Can You Train Your Voice To Sing? ( In 6 Easy Steps )

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Most people think that singing is something only a select few individuals can do, but this is far from the truth as you can simply train anybody to sing. It is just that simple, with enough training you could become a better singer in just a matter of a couple of months.

Vocal training involves the deliberate practice of refining your vocal cords and mastering breath control techniques to enhance the quality, range, and endurance of your singing voice. Through a combination of vocal exercises and warm-ups, voice training aims to optimize the sound of your voice while minimizing the risk of vocal strain or injury.

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There are a lot of people that falsely believe that only the gifted and talented ones can truly sing. The truth is that while there are some people that are born with a natural ability to sing, but the vast majority of successful singers have actually taught themselves how to sing, without any inherited talent from their parents. This is the age-old question if hard work can beat talent, and it certainly can and there are plenty of successful singers to prove that.

Virtually everybody can learn how to sing, you just need the right training which works for you. While some singers train themselves and their voice how to sing, and they become very successful, on the other hand, there are singers who rely on teachers to achieve success. No matter what kind of training you as a singer choose to follow if you are determined you will become a successful singer one day.

As I have mentioned in my previous post Does singing every day improve your voice? ( How and Why? ), your ability to sing or even the lack of it is mainly determined by how much you practice. While some singers take practicing singing very seriously, some almost never practice and these singers will see the negative consequences once they try to stand out of the crowd and make it a successful singer.

The point of training your voice to sing is to actually make things a lot easier for you in the long run. Although when people think of training their voice they oftentimes think that you have to train constantly with a goal in mind, although this is true, but your main training practices should be around improving both the positive and negative aspects of your singing. Just keep in mind that training no matter what takes time, but the more you do it the better you become at it.

The good news about training your voice is that you can do it comfortably in your home, as it is fairly easy to improve your singing voice at home mostly due to the fact that home is where you feel safe and this alone will give you a massive boost of confidence when you are training your voice at home.

Can You Train Your Voice To Sing?

Absolutely, you can train your voice to sing. Singing is a skill that can be developed and improved through proper training and practice. Just like any other instrument, your voice can be trained to produce desired tones, improve vocal range, enhance breath control, develop pitch accuracy, and refine vocal technique. Voice training involves exercises and techniques that target various aspects of singing, such as posture, breathing, vocal warm-ups, vocal exercises, and repertoire practice. Working with a vocal coach or taking singing lessons can provide valuable guidance, feedback, and personalized instruction tailored to your specific needs.

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Breathing Exercises

While you are training your voice, you not only train your throat muscles and your vocal cords but also your diaphragm. Provided that you know how to breathe while you sing correctly, you will also strengthen your diaphragm. The problem with most beginner singers is that they do not actually know how to breathe correctly while they sing and while they are training their voice they simply force themselves to breathe unnaturally.

This is one of the most common bad habits which beginner singers pick up, and the consequences could be disastrous for their singing career. Simply put it is extremely hard to unlearn something rather than to learn something new. Breathing is a pilar of singing if you get this wrong and continue singing without even knowing how you can breathe you will only limit yourself and your potential singing career.

While breathing exercises for singers might sound and feel boring, but they are vital for every singer. If you are a beginner singer and you do not know how you should breathe while you are singing, check out these breathing exercises in my recent article Proper breathing technique for singing ( Top 12 Techniques ).

Sing Clearly

If you have already started training your voice to sing you have probably noticed that your voice sounds different in the morning and during the evening. Usually, during the morning your voice is a lot deeper, this is valid for both males and females, although a lot more noticeable for females. If you have an audition that day then it is extremely important to train your voice at least a couple of hours before you go to the audition.

By doing this you will clear your voice for singing, simply put while training your voice you will dislodge the excess mucus and phlegm in your throat which actually distorts your voice. In addition to this, it is also vital that you hydrate yourself with lukewarm water while you are training your voice. If you are not adequately hydrated then you will end up with a dry mouth which will put a lot more pressure on your vocal cords and your throat. If you want more information on how to make your voice clear, then check out my article How to have a clear voice for singing ( Fast & Easy ).

Sing Higher Notes

Training your voice to sing higher is oftentimes the goal of beginner singers. the problem with singing higher notes is that not everybody can pull it off correctly for different reasons. Some singers simply have a biological edge over others which lets them sing higher notes effortlessly. Although beginner singers can also pull this off if they train themselves to sing higher notes. One of the most common problems which beginner singers face when singing high notes is that they simply can not maintain them for as long as the song needs them.

Some beginner singers also force themselves to sing higher, even if the song doesn’t require this from them. There is a notion in the modern singing industry that you should be able to sing as high as possible, and the higher you can the better of a singer you are. This is far from the truth as there are plenty of singers who can not sing high notes, and yet they are still a lot of successful singers. If you are a beginner singer and you have trained your voice to sing higher for at least a couple of months and you still see no results, then you might have to rethink your approach towards singing.

This doesn’t mean that your career is over, it’s far from it, simply put you will have to start singing songs that are more suited to your voice and which don’t have high notes in them. Just search around the internet and you will find plenty of them. You should focus on training what you are good at, rather than trying to force yourself to sing in a way that is almost impossible for your body.

Projecting Emotions While Singing

Far too often beginner singers fail at projecting their voice correctly. They either put too much emphasis at the wrong time or they outright forget that they should project their voice which will make them sound monotone. The problem of correctly controlling your voice projection is mainly due to the lack of guidance and focus. Most singers forgot that their job is to entertain other people with their voices, and the only way they will be able to achieve this is if they are projecting their voices correctly.

By far one of the easiest ways to train yourself to project your voice and how to control it is to actually listen. Most singers when they hear a song that they want to sing, actually are trying to imitate the singer, while this is a good idea for some singers, it doesn’t really work for all singers. My recommendation is to close your eyes when you are listening to the song and think of what the singer wants to tell the audience through the song, whether is it a love story a drama, etc.

Although you might have difficulty achieving this with some modern songs as their lyrics are simply nonsensical and they will sing anything as long as the beats of the music sound good. Another way is to look at the artists and look not at their facial expressions but at their body language. As most of our day-to-day communication is not actually through words but with our body language, and by listening to the song you will actually pick up some clues on how to project your voice more efficiently during that song.

Sing In Tune

By far one of the biggest barriers of successful singers and the ones that never make it is their ability to sing in tune, or the lack of it. All songs no matter what kind of genre of music they are will need the singer to sing in tune with the music, considering it being in sync with the music. Even small delays in the tune of the singer will impact the actual song, even something as small as the singer hesitating to sing in tune for a second will make the song seem out of tune.

Although there are a lot of exercises that help singers sing in tune, by far the best practice to achieve this is to train your voice to sing in tune. Simply put the more experience you have with singing the easier singing in tune will be. While it is somewhat of a lot to expect from a beginner singer to sing in tune, however, singers who do have the experience should be able to sing in tune after listening to the song only a couple of times.

Whatever you do as a singer if you want to be able to sing in tune then you will have to train your voice, even if you do not have the ability to sing in tune, with enough training you will be amazed at how good you can actually become.

Use Your Mouth

A lot of beginner singers believe that the voices that they are making are only achieved by using their lips, this is far from the truth although your mouth also does play a big part when it comes to singing. Generally speaking, when beginner singers train their voices they have no problem using their mouths correctly. Once they are in front of people singing it becomes rather difficult for them to control their mouths to help them sing.

The main issue for this is either stress or happiness, when singers get stressed to sing in front of others they will almost forget how to sing. Basically what tends to happen in these cases is that the singer will not open their mouth wide enough to let the sounds come out correctly, this can happen no matter how talented the singer is and it will make the song sound monotone and even awful in some cases.

On the other hand when a singer is full of joy and happiness while singing in front of others, oftentimes they can not help themselves not to smile. Although smiling on a stage looks good, it will not help your singing at all. Once your mouth adopts the smiling position it will be extremely difficult to control the sounds which come out. Mostly due to the fact that when people smile they tend to do it with an open mouth showing their teeth.

Luckily with enough practice singing in front of others, you will be able to properly control your mouth and channel all your emotions into the song.

Key Takeaways

  • Yes, you can train your voice to sing and virtually anybody can train their voice to sing at some level. The more you train your voice to sing the better you will become, although this is not true for all singers. Some singers train their entire life without getting better, usually, this is either because they are not training with the goal of getting better or they have an underlying health issue that prevents them to get better.
  • Voice training involves exercises and techniques to strengthen and control the vocal muscles, improve breath support, expand vocal range, and develop various aspects of singing, such as pitch accuracy, tone quality, and vocal flexibility.
  • Working with a vocal coach or taking singing lessons can provide valuable guidance and feedback to help you train your voice effectively and reach your singing goals.


Can you actually train your voice to sing?

Yes, absolutely! Singing is a skill that can be developed and improved through proper vocal training, practice, and technique. With guidance from a vocal coach or through self-study, you can train your voice to sing in a more controlled, expressive, and confident manner.

Is singing natural or learned?

Both. While some individuals may have a natural inclination or talent for singing, the ability to sing well is primarily learned and developed through training. Even those with less natural aptitude can significantly improve their singing abilities with proper training and practice.

How do I train my voice to sing better?

Training your voice to sing better involves a combination of vocal exercises, proper breathing techniques, posture, vocal warm-ups, and practicing various vocal skills such as pitch, tone, range, and control. Working with a qualified vocal coach can provide personalized guidance and feedback to help you improve and reach your singing goals.

Can I sing if I have a bad voice?

Yes, having a “bad” voice initially does not mean you cannot learn to sing better. With the right training, anyone can improve their singing voice. Vocal training can help develop techniques to enhance your vocal quality, control, and range, enabling you to express yourself confidently through singing.