord length, thickness, and physiological characteristics that cannot be significantly altered permanently. Techniques like vocal exercises, proper breath support, and vocal resonance can help you maximize the potential of your natural voice, but drastic or permanent changes to your voice should be approached with caution and under the guidance of a vocal professional.