How To Make Your Voice Deeper On Mic? ( 11 Easy Ways )

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Most microphones will be able to pick up the sound you produce, the problem is that the higher the quality of the microphone is the more likely it is to pick up the full spectrum of your voice. In this case, if you have a naturally deep voice then you will have a deep voice with a mic, on the other hand, if you don’t then you will have to improvise on how to make your voice deeper with a mic.

You can make your voice deeper on mic by using a condenser microphone, using a pop filter, working out, using a pitch transposer, using a shotgun microphone, using mobile apps, slowing down, getting close to the microphone, warming up your voice, getting a deep voice naturally, and by drinking dairy products. You should start by simply slowing down while you speak or sing, and focusing on amplifying the vibrations of your vocal cords while you are using your lower-pitched voice.

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Everybody’s voice sounds different when you record yourself with a microphone. Usually, people tend to find that their voice sounds fairly bad, although this is normal because it is probably the first time you have listened to your voice. Sooner or later you will get comfortable with your mic voice, and even then you might not like what you hear. Some people sound monotone with a mic, while others have a squeaky voice.

It is fairly rare that someone has a good microphone voice, in general, a good microphone voice is a deeper voice, although this isn’t necessarily true if you are a singer. In today’s technology-oriented world, it isn’t hard at all to make your voice deeper with a microphone. There are even special voice deepening microphones, although there isn’t really a need for them as there is plenty of free software that will make your voice deeper.

The problem is that a lot of people who use these voice changers have to adjust the settings every time they use a different microphone. There are even a lot of singers who use either voice deepening microphones or software, although it isn’t the best idea, as once you go to sing in front of a live audience, then everybody will hear your true voice, which is probably not that deep. Usually, males are the ones who want to have a deeper microphone voice, although there are plenty of females who want to know how to make your voice deeper as a woman.

My personal recommendation if you are planning to use your voice professionally like a singer or a radio host, is to not use any voice changers or voice deepening microphones. Sooner or later you will have to use another microphone that doesn’t have all the settings which makes your voice sound deeper. My recommendation is to make your voice sound deeper naturally, for more information check out my recent article How to make your voice deeper permanently ( In 17 Ways ).

How To Make Your Voice Deeper On Mic?

If you’re looking to make your voice sound deeper on a microphone, there are a few techniques you can try. First, work on controlling your breath and using diaphragmatic breathing to support your voice. This can help create a deeper resonance. Additionally, focus on relaxing your throat muscles and avoiding tension. Experiment with adjusting the microphone position and distance to find the optimal placement for capturing a deeper tone. You can also try speaking from a lower part of your vocal range and practicing vocal exercises that target the lower register. Remember to maintain good vocal health by staying hydrated and avoiding excessive strain on your voice.

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Use A Condenser Microphone

The main reason why many people do not have a deeper voice on the mic is that they are using a microphone that isn’t the best quality. There are hundreds of brands of microphones, and with some research, you will find that not all of them will record your true voice. As technology is progressing at a fast pace you will notice that microphones tend to get smaller and smaller. You probably have a smartphone, and if you also have the additional headsets which come with them then you know how small the microphone actually is.

One of the main problems as to why most microphones do not record your true voice is because producing these smaller microphones is a lot cheaper and they do have a higher return in terms of profit. The microphone is basically a speaker that operates the opposite way as a speaker does. Microphones that are highly recommended for singers, in general, are condenser microphones, more specifically either cardioid condenser microphones or large diaphragm condenser microphones.

These condenser microphones have a diaphragm, which will vibrate as you produce your sound and this will allow the microphone to record the true spectrum of your voice. Smaller microphones that are meant for the general purpose have a fairly small diaphragm which will not be able to pick up all the sounds you produce and this is why it probably isn’t even recording your deeper voice. If you use a high-quality microphone and you still don’t like how you sound then check out my recent article for probable causes Why does my singing sound awful recorded? ( Top 10 Reasons ).

Use A Pop Filter

Pop filters are the filters that you place on the microphone, in such a way that it is always facing you. The main role of a pop filter is to filter out the popping noise which you make while inhaling and exhaling. Generally speaking, these are meant for high quality or even professional microphones which are soo good at recording your voice that they will actually pick up the sounds which your body is producing.

While you are inhaling and exhaling you will produce a popping sound while you are switching between the two of them, you will not be able to hear it with your ears, but if the microphone will pick it up then you will probably notice it in the recording. The main reason why a pop filter is a good idea to use if you want a deeper mic voice is that while you are speaking or singing in your deeper voice you will create a lot of resonance and this will affect how your voice will be picked up by the microphone.

Work Out

By far one of the healthiest ways to sound deeper with a microphone is to work out. While you are working out you will get a boost in testosterone production, no matter if you are a male or female. This excess testosterone after a couple of months of working out will make your voice deeper naturally. Although even if you have a naturally deep sounding voice, and you still do not have a deep microphone voice then the most probable reason for this is that you are using a low-quality microphone.

The problem with working out to get a deeper voice is that it will take some time and a lot of effort on your part. It is not enough to go to the gym, once in a while and expect miracles in terms of your voice. Consistency is the key, go to the gym at least 3 times per week and allow your body to rest and have a healthy diet, this way you will notice your voice will get deeper a lot faster. If you want to know more information about how working out affects your voice, then check out my recent article Does working out change your voice ( Yes! But How? ).

Use A Pitch Transposer

Pitch transposers are also known as harmonizers, these are devices that will alter how you sound on the mic. Most of the pitch transposers do come with specialized software with which you can adjust how you sound with a microphone. The problem is that these are fairly expensive, and if you do not already have a high-quality microphone, then there is simply no point in getting one. In general, these devices are meant for professionals only, so if you want to have a deeper voice on the phone or with a mic while gaming, then it is rather pointless.

Use A Shotgun Microphone

These shotgun microphones are unidirectional, which simply means that they record from one direction, and they will not record any other sound which isn’t coming from right in front of them. You have probably seen a lot of these shotgun microphones, as they are used at conferences and even in the government. These microphones will make your voice deeper in general because they will allow you to stand a little bit further from the microphone.

Use Mobile Apps

There are a lot of mobile apps that do change your voice, however, there are some that will actually teach you how to get a deeper voice. My recommendation is to try out a couple of these and see if they will actually make your voice deeper or not. The problem with these apps is that they often use only the microphone which is built-in your smartphone and you will have to troubleshoot how to add an external microphone, other than that they are a fairly easy way to either make your voice deeper or to learn how to make your voice deeper.

Slowing Down While Speaking

Oftentimes, the main problem of why people have a high pitched voice on the mic is because they speak fast. If you have ever heard someone charismatic speaking with a deep voice then you have probably noticed that they speak fairly slowly and that they are very deliberate in their pronunciation. My recommendation is, instead of investing in some high tech voice changer is to start practicing speaking or even singing at a slower pace.

People who tend to speak fast, have a fairly high pitched voice, and sometimes it is very hard to keep up with them. If you know that you are a fast talker, then you have to understand that everybody has their own pace, and if you are speaking way too fast they will simply stop to listen eventually.

Get Close To The Microphone

One way to get a deeper microphone voice is to actually get closer to the microphone, this way the microphone can pick up the full range of your voice, and if your voice is a naturally deep voice then you will probably sound a lot deeper. The problem is that people with high-pitched voices will have a hard time making their voice sound deeper with this method, as the microphone will pick up even the highest of their pitches and it might sound like they have an even higher voice than normal.

This is also called the proximity effect, as you get closer to the microphone your bass or baritone voice will be a lot easier to get picked up by the microphone and this is why getting closer to the microphone will actually make you sound deeper.

Warm Up Your Voice

Warming up your voice will make you sound deeper if you have a naturally deep voice. On the other hand people with a naturally high-pitched voice, will still see some deepening of the voice, depending on how they have actually warmed up their voice, although in some cases it will not work at all.

Get A Deeper Voice Naturally

The problem which most people do not seem to understand is that no matter what kind of microphone they use, it will pick up the sounds they produce. If you have a naturally deep voice you will have a deeper microphone voice, if you have a high pitched voice then you will sound high pitched no matter what kind of microphone you use. This is why my personal recommendation to you is to get a deeper voice naturally.

Once you have developed a deeper voice naturally you will notice that the quality of the microphone isn’t that important, as long as you are fairly constant in your pitch, you will have a deeper-sounding microphone voice.

Drink Dairy Products

There are some drinks that make your voice deeper, although if you are a singer these are not recommended. If you want to have a natural-sounding deep voice then you can drink milk, coffee, or any other dairy products. These dairy products will actually coat your vocal cords with a thick layer of grease which when talking will make you sound a lot deeper. If you are not a fan of coffee then you can use tea with milk, as these also do the job.

In conclusion

As you can see getting a deeper mic voice isn’t hard at all, the problem is that most people do not actually know how to make their voices deeper by simply lowering the tone and pitch of their voice. On the other hand, even if you do not have the ability to control your voice, then you still have plenty of options on how to make your mic voice deeper.


How do I deepen my mic voice?

To create a deeper vocal effect on a microphone, you can experiment with adjusting the EQ settings to boost the lower frequencies and add a touch of reverb. However, it’s important to maintain healthy vocal technique and avoid straining your voice while attempting to create a deeper sound.

What makes your voice get deeper?

The depth of your voice is primarily influenced by the length and thickness of your vocal cords. During puberty, hormone-induced changes cause the vocal cords to grow longer and thicker in males, resulting in a deeper voice. However, genetics, age, and vocal training can also play a role in the depth of one’s voice.

Why is my voice so high?

Various factors can contribute to a naturally higher voice, including genetic predisposition, vocal cord length and thickness, and overall vocal technique. Hormonal changes during puberty, particularly in females, typically result in higher-pitched voices.

How do I make my voice deeper on OBS?

To achieve a deeper voice on OBS (Open Broadcaster Software), you can use audio filters or plugins that allow you to adjust the EQ and add effects to your voice. Experiment with lowering the frequencies in the lower range and adding subtle reverb or compression, but be cautious not to strain your voice while attempting to modify its sound.