Fear Of Singing In Front Of Family ( How To Get Over It? )

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It can be extremely difficult for beginner singers to sing in front of others, your first goal as a singer should be to sing in front of your family. Once you can comfortably sing in front of your family then you should take the next step which is singing in front of a crowd. The truth is that you need to have the ability to sing not only in front of your family but in front of complete strangers if you want to become a successful singer one day.

It is common for individuals to experience some level of anxiety when singing in front of family and friends. This stems from the desire to make a positive impression on those closest to us. The fear of potential failure in their presence can contribute to feelings of apprehension. Additionally, family and friends often hold high expectations and can be more critical in their assessments. The combination of these factors can create a sense of judgment that adds to the anxiety.

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A lot of singers fear singing in front of their families, some of them don’t even have any issues singing in front of a crowd but when it comes to singing directly in front of their own family they simply lose it. There are a lot of reasons as to why you are afraid of singing in front of your family but the most relevant one is that you are simply afraid of disappointing them. Family dynamics are very different than friendship dynamics, while it is normal to be judged by our friends and family, however, when it comes to the family for most people their judgment means a lot more than anybody else’s.

Generally speaking, a lot of beginner singers have this problem, some of them even keep their singing secret because they do not know how the family would react or if they will even approve of them singing. There are some families that have laid down a detailed path for their children, including which schools they will go to and what profession they will choose. People who are in such families oftentimes find it very difficult not only to sing in front of them but also to let their family know that they have chosen to be a singer.

One of the biggest factors as to why you are afraid of singing in front of your family is disappointment, most of us love our families and the last thing we want to do is to disappoint them. At this point your main goal is to probably impress your family with your singing, if you want to improve your singing technique, my recommendation is to read my recent article How to improve your singing voice in a week ( 13 Easy Steps ).

Fear Of Singing In Front Of Family

The fear of singing in front of family is a common experience that many individuals can relate to. It may stem from a fear of judgment, self-consciousness, or a desire to meet certain expectations. To overcome this fear, it can be helpful to start by understanding that your family is likely supportive and genuinely interested in your singing. Remind yourself that they are there to enjoy and appreciate your performance, rather than to critique or judge you. Begin by singing in small, comfortable settings, gradually building your confidence.

Consider sharing your fears and insecurities with your family, as they can offer encouragement and reassurance. Remember to focus on the joy and expression that singing brings, rather than perfection or approval.

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How To Sing In Front Of Your Family

Sooner or later you will have to face your fears and sing in front of your family if you can not sing in front of the people who actually love you and care for you, imagine how difficult it will be to sing in front of complete strangers which oftentimes do not hold back on criticism. There are a couple of steps that you as a beginner singer should do to get rid of the fear of singing in front of your family:

Face your fears

Oftentimes people limit themselves in their personal and professional lives due to fear, most of the time this fear has no foundation and it is only in the head of the person. Imagine how much you could achieve if you wouldn’t be afraid, the truth is that most people are afraid of some things, some of them are even afraid of success and they will do everything to sabotage themselves in order to not be successful as that is not their comfort zone.

Be confident

Generally speaking, your family wants what is best for you, sometimes even if you are a talented singer they will try and talk you out of it simply because they want a safe and secure future for you behind some boring desk job. This is normal as most parents know that the singing industry is extremely competitive, and they simply do not want you to get disappointed or fail at some point in your singing career.

Use your body language

Most of our communication with others is done through our body language and not with our actual voice. If you adopt an insecure body posture this will let everybody know that you are not confident on your feet and not quite sure if what you are doing is good or not. This bad body language will also affect your ability to sing, so before you sing in front of your family make sure that you sing in front of a mirror so you can improve your body language.

Let them think it is just a hobby

If you go in front of your family and make an announcement that you want to become a singer and you do not even have the confidence to sing in front of them then you should not be surprised if your family will not think you are serious and they might even think that this is just some a passing phase in your life. However, if you take singing a little bit more lighthearted and occasionally get the courage to sing in front of your family you will notice that as you get better they might even encourage you to pursue your dream as a singer.

Participate in singing contests

If you are one of those singers who find it extremely hard to sing for their family but they can sing in front of other people then simply sign up for some singing contests and invite your family. This way you will not only prove to your family that you are serious about singing but you are also good at it if you even manage to win then consider it as a bonus.

Get your family to sing

This is rather difficult to pull off unless you are in a family that has a couple of singers already. But if you manage to join a singalong at home you will lose all fear of singing in front of them.

Sing the right song for your voice

If you want to impress your family with singing then you will need to choose the right song to sing for your voice. Do not simply sing a song because it is popular, sing a song that is actually well suited for your voice.

How To Get Over The Fear Of Singing In Front Of Others

Most beginner singers lack confidence when it comes to singing, some of them even lack the confidence to sing in front of their families and not only in front of strangers. The truth is that you have to be realistic if you know that you are a talented singer then you simply have to get enough courage and face your fears. If you are serious about singing, sooner or later you will have to sing in front of others.

If you want to get over the fear of singing in front of others you will have to identify a song that you know you are good at singing. If this is your first time singing in front of others you will have to bring your A-game, and trust me no matter what genre of music you decide to sing if you are singing it well enough people will enjoy it. Overwhelmingly shy people who even have a difficult time speaking with people have an extremely hard time to sing in front of others.

If you are shy you have to get out of your comfort zone, by getting out of your comfort zone I do not mean that you should go bungy jumping, rather take small steps to interact with people and you will see that most people are not as judgemental as you thought so. Another great way to get over the fear of singing in front of others is to sing in a group, choir, or even acapella group. People are social creatures and we feel safer in a group, this is true as well if you are anxious about singing in front of others.

What To Do If You Are Afraid To Sing Loudly?

Beginner singers who oftentimes do not think they are good enough will avoid at almost all costs to sing out loud. Most of these singers generally join a group so they can simply hide behind them and avoid the spotlight. The problem is that if you want to become a singer you will have to sing loud, some would even say that the louder you sing the better it is although we could argue on this all day long.

If you do not want to be afraid of singing out loud then my recommendation is to sing loud when nobody can hear you and record yourself. If you find that your voice sounds awkward then you should take a look at my recent article as it lists all the possible reasons Why does my singing sound awful recorded? ( Top 10 Reasons ). Once you have recorded your singing and you are satisfied with the quality go get some feedback from others.

If you are afraid of being judged by others, just tell them that you have found this singer online and you think he or she is good and simply ask what their opinion is. This way you can hide behind the internet and if the reactions are positive you can just say that it was you who was doing the singing. In the case that the feedback is negative just brush it off and try again sometimes later after you have practiced.

Your main goal is to let other people hear you sing without them even knowing that you are the one who is singing, this is also a great way if you are anxious about singing in front of your family.

What To Do If You Are Embarrassed To Sing?

Most beginner singers are embarrassed to sing in front of others, sometimes even in front of their own families. This is fairly normal for beginner singers, however, if you have been singing for a couple of years already then this is definitely a serious problem that if you do not address it will hinder your performance as a singer. Confidence is the key, and you will have to get over your embarrassment sooner or later.

If you are embarrassed about singing in front of others then you should at first limit yourself to singing in front of other singers or teachers. Oftentimes these people do know how embarrassing can become to sing as a beginner singer. By doing this you will slowly gain some confidence and one day it will come the time to stop being embarrassed and to sing your heart out. The truth is that most beginner singers underestimate their singing potential, and how will you truly shine as a singer if you are embarrassed to sing in front of others?

Beginner singers usually get embarrassed to sing because once they start to sing in front of others they start to get extremely nervous. If you are one of these singers who becomes nervous when singing then check out my recent article How to not be nervous when singing a solo? ( Top 13 Easy Ways ), to learn how to stop being nervous especially if you are singing in front of others.

How To Sing In Front Of A Crowd With Confidence

Singing in front of a crowd for the first time could be an extremely difficult thing to do for beginner singers. Most beginner singers are not used to being in the spotlight and their singing is usually limited to their own home and privacy. Some singers would give anything to be able to sing in front of a crowd, while others avoid it at all costs. If you are the one who is avoiding singing in front of a crowd you will have to change your mentality and stop being so afraid of criticism.

Every chance you get as a singer to sing in front of a crowd no matter how small you should take it, this experience will be extremely valuable later down the line especially if you will start singing professionally. If you think you can make it as a successful singer without ever singing in front of a crowd then you are making a big mistake. As in all crafts, experience makes the difference between a beginner and an established singer, without the experience of singing in front of a crowd you can never become an established singer.

Key Takeaways

  • The fear of singing in front of your family is normal, these are the people who love you and the last thing you want to do is to fail or to disappoint them. As a singer sooner or later you will have to sing in front of your family, if you are not confident with a live performance then just record yourself singing and show it to your family. Once your family has listened to your recording it is time to sing in front of them, and you will see how proud they are of you.
  • Begin by singing in front of a supportive and understanding family member or a close friend. This can help ease your nerves and build your confidence gradually
  • Spend time practicing and gaining familiarity with the songs you want to sing. Singing alone can help you become more comfortable with your voice and build your confidence before singing in front of others.


Why am I so afraid to sing in front of others?

The fear of singing in front of others can stem from various factors, such as self-consciousness, fear of judgment, or past negative experiences. It is a common fear known as performance anxiety or stage fright, which can affect individuals differently.

What is the fear of singing in front of people called?

The fear of singing in front of people is often referred to as “stage fright” or “performance anxiety.” It is a common fear that many people experience when faced with performing in front of an audience.

Why does singing give me anxiety?

Singing can trigger anxiety due to self-doubt, fear of judgment, or performance pressure. The vulnerability of expressing oneself through singing and the fear of making mistakes or being negatively evaluated can contribute to anxiety.

How do I stop being nervous when singing in front of people?

There are various strategies to help reduce nervousness when singing in front of people. These include proper preparation, deep breathing exercises, positive self-talk, visualization techniques, and gradually exposing yourself to performing in front of others. Working with a vocal coach or seeking professional guidance can also provide effective techniques for managing performance anxiety.