How To Sing In Head Voice With Power? ( In 10 Easy Steps )

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Most singers do have the ability to use their head voice, but far too often they are not using them correctly which makes their head voice sound rather weak. Luckily you can strengthen your head voice in a lot of different ways which are described in depth below.

You can sing in your head voice with power by controlling your pitch and breathing correctly. Generally speaking, most singers who tend to have a weak head voice do not know how to correctly control their pitch, the good news is that there are a couple of easy exercises that will allow you to sing with your head voice with a lot of power. In addition to this what kind of breathing technique you are using will also determine how powerful your head voice sounds.

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There are a lot of songs that do actually benefit from singing with the head voice. Far too often people neglect their head voice almost entirely, however, if you do want to become a successful singer one day then you will have to learn how to not only sing with your head voice but also by making this head voice as powerful as you can. The main problem when it comes to singers using their head voice is that they have no idea how to further develop their head voice into a powerful one.

Generally speaking singing with a head voice is a fairly advanced singing technique, and you might even find that it is not for you. If you follow the below practices on how to make your head voice even more powerful and for some reason, you are still not able to make your head voice powerful then it might just mean that singing with your head voice isn’t for you. Now, this doesn’t mean that this is the end of your singing career, far from it, not even successful singers can use every singing technique so do not worry about it.

One of the major problems why some people can not develop a strong head voice is because they focus on other things, and let’s face it as a singer you probably have to focus on a lot of things, especially if you are a beginner singer. Oftentimes beginner singers get overwhelmed by the sheer amount of information there is online, and they simply do not know what they should practice or what to even focus on, but I am here to give you a helping hand.

If you are a beginner singer and you do not have a powerful head voice then my recommendation is to head to my recent article Easy audition songs for beginners ( Top 80 Easiest Songs ), where you will find that most of these songs are so easy that they do not even require you to use your head voice.

How To Sing In Head Voice With Power?

Singing in head voice with power requires a combination of proper technique, vocal control, and practice. Start by understanding the difference between head voice and chest voice. Head voice refers to the higher, lighter register of your voice, while chest voice is the lower, fuller register. Begin by warming up your voice with vocal exercises that focus on accessing your head voice, such as sirens, lip trills, and gentle ascending scales.

As you ascend into your head voice, focus on maintaining proper breath support and control, allowing the sound to resonate in the mask of your face. Visualize the sound coming from the top of your head and imagine singing with lightness and ease. Experiment with different vowel shapes and modifications to find the resonance that works best for you. Gradually increase the volume and power while still maintaining a relaxed and controlled sound.

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Find Your Head Voice

Most singers do have a difficult time finding their head voice, mainly because while talking most of us use our chest voice. Everybody has a head voice, the problem is that sometime during our childhood we have lost it and it can be fairly hard to find it again. Luckily there are some easy exercises that can make you find your head voice, or better yet find it again. As a singer sooner or later you will have to find your head voice as this will allow you to sing higher notes far easier and correctly.

For the following vocal exercises for finding your head voice make sure that you inhale plenty of air.

  • Remember when you were a kid and you went down a slide what kind of sound you made, “yeeeeeeeee” simply practice this a couple of times, and sooner or later you will start using your head voice.
  • As a child, you have probably imitated the sound of different machines like trains, now do the “oooOOOooo”
  • Imitating the ghost sounds of different cartoons is also a good idea if you want to find your head voice “ooooOOOOooooOOOO”

Control Your Pitch

One of the first things you have to learn in order to get a powerful head voice is to control your pitch. I know this sounds easier than it is done, the problem which most singers face is that they jump into singing and they try to control their pitch while singing. This is fairly difficult and it is not recommended for beginner singers especially if you are new to the notion of controlling your pitch.

By far one of the easiest ways to control your pitch is by reading out loud, my recommendation is to read out loud books and even children’s stories. Usually, it is extremely easy to know when you have to change your pitch with these books, once you are comfortable with the idea and you can do it without any problems then you should start focusing on singing with a controlled pitch. Controlling your pitch not only makes your head voice more powerful but also makes it more natural sounding.

Open Your Throat

Far too often singers do not open their throats fully, this, in turn, will limit their ability to inhale and exhale. Singers who are usually categorized as having a breathy voice for the most part either do not know how to breathe while singing or simply do not open up their throat enough while singing. If you have already read my article How to have a clear voice for singing ( Fast & Easy ), then you probably know how important is your throat when it comes to singing with a head voice.

The problem is that most beginner singers while they do some kind of vocal exercises and warm-ups before they sing they tend not to focus on their throat at all. There are a lot of shy singers with extremely powerful voices which in fact limit their ability to sing just because they do not open their throats. One of the easiest ways to open up your throat is by relaxing it first then simply inhale and exhale a couple of times as deep as you can, just keep in mind that these actions need to be done slowly.

Practice Lip Rolls

Lip rolls are a great way to make your head voice powerful when singing, the problem is that you have to already know how to access and use your head voice. As everybody is different some things might work and some not, but if you have already found your head voice then you can start strengthening it by doing lip rolls. I am not going to go into much in detail about lip rolls as I have already written a detailed article about it Proper breathing technique for singing ( Top 12 Techniques ).

One thing to keep in mind is that you will have to practice lip rolls for a fair amount of time, and by that I mean you should incorporate it in your warm-up exercises. The good news is that even 10-15 minutes a day doing lip rolls will have a significant impact on making your head voice more powerful.

Propper Use Of Your Larynx Determines How Powerful Your Head Voice Is

Your larynx is extremely important especially if you are singing with your head voice. How well you use your head voice will determine how powerful your head voice will sound. The problem is that when beginner singers hear about proper larynx control for a more powerful voice is that they simply freak out. There is nothing to be freaked out about as the larynx is an integral part of our vocal system, you just have to learn how to use it efficiently.

In order to have a powerful head voice, you will have to know how to lower your larynx. By far one of the easiest ways to lower your larynx is to initiate a yawn, yes you heard it right. The trick is not to actually yawn but to lower your larynx enough so that it can give your head voice more power. Once you try yawning you will notice that your tongue will also adopt a lowered position and this is what exactly you need.

Once you are at the point where your tongue is in the back of your mouth and in lowered position then start singing and you will notice how much more powerful your head voice really is. My personal recommendation is to record yourself and compare it to recordings where you didn’t lower your larynx.

Warm Up Your Voice

Most singers do have some kind of warm-up practice, although if you will have to use your chest voice it is highly recommended that you also warm up your head voice. Warming up your head voice is not that different from other forms of vocal warmups, with one difference which is that you will mostly focus on controlling your larynx and your throat. If you do not know how to properly warm up your head voice then search around my site as I have written an in-depth article on it, or simply check out the previously mentioned article.

Practice With Your Head Voice

As children we all had a natural ability to use our head voice, however, we somehow forgot through time how to properly use it and today most people speak and even sing with their chest voice. There is nothing wrong with using your chest voice, the problem comes if you are a singer as you will have to be able to rely on your head voice. If you have found your head voice again with the above-mentioned exercises you should keep in mind that you could lose it again.

If you do not practice using your head voice fairly consistently then you can lose your ability to sing or speak from your head voice. If it comes to this no matter how powerful your head voice was previously you still have to relearn everything and start from scratch. So make sure that you do practice using your head voice as frequently as possible, my personal recommendation is to practice it daily for at least a couple of minutes.

Learn How To Transition From One Register To Another

Now, this might be a tricky one, especially for beginner singers. The problem is that not all singers have a natural ability to transition from one register to another, this oftentimes means that the singer will make an abrupt and awkward stop right before they transition through the register. This not only sounds awkward but it also might make people mistakenly consider that you are singing out of tune.

The trick for a naturally sounding transition of the registers is that you will have to practice a lot. My personal recommendation is that after you have done your warm-up, include some songs in your daily singing routine which do require you to transition through different registers. The hard truth is that you will have to practice, a lot of vocal coaches will teach some kind of shortcuts on how to transition from one register to the other but without experience and a lot of practice, this will be extremely difficult.

Imitate Singers Who Are Singing With A Head Voice

If you want to make your head voice more powerful then you will have to learn from the best, and what better example is there than singers who actually sing by using their head voice. My personal recommendation is to find a couple of artists who do sing with their head voice and try to sing their songs. If you are not used to singing with your head voice you will find it difficult at first but by doing this you not only will make your head voice more powerful but you will also learn how to naturally transitions between your registers.

Do note that you should learn from singers who actually sing live as video clips and anything other than live singing was probably heavily modified and edited in a studio.

Don’t Confuse Shouting With A Powerful Head Voice

There are a lot of singers who make the mistake that shouting as hard as they can means that they actually have a powerful voice. The hard truth is that if you are not properly using your head voice you can shout as much as you want and still not be able to properly sing high notes. I will not go into much depth here as I have already written an in-depth article on the subject How to stop shouting when singing? ( In 10 Easy Steps ).

Key Takeaways

  • Practice vocal exercises that specifically target the development of your head voice, such as sirens and slides. These exercises help to strengthen the muscles responsible for producing head voice and improve your control and power.
  • Ensure you have proper breath support when singing in head voice. Engage your diaphragm and support your breath with the muscles in your abdomen to provide the necessary power and control for your head voice.
  • Focus on resonating and placing your sound in the appropriate areas to maximize the power of your head voice. Experiment with different resonant spaces, such as the nasal cavity or the back of the throat, to find the optimal placement that allows for a powerful and resonant head voice sound.


How can I get more power in my head voice?

To develop more power in your head voice, focus on strengthening your vocal muscles through exercises and vocal training. Work on proper breath support, resonance placement, and vocal technique to optimize the power and control of your head voice.

How do you sing in super head voice?

Singing in a super head voice, often referred to as a whistle register or the highest register of the voice, requires advanced vocal control and technique. It is advisable to work with a vocal coach or teacher who can guide you through specific exercises and techniques to safely explore and develop your super head voice.

Can everyone sing in head voice?

Yes, everyone has the ability to access their head voice. It is a natural part of vocal range and can be developed and strengthened through vocal training and practice. However, the extent to which individuals can access and control their head voice may vary.

How do I sing with power?

Singing with power involves a combination of proper breath support, vocal resonance, and vocal technique. Work on strengthening your diaphragm, practicing vocal exercises that focus on resonance and projection, and developing good vocal habits to increase your vocal power.