How To Stop Shouting When Singing? ( In 10 Easy Steps )

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Far too often singers make the big mistake of believing that in order to sound powerful that they need to shout, however, this is not true at all. Most people can spot the difference between shouting and having a powerful voice, so you as a singer will have to focus on developing an actually powerful voice rather than trying to fake it with shouting or screaming.

To stop shouting when singing, it is essential to redirect the pressure away from your face, throat, neck, and chest, and instead engage your diaphragm. By shifting the focus to diaphragmatic support, you can achieve a more controlled and balanced vocal production. Additionally, incorporating a gentle vibrato can be beneficial, as it imparts a softer quality to your voice and steers it away from sounding strained or forced. This adjustment in technique will guide your voice towards a different and more controlled direction, fostering a more relaxed and pleasant sound.

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There are a lot of singers who confuse singing with shouting, while some songs do require you to scream or even shout, but oftentimes what tends to happen is that singers either mistime the shouting or actually think that while they are shouting their voice sounds more powerful. Generally speaking, this tends to happen to beginner singers or to singers who have taught themselves to sing.

The main problem with these singers is that they lack a clear direction and focus on where they want to improve their voice. Beginner singers have probably heard that they need to have a powerful singing voice as this is what makes a great singer, however, they often get confused about how to correctly develop their powerful voice, and oftentimes they just end up shouting. There are some singers who actually start shouting when singing due to nervousness if you are one of these singers then check out my article to find out how to calm yourself How to not be nervous when singing a solo? ( Top 13 Easy Ways ).

There are some types of songs where you have to yell and sing, although yelling and shouting are fairly the same but when somebody is singing with either yelling or shouting you will definitely know the difference. A lot of singers pick up bad habits while they are still learning how to sing, and it can be extremely difficult to unlearn these bad habits. On the bright side if you are one of those singers who is shouting while singing is that you have learned how to properly breathe while you are singing, allegedly.

The problem is mainly with singers who do not have a proper breathing technique and they still shout while they are singing. Although they lack the amount of air and pressure to actually shout in order to maintain their shouting fairly consistent while they are singing. What ends up happening is that once in a while these singers will shout during the song, usually not even at the appropriate time and you will probably hear them gasping for air throughout the song.

How To Stop Shouting When Singing?

If you find yourself shouting while singing, it’s essential to focus on proper vocal technique and control to prevent strain and maintain vocal health. Start by practicing good breath support and control. Take deep breaths from your diaphragm and engage your core muscles to provide support for your voice. Pay attention to the volume and intensity of your singing, and aim for a balanced sound that is powerful without pushing or straining.

Experiment with different vocal exercises that help you find a relaxed and controlled sound. Work on maintaining a relaxed jaw, throat, and facial muscles while singing, as tension in these areas can contribute to shouting. Focus on proper vowel formation and resonance placement to create a more focused and controlled sound. It’s also important to warm up your voice before singing and avoid overexertion or excessive vocal strain.

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Learn The Difference Between screaming Vs Singing

If you have ever been to an audition you probably heard a lot of people screaming or shouting their songs. In addition to a lack of experience, the problem might be that they are tone-deaf. Or that they can simply not synchronize their singing with the actual song which means that they can not sing either in tone or pitch. While some singers do know that they have a problem as they are shouting instead of singing, but you will find some singers who are simply delusional and they actually think that as they are shouting while singing that their voice is actually powerful.

Learn Riyaaz

If you are a beginner singer then you probably do not know what riyaaz is, riyaaz is a singing practice that comes from somewhere in India. This is a fairly ancient singing practice technique and it has two main goals. The first main goal of riyaaz is to actually teach you how to sing better, while the second goal is discipline and focus. Riyaaz is unlike any other singing practice you heard about, it is fairly intense and is mostly oriented to goal-driven singers.

Riyaaz is a fairly intensive practice that often requires singers to wake up early in the morning and practice singing and breathing techniques for several hours with few breaks. One of the drawbacks of riyaaz is that you will find it extremely difficult to learn it as there are very few reliable sources in English. My recommendation if you want to find out more about this singing practice is to watch some youtube videos, even if they are in Hindi and to turn on the captions so that you will understand them.

Practice Breathing

Far too often singers who are shouting while singing do not have a good breathing technique and you end up hearing more of them gasping for air than their actual singing. As most beginner singers do confuse shouting with having a powerful voice, the truth is that you will need to have good breath control for a powerful voice or even for songs that do require you to shout. My personal recommendation is to read my recent article, this way you will learn to breathe correctly while singing Proper breathing technique for singing ( Top 12 Techniques ).

Beginner singers put themselves under a lot of pressure, in order to have a competitive edge over other singers. The problem arises when you force yourself to such an extent that your voice and lungs can not properly and naturally function. This will result in you gasping for air and veins popping out of your head, which isn’t a pretty sight, and the singing will probably be as well atrocious.

Record Yourself

If you want to stop shouting while you are singing then the easiest way is to record yourself and face reality. You will probably find that you are shouting so hard that the actual recording sounds distorted, you might think that the actual microphone is bad, but the truth is that most microphones will have a hard time recording your shouting as it causes far too many vibrations, unlike normal singing, does.

While it is fairly normal to sound awkward for the first time when you listen to your recording as you are probably not used to hearing yourself sing. However, if the problem persists for longer periods of time then you might have some vocal or technical problems, if this is the case my recommendation is to read my article so that you can troubleshoot the problem Why does my singing sound awful recorded? ( Top 10 Reasons ).

Calm Down

Oftentimes people do make mistakes due to nervousness, the problem is that this tends to happen at the worst times possible like at an audition. Even some talented singers have problems on stage, some will shout while some will even stutter, and neither of these will land you that big opportunity. Some beginner singers actually forget the lyrics while they are singing as their main concern is not to make a fool of themselves but rather than focusing on singing as best as they can.

Once they forget the lyrics they either make some babbled sound or they simply shout the parts which they can remember, while this might sound hilarious to the audience for the singer, on the other hand, it can become a very bad experience. One of the easiest ways to calm down is by focusing on breathing, inhaling as deeply as you can and holding your breath for a couple of seconds, and then releasing it.

You can find a lot of these calming exercises on my site, just browse around a bot or use the search bar.

Learn How To Sing High Notes Correctly

Usually what tends to happen for most singers who shout is that they do not have the vocal range to sing high notes. Instead, they will either consciously or not shout these high notes rather than actually singing them. The problem is that not everybody can learn how to sing high notes properly, generally speaking, singers without a vocal coach will try to improvise even if they know that they can not sing high notes correctly and usually, this will end up in them either screaming or shouting.

If you as a singer find it difficult to sing high notes then my recommendation is to either learn how to sing high notes properly or simply avoid all costs of singing songs that do require high notes. The problem is that if you want to become a successful singer then you will need to learn how to sing high notes eventually. In order to learn how to sing high notes properly, you will first need to calm down especially while you are singing the high notes.

Lower The Volume Of The Music

There are a lot of singers who sing with music blasting in the background. This inadvertently will make them sing louder than is required and sometimes they will even shout while singing. If you are one of those singers who blasts the music while they are recording themselves then you might find that simply lowering the volume of the music might help you not to shout while you are singing.

The problem is if that you are blasting your music while you are singing that you will have to sing louder than the actual music which will end up making you shout or even scream while you are singing. You need to have a comfortable level of volume, in such a way that you do not have to put extra effort to sing over the actual song.

Learn To Project Your Voice

Singers who are able to project their voices tend to have an extra edge over singers who do not possess this capability. The problem is that some singers take this projection too far and end up screaming or shouting while they are singing. Projecting your voice through singing is extremely important, the trick is that you have to do it correctly otherwise you will sound fake, or you might even distort your voice to a point where the actual projecting will make you sound awful.

In order to project your voice properly without screaming, you will have to learn how to channel your emotions through your voice. This is fairly hard, especially for beginner singers but there are some exceptions of singers who have a natural ability to project their emotions.

Get A Vocal Coach

Oftentimes you can unlearn your shouting habit while singing with the help of a vocal coach. The problem is that vocal coaches are fairly expensive and it will take some time to unlearn your shouting habit. The good news is that unlearning your shouting habit only depends on your commitment, some people can get rid of this habit in a matter of just a couple of weeks, while for others it might take a couple of months.

Learn To Sing In Tune

By far one of the main reasons why you are shouting while singing is that you probably can not sing in tune. There are far too many beginner singers who do not sing in tune, although their chances of making it as a successful singer are fairly low. If you are serious about singing then you have to learn how to sing in tune. Your ability to sing in tune will make or break your potential career as a singer.

What tends to happen is if you do not have the ability to sing in tune that you will try to catch up with the song at certain points. This not only sounds awful but it might even make you shout while you are trying to catch up with the song.

Key Takeaways

  • You can stop shouting when singing by learning the difference between screaming and singing, learning riyaaz, by recording yourself, calming yourself down, learning how to sing high notes, adjusting the volume of the music, learning to project properly, getting a vocal coach and by learning how to sing in tune.
  • Start with gentle vocal warm-up exercises to prepare your voice and prevent shouting. This includes humming, lip trills, and gentle sirens to engage your vocal cords without straining them.
  • Focus on developing strong breath control and support. Adequate breath support allows you to project your voice without resorting to shouting. Practice diaphragmatic breathing and engage your core muscles to provide the necessary support for your voice.


How can I sing without being too loud?

To sing without being too loud, focus on controlling your breath and using proper vocal technique. Practice breath control exercises, experiment with adjusting your volume, and aim for a balanced sound by finding the right level of vocal projection for the given context.

Is it good to shout while singing?

No, it is not advisable to shout while singing. Shouting can strain your vocal cords, lead to vocal fatigue, and compromise your vocal health. It’s important to use proper vocal technique, support your voice with breath control, and avoid excessive vocal force.

Why do singers yell?

Singers may yell or produce loud sounds in certain musical genres or specific song sections for artistic expression or dramatic effect. However, it’s important to distinguish between controlled, well-supported vocal projection and excessive, harmful vocal strain.

What is shouting singing?

Shouting singing refers to a style of singing that involves producing loud, forceful sounds with a rough or aggressive tone. It is often associated with certain music genres like rock or metal. However, it’s important to approach this style of singing with caution and proper vocal technique to avoid vocal damage.