How To Make Voice Clear And Soft? ( Fast and Easy )

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Beginner singers have a lot to learn, there are numerous online and offline courses that can teach you how to sing better, however, most of them will not cover the full spectrum of what it takes to become a singer. Singing is not just about having a good voice and the ability to sing well, you will have to dedicate a lot of time to get even better, and as most beginner singers find out at the start of their journey that singing is fairly complicated.

There are several ways how to make your voice clear and soft first you have to identify the problem, listen to yourself while speaking, control your emotions, warm up your voice, have a good diet, hydrate your body, breathe correctly, take frequent breaks while singing, have a correct posture, imitate others, practice speaking, improvise, adapt and overcome.

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Beginner singers usually invest most of their time in hitting their desired higher or lower notes, while this is a good idea but it is not an ideal learning curve. Singing, as any skill which you have to learn, has some crucial base skills, like the ability to breathe correctly and how to make your voice clear and soft. Without these basic skills, you can still sing but you will find that as time passes by it will be increasingly challenging to sing without knowing the basics.

Once you grasp the concept of how to make your voice clear and soft you will find that the songs which you are singing become more pleasant to the ear. We have all heard singers with beautiful voices sing a song where we actively try to focus on what the lyrics are as the singer doesn’t have a clear voice. In this case, practice beats talent easily, talented singers without a clear and soft voice will not be able to convey the message of the song, while even mediocre singers will be able to do that if they have a clear and soft voice.

How To Make Voice Clear And Soft?

To make your voice clear and soft, there are several techniques you can practice. First, focus on proper breathing and support by taking deep breaths from your diaphragm and engaging your abdominal muscles. This will provide a stable foundation for your voice. Next, work on your vocal resonance by practicing exercises that promote a balanced resonance, such as humming or lip trills. These exercises help to create a clear and resonant tone.

Additionally, pay attention to your posture and alignment, as good posture allows for optimal airflow and vocal production. Avoid strain or tension in your throat and jaw by practicing relaxation techniques and gentle warm-up exercises before singing or speaking. Lastly, take care of your overall vocal health by staying hydrated, avoiding excessive vocal strain, and getting enough rest.

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Identify The Problem

Most singers aim to achieve a clear and soft voice, and only a few of them actually ask themselves why they do not have a clear and soft voice. Once you asked yourself this you will have a much easier time identifying why you do not have a soft and clear voice. Usually, when it comes to why you are not having a soft and clear voice is either due to a bad diet or due to your emotions and your constant struggle to speak as fast as possible in order to give as much information as possible to the listeners, this will be present not only while you are singing but also when you are speaking.

Listen To Yourself Speak

When it comes to singing most singers are familiar with their singing voice, however, you also need to hear and be familiar with your speaking voice as odds are that while you are singing you are focusing on having a clear and soft voice, and while you are speaking you completely forget about it. In this case, you should ask your friend to record you when you are speaking casually with your friends after you will listen to the recording you will find that your speaking voice is not clear and soft and this is why you also struggle in having a clear and soft voice while singing.

Control Your Emotions

Emotions play a big part in singing, depending on what the singer’s mood is the same song could sound extremely different. Love songs are usually sung with a calm warm sounding voice, while rock songs are usually the opposite. Now imagine yourself if you are singing an upbeat song about happiness and you are depressed and you use your “depressed” voice. Most often times people confuse this with singing out of tune, however, this is most likely the singer’s lack of ability to keep calm and to make their voice sound clear and soft.

As a singer you have probably heard to “sing from the bottom of your heart”, generally speaking, this is a good idea, but only if you can control and channel your emotions into the song which sounds easier than it’s done. If you have ever tried to sing a song when you are angry you probably noticed that not only your voice but the entire songs sound way different, and this is why it is extremely important to control your emotions.

Warm-up Your Voice

If your goal is to have a clear and soft voice then it is extremely important to warm up your voice. There are some singers who have a naturally clear and soft voice that do either no warm-up or only a short warm-up before singing. This is extremely rare and most often times what tends to happen is that these naturally talented singers will strain their vocal cords eventually. Singing puts a lot of pressure on your vocal cords, and if you do not warm up you will have difficulty in achieving those higher notes.

  • Warm up by humming the song which you want to sing, at first start humming the song with your mouth closed and gradually open your mouth, just repeat the process a couple of times for at least 10 minutes and this should be enough to warm up your voice.
  • Breathe in deeply and start humming, only stop when you have exhaled most of the air from your lungs, just keep in mind not to do it too fast as you might hyperventilate and faint.
  • Go in front of the mirror and tilt your head slightly downwards and start singing without trying to hit the higher and lower notes.

A Good Diet Can Make Your Voice Clear And Soft

Diet is extremely important for any singer if you need more information about it you can read my recent article ( Top 18 ) Foods to improve singing voice. There are natural foods that in fact will help you have a clear and soft voice, such as honey and raw eggs. I do recommend honey but you have to be careful with raw eggs, usually new singers who are determined to get better start eating raw eggs before they are singing as it is scientifically proven that it helps your vocal cords.

However, eating a raw egg once in a while before you sing will not make any difference when it comes to having a clear and soft voice, the trick is to do it on a daily basis and after a couple of weeks, you will notice that your voice has improved. If you are looking for an edge when it comes to singer’s diet my recommendation is to read my article Is ginger good for the voice? ( Yes, But Why? ).

Hydration Plays A Big Part In How Your Voice Sounds

Usually when people do not have a clear and soft voice is because they are either dehydrated or have not been hydrated enough. If you have ever tried to sing a song while having a dry mouth you probably know how difficult it is, not to mention the potential damage which you might make to your vocal cords. When it comes to hydrating your body the easy way to do it is with water, I know that there are numerous products in the market selling anything from vitamin water to ginseng water but you should stay away from these as they will not help you achieve a clear and soft voice.

Breathe Correctly

The lungs are the powerhouse of your voice, new singers usually are out of breath after the first couple of minutes. Generally speaking, this is most likely due to them not breathing correctly and their lungs not being used to singing at all. Breathing is different for almost every singer, this is due to their lung capacity. As a singer, you will have to learn how to not only breathe correctly but also when to breathe during a song.

Take A Break And Relax Your Voice

Oftentimes new singers exhaust themselves due to singing for long periods of time without taking a break. What I often tell my pupils is to consider singing as being almost the same as going to the gym. Once you put sustained stress and effort on your vocal cords for a couple of minutes it is vital to take a break and let your body rest for a while and recharge itself, 2-3 minute breaks should be enough between songs as it will give your body enough time to “recharge”.

Frequent and short breaks also reduce the risk of injuring your vocal cords significantly, my personal recommendation is to also hydrate yourself during these breaks.

Posture Impacts The Quality Of Your Voice

If you have read my recent article How to sing for beginners step by step ( 14 Easy Steps ), you have probably read about how important posture is for singing. While most people do not even consider posture to be an issue when trying to achieve a soft and clear voice, however, posture can significantly improve your voice and make you sound clear. The best posture for a clear and soft voice is by staying upright, shoulders back and relaxed, and having your chin slightly inwards with your head slightly tilted inwards.

Imitate Other Singer’s Calm Voice

There is an old saying “Fake it till you make it” and this is also true when you are trying to achieve a soft and clear voice. As a singer, you have probably several favorite artists, identify which one of them has a clear and calm voice not only while singing but also when speaking. Simply listen to their songs and their interviews and try to imitate how they are speaking and singing, After a couple of weeks of imitating your favorite artist you will start to sound like them, not by vocal type but by your tonalities being a lot clearer and calmer.

Practice Speaking

You might think that speaking has nothing to do with singing, however, in our modern age when everybody is in a hurry you will find a lot of people who do not have a clear speaking voice. In the best-case scenario if people are interested in what you are saying but you do not speak clearly they will ask you to repeat yourself, in the worst-case scenario people will outright ignore you as you are not being clear enough through your voice.

In any group of friends, there is a leader, when he or she speaks everybody stays quiet in order not to interrupt and to listen carefully to what he or she is saying. Your goal as a singer is to achieve this, if you are not able to get your friends to listen to you, how will you get people to listen to you singing and even pay for it.

Improvise, Adapt And Overcome

Yes, you heard it right, in order to have a clear soft voice you will have to improvise, adapt, and overcome. First, you have to identify why you are not having a soft and clear voice, most often times the main reason is a bad diet. After you have identified the problem try and work on it, everybody’s voice is different, what works for some will not work for everybody. In this case, you have to improvise and experiment with what makes your voice sound clear and soft.

Oftentimes new singers will be faced with several challenges, not only do they have to learn to breathe correctly but they also have to take into consideration having a good diet, this is the part where they either adapt or they fail. Once you have adapted to the practices which make your voice sound soft and clear you will have to keep on practicing until you overcome all the hurdles and do it naturally.

Key Takeaways

  • Focus on diaphragmatic breathing to provide ample support for your voice. Breathe deeply, allowing your abdomen to expand as you inhale and gently contract as you exhale. This helps control the airflow and maintain a consistent breath flow while speaking or singing, leading to a clearer and softer voice.
  • Relaxation plays a crucial role in achieving a clear and soft voice. Tension in the throat, neck, and jaw can affect vocal clarity. Practice relaxation techniques, such as gentle stretches and exercises, to release tension. Additionally, maintain good posture by keeping your head aligned with your spine and allowing your jaw to relax naturally, which promotes vocal clarity and reduces strain.
  • Regular vocal warm-ups and exercises help to improve vocal control and clarity. Start with gentle humming or lip trills to warm up your vocal cords. Then, practice exercises that focus on articulation, such as tongue twisters or consonant-vowel combinations.


How can I make my voice soft naturally?

To make your voice soft naturally, you can practice relaxation techniques, such as deep breathing and vocal warm-up exercises, to release tension in your vocal cords. Additionally, focusing on proper breath control and maintaining good posture can help achieve a softer vocal tone.

How do I completely clear my voice?

To completely clear your voice, you can try drinking warm water, avoiding irritants like caffeine and alcohol, and practicing gentle vocal exercises to stimulate blood flow to the vocal cords. Resting your voice when it feels strained or tired can also aid in clearing your voice.

How do singers have a clear voice?

Singers maintain a clear voice by practicing proper vocal techniques, such as breath support, correct posture, and vocal exercises that promote clarity and control. Additionally, staying hydrated, avoiding vocal strain, and taking care of overall vocal health contribute to maintaining a clear and strong voice.