How To Sing Falsetto Female? ( In 8 Easy Steps )

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Even today a lot of vocal teachers and coaches do not believe that there is such a  thing as a falsetto singer, although there have been numerous studies made which prove that the female falsetto voice actually exists. The problem with female falsetto singers is that they are oftentimes not considered as falsetto singers and a lot of them are actually categorized as sopranos.

You can sing falsetto as a female by focusing on breath control and on your vocal cords. Once you start singing falsetto you should chin up as this will lengthen your vocal cords which are vital for singing falsetto. In addition to this, you should start singing quietly, and with an open wide mouth as these methods will make it a lot easier to sing falsetto as a female.

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Most beginner singers think that singing falsetto is the same for both males and females, the truth is that both genders use somewhat different techniques to sing falsetto. This is mostly due to the difference between the anatomy of the genders, in fact, the female body is better suited to sing falsetto than the male body is. Generally speaking, when singers use their falsetto voice is mainly because they are singing higher notes.

While we can argue all day long that falsetto isn’t good and that you should learn to use your head voice instead, but that is another topic for another day. A lot of people are not fond of falsetto singers, mostly because they have a tendency to injure themselves fairly often. However, there are a lot of successful singers who are in fact falsetto singers like Adele and Ed Sheeran, both of which had previous vocal cord surgeries to remove the vocal nodules which are a side effect of using their falsetto voice for a long period of time.

I am not here to argue if you should or should not use your falsetto voice, you have to work with what you got if you are using your falsetto voice consciously then just go ahead and use it. The problem is that most female singers who want to learn how to sing falsetto are that they actually do not learn with the correct falsetto songs, as some songs which might seem falsetto are actually sung with a head voice.

Although the difference between the two is not so easy to pick up as a listener, but as someone who is singing the song, they will definitely notice the difference. Some falsetto female singers often have a problem with vocal fry, although this is not limited only to females falsetto singers but they are more prone to have it. If you are having some problems with vocal fry, then my recommendation is to read my article which might shed some light on why you have it What causes vocal fry? ( How to get rid of vocal fry? ).

How To Sing Falsetto Female?

Singing in falsetto as a female can be a beautiful and versatile vocal technique. To access your falsetto range, start by warming up your voice with gentle vocal exercises and ensuring proper posture and breath support. Relax your throat and vocal cords, allowing for light and airy sound production.

Focus on producing sound from the head resonators rather than the chest, lifting your soft palate and imagining the sound floating above your vocal cords. Experiment with different vowel shapes and mouth positions to find a comfortable and consistent sound. Gradually increase your vocal range in falsetto by practicing scales and exercises specifically designed for developing this vocal register.

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Sing Quietly

While most female singers would want to have a strong falsetto voice, the truth is that most of them will not be able to develop a strong falsetto voice. Falsetto singers who have a strong voice sound really good and this is why so many female singers would want to develop a strong falsetto voice. If you are new to falsetto singing, then my recommendation is to start with quiet singing, which is basically singing but quietly.

The main reason why you should start singing quietly is that oftentimes when singers sing out loud with their falsetto voice they tend to switch to their head voice right during the singing of some of the higher notes. Although there is a lot of argument about singing falsetto vs head voice, but it is rather pointless, as most singers who sing with their falsetto voice do it because they would never be able to sing the higher notes with their head voice.

Open Your Mouth Wide Enough

Most beginner singers actually do not open their mouths wide enough when they are using their falsetto voice. If you are one of these singers then you will need to learn how to open up your mouth while using falsetto. The falsetto voice needs a lot of air, and even if you have a good breathing technique but you do not open your mouth wide enough to allow the air to come out then you will not be able to use your falsetto voice to its full potential.

Odds are that you were never taught that you are not opening your mouth wide enough while using falsetto. My recommendation is to go in front of the mirror and observe how you open your mouth while singing, now compare it to the singer whose song you have just sung. A common problem with falsetto singers is the cracking sound that some of them make if you are one of them then just open your mouth wide open and that is how to sing falsetto without cracking.

Practice Opera Singing

Singing at opera songs can be a great way to improve your falsetto voice, most but not all opera singers are actually masters of falsetto singing. Although it might be difficult to get into any opera, luckily there are a lot of amateur opera singer groups with whom you can practice. Alternatively, some opera houses also take interns who help around and are actually trained, the problem with this is that some opera houses have some requirements which you need to fulfill.

If singing at an opera is out of the question for you, then you should try to join a church choir. It is relatively easy to get into a choir and what is great about the is that you will probably learn more about your voice than any vocal teacher could ever teach you. Another great thing about singing in a choir is that there will be a lot of people with different types of voices singing together, you might even have tenors singing falsetto.

Use Vibrato Falsetto

You will probably come across a lot of people who will say that the vibrato falsetto isn’t a real thing, however, this is far from the truth. Not only it exists but it also can be developed, although the vibrato effect is not only limited to female falsetto singers but generally speaking they are the best at vibrato falsetto. Vibrato is all about your pitch and how you lower it or raise it, oftentimes it is done in quick succession which not all falsetto singers can pull off.

This is why a lot of falsetto singers who attempt vibrato falsetto fail miserably, the main problem again is the airflow and the control of the air coming out while singing. Falsetto needs a lot of air to sound natural, when you also use vibrato falsetto then you put an additional strain on your vocal cords and on your body. If you want to learn how to vibrato then it is absolutely necessary to learn how to control your airflow.

The trick is that you should hold your breath for a split second right before you go into vibrato falsetto, this way you will have a larger airflow through your vocal cords although only temporarily, which should be enough to create the falsettos vibrato effect.

Breathe As A Falsetto

As falsetto does need a lot of air to sound good, your ability to breathe correctly will impact the way your falsetto sounds. This is why so many people do not like falsetto singers, as some falsetto singers do not know how to actually inhale enough air to make their falsetto sound good and somewhat natural. I have written several in-depth articles about breathing exercises for singers, my recommendation is to read Why is breathing important in singing? ( Top 6 Reasons ).

The problem with some female falsetto singers is that they do not have the ability to inhale as much air as their falsetto voice needs, this is mostly because their frame is a lot smaller than the male frame and they simply can not inhale as much air. A lot of female falsetto singers struggle with getting enough air, oftentimes forcing themselves to inhale way too much air than their bodies can handle. If you are one of these singers then my recommendation is to lower your pitch and the actual volume of your falsetto voice, this way you will not be needing so much air.

Eliminate The Cracking Effect

The cracking effect can be fairly noticeable for falsetto singers, especially for beginner falsetto singers. While some cracking is normal in anybody’s voice, your goal as a singer should be to make it less noticeable. Generally speaking, the cracking sound happens when you are transitioning from your chest voices to your falsetto voice, it simply means that you make a small break while you are transitioning.

The problem is that way too many falsetto singers have extremely noticeable cracking sounds once they are transitioning, while eliminating this cracking sound is impossible, although there are a few things that you can do to make it less noticeable. My personal recommendation is to simply slow down, far too often female falsetto singers sing the songs as fast as they can. Generally speaking, this is mostly because they do not have good air control and they will sing the song faster just so that they do not go out of breath while they are transitioning from one vocal register to another.

Sing Falsetto With Your Vocal Range

The first thing in learning to sing falsetto as a female is to actually know your vocal range, this might be a lot harder if you are a beginner singer. Singers who teach themselves how to sing without anybody’s help will have an extremely difficult time identifying their true vocal range. My recommendation is to book a session with a vocal coach who can help you identify your vocal range, you can also use some online apps but these generally are hit and miss, mostly miss and I would not rely on them.

One of the big problems with the falsetto voice, no matter, if you are a male or female, is that there is a lot of confusion if the falsetto voice is actually part of the vocal range. If you as different people they will tell you contradictory answers, luckily for you I have written an in-depth article on it Does vocal range include falsetto? ( The short Answer ). To sum it up you should include your falsetto voice in your vocal range if you are using it intentionally if you find yourself going into falsetto while you are using your head voice unintentionally then you should not include it in your vocal range.

Relax Your Vocal Cords

If you want to truly learn how to sing falsetto then you will need to learn to relax. Relaxing before singing is important no matter what voice you sing with, but arguably it is even more important when you sing falsetto. The muscles on your throat which control the vocal cords need to be relaxed, this is why after the flu you will not be able to sing falsetto as these muscles will be inflated and tense.

These muscles’ main functions are to either stretch or shorten your vocal cords, oftentimes in rapid succession while singing. My personal recommendation, in addition to relaxing, is to also drink some honey and lemon tea, these will dislodge the accumulated mucus on your vocal cords and your throat muscles which will relax the vocal cord muscles more efficiently.

Key Takeaways

  • To sing falsetto as a female, start by relaxing your throat and allowing the sound to come from your head voice. Focus on lightening your vocal tone and producing a higher-pitched, breathy sound.
  • Practice exercises that help you develop control and strengthen your falsetto range. This can include scales, sirens, and sliding exercises that gradually ascend into your falsetto range.
  • Take care of your vocal health by staying hydrated, warming up your voice before singing, and avoiding excessive strain or tension. Regular practice and vocal exercises can help expand your falsetto range and improve your overall singing abilities.


Can anyone learn to sing falsetto?

Yes, falsetto singing is a technique that can be learned by most individuals with practice and vocal training. While some people may naturally have an easier time accessing their falsetto range, with proper technique and guidance, anyone can develop and improve their falsetto singing skills.

How do you sing falsetto properly?

To sing falsetto properly, focus on relaxed vocal production, maintaining breath support, and allowing the sound to resonate in the head voice. It’s important to avoid excessive tension in the throat and strive for a light, airy tone while still maintaining control and pitch accuracy.

Is the highest female voice falsetto?

No, the highest female voice range is typically achieved through the use of head voice rather than falsetto. Head voice is a natural extension of the chest voice that allows female singers to access their higher registers while maintaining a full, connected sound.

What gender has a falsetto?

While falsetto is often associated with male singers, both males and females have the capability to use falsetto. In male singers, falsetto refers to the high, airy range above their modal or chest voice, while in female singers, it is commonly referred to as head voice.