Soundproof Singing Mask ( Pros And Cons )

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Soundproof singing masks are a fairly new invention, most of these do silence your voice quite a bit and the way they do it is by using soundproof material. As for how much soundproofing these masks can achieve, the answer to this depends on the materials used to soundproof the mask, but in general, it is somewhere around 20-30 DB.

Soundproof singing masks do work and they tend to do a fairly good job at canceling the sounds while you are singing. Just keep in mind that most of these singing masks are made for vocal warm up sessions and not actually to sing with them. On the other hand, these soundproof singing masks are definitely better than singing into a pillow.

A lot of singers do not have a place where they can sing out loud due to them disturbing the neighbors or their families. Luckily you have several options when it comes to practicing without disturbing others, while I have described most of them in my recent article How to practice singing quietly? ( 10 Easy Ways ), this time I will explain what a soundproof singing mask is and if it is any good, as I got a lot of emails asking me what it actually is.

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There are several brands selling this kind of soundproofing singing mask and all of them work on the same principle, to absorb as much of the sound you produce as possible. This product is mainly targeted toward singers who want to warm up their voices without disturbing others. Although a lot of people think that you can use this to also sing for hours it will be kind of difficult as I will explain the cons and pros of these masks.

If you have ever searched for such a mask you probably came across the beltbox mask, although there are other companies providing more or less the same product. I am not going to go much in detail as to how the product is actually made or how the idea of the product came to be. Through time, singers had to come up with some way in order not to disturb others while they are practicing singing, most of these DIY noise-canceling methods were as simple as singing into the pillow.

However, as the age and technology progressed, it was only a matter o time till somebody invented a noise-canceling mask for singing. If you have stumbled across my site you are probably wondering if you should get a noise-canceling face mask, and you have come to the right place.

Soundproof Singing Mask

A soundproof singing mask, also known as a vocal booth or isolation mask, is a specialized device designed to minimize external noise and control sound reflections, allowing singers to practice and record their vocals with enhanced clarity and minimal interference. These masks are typically made of sound-absorbing materials that reduce echoes and reverberations. They feature an enclosed design that covers the mouth and nose, creating a controlled acoustic environment.

The mask’s interior is lined with soundproofing foam or panels to absorb and dampen sound waves, preventing them from escaping or reflecting back into the microphone. Soundproof singing masks are particularly useful for home recording studios or situations where external noise is a concern.

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These products like beltbox are fairly simple and you do not need to be a rocket scientist to figure out how they should function. As they do not have any electrical components they are also waterproof, some promo material is also showing that you can, in fact, use it under the shower. Although the way it is portrayed is kind of hilarious, the guy under the shower is washing with one hand and holding the noise-canceling mouth mask on their face with the other hand.

  1. Breathing with a soundproof singing mask: These masks usually have small orifices where you can breathe through, the problem is that oftentimes these are way too small to get enough air in. Depending on the material of which they are made this will also have different smells associated with it, like smells of glue, plastic, or rubber. If you do some specific vocal warm up with one of these soundproof masks where you have to inhale and exhale quickly then the simple act of breathing can become a challenge.
  2. Condensation in a soundproof singing mask: Most of these soundproof masks are either made of rubber or of plastic, these do not absorb any water, but the problem is that they do facilitate condensation. While you are singing the air which you exhale, is a lot hotter than the surrounding air, when this hot air comes in contact with the room temperature soundproof mask it will condensate sooner or later.
  3. Soundproof singing masks have bad airflow: Most of these soundproof masks only have the two orifices at your nose which you use to inhale. The problem is that most of them do not have orifices at your mouth in order to let out the air which you exhale while breathing. As most of these masks are fairly airtight and with only two orifices to breathe, once you start singing some of the air will go out of these nostrils while some will go back right into your throat, and that is a whole another level of warming up your vocal cords.
  4. Soundproof singing mask limit jaw movement: As the whole premise of these vocal soundproofing masks is to not let out the sound you make, this, in turn, will make them fairly airtight once you put the mask on. While most singers do not have an issue with it, but singes with larger jaws or heads will be uncomfortable using it.
  5. Soundproof singing mask can be uncomfortable: These masks are usually held in place by a strapon, depending on the quality of the mask and the strapon it could get uncomfortable for some people sooner or later.
  6. Soundproof singing masks trap heat: As I have previously mentioned all the excess moisture while inhaling will be stuck in the mask, and so will the heat which you are producing.


A vocal dampener for singers is a good idea, the question is if it is an idea that is actually useful to singers, and this will depend on how the mask is made and how well it performs. Most of these masks do absorb the sound which you are producing while you are singing. You only need to keep in mind to use it for its intended purpose, you can not simply use it for hours to sing as these masks are made mostly for vocal warmup purposes.

  1. Soundproof singing masks are actually soundproof: Most of these soundproof masks do absorb around 20-30 DB of sound, which is fairly good. This way you can simply warm up your voice in the next room and you will not bother anybody with your singing.
  2. Soundproof singing masks are easy to clean: As these do not have any electrical components and are usually made of rubber or plastic, you will find them extremely easy to clean.
  3. Proximity: Some of these masks are made with a high-quality soundproofing material which means that even if you hold the mask in front of you a couple of inches away they will still absorb most of the sound.
  4. Soundproof singing masks are convenient for some: Most people who use these masks use them out of convenience, as you do not have a lot of options on how to warm up your voice without disturbing anybody.
  5. Soundproof singing masks are affordable: These masks are fairly cheap, the actual price will depend on the quality of the materials they are using.
  6. Soundproof singing masks are durable: As these masks do not require any power, and have no moving parts it will be extremely difficult to damage them if you are using them correctly.
  7. Soundproof singing masks do work: Any soundproofing mask’s main goal is to absorb the voice of the singer, and most of these masks do achieve that.

My Recommendation

You will have to try out one of these soundproofing masks to see if it actually helps you or not. For singers who live in a crowded city, I can imagine that these masks can be extremely helpful.  If you choose to get one of these soundproof masks, then my personal recommendation is to clean it with water and some kind of antibacterial soap. Most of these soundproof masks are not coated with any protective substance and when the material comes in contact with your skin it could cause a rash.

Key Takeaways

  • A soundproof singing mask is a specialized tool designed to reduce sound transmission and external noise interference during singing practice or performance.
  • It typically covers the mouth and nose area, providing a physical barrier for sound containment and reducing the volume of sound emitted.
  • The mask is made with sound-absorbing materials that help to absorb and dampen sound waves, resulting in a more isolated and controlled acoustic environment for the singer.


How can I soundproof my singing?

Soundproofing your singing space can be achieved by using materials such as acoustic foam, soundproof curtains, or adding mass to walls and floors. Additionally, creating an isolated space with proper insulation and sealing any gaps or cracks can help minimize sound leakage.

What is the mask that muffles voice?

The mask that muffles voice is commonly known as a vocal dampener or sound-reducing mask. It is a device specifically designed to attenuate and dampen the sound produced by the voice, providing a quieter singing experience.

Does beltbox work?

Yes, the Beltbox is a portable vocal dampening device that can effectively reduce the volume of your voice when singing or vocalizing. It helps create a quieter singing experience and is often used for practicing or performing in shared spaces.

How do you muffle sound between rooms?

To muffle sound between rooms, you can use techniques like adding soundproofing materials to walls, using weatherstripping on doors, and sealing any gaps or openings. Installing soundproof curtains, acoustic panels, or utilizing bookshelves filled with books can also help absorb and reduce sound transmission.