Is Ginger Good For The Voice? ( Yes, But Why? )

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As you may already know, singing takes a lot of effort especially if you are new to singing. Oftentimes new singers exhaust their vocal cords by either singing for way too long periods of time or by simply forcing their vocal cords. Luckily there are several things you can do to prevent that, by drinking ginger tea you will notice a significant improvement in your vocal quality. Ginger in one form or another has been used for thousands of years to treat certain conditions and even illnesses.

Ginger possesses warming properties that can stimulate blood flow, making it beneficial for various purposes. It exhibits anti-inflammatory properties and is rich in antioxidants, making it a valuable addition to your diet. As a caffeine-free option, ginger is considered one of the ideal choices to consume before singing. It can help soothe an irritated throat and provide relief. Furthermore, when you’re unwell, ginger can aid in boosting your immune system.

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There is a huge lack of knowledge or even ignorance when it comes to singers’ diet, but trust me it is as vital for any singer as the daily practice and warm-up sessions. If you have read my recent article ( Top 18 ) Foods to improve singing voice, you will find that nutrition is a big part of taking care of your vocal cords. One of the major problems for beginner singers is that they do not have a reliable source from where to inform themselves about what kind of diet should a singer have.

Oftentimes new singers ask friends what they eat to improve their voice, however, most of the time the answer is either to hydrate themselves or some urban legend in the singing circles like eating raw eggs, which I do not recommend. Consuming ginger in no matter what form has been proven beneficial, especially for singers, it has great anti-inflammatory properties and it is full of antioxidants.

In addition to this, ginger has also an antimicrobial effect, this, of course, depends on the type of ginger you consume as some do contain more antimicrobial agents than other types of ginger. Simply put, if a singer consumes ginger before singing it will help them avoid a sore throat, and even aid in recovery after a long singing session, which we all know can become fairly painful, especially for beginner singers.

Is Ginger Good For The Voice?

Ginger is often considered beneficial for the vocal health and can be beneficial for the voice. It has natural anti-inflammatory properties and can help reduce inflammation in the throat, which can be helpful for singers experiencing vocal strain or irritation. Ginger also contains antioxidants that can support overall vocal health and help maintain vocal clarity. Additionally, ginger has been traditionally used to soothe the throat and alleviate symptoms of throat discomfort or hoarseness. Drinking ginger tea or incorporating fresh ginger into your diet may help keep your vocal cords healthy and contribute to maintaining a clear and strong voice.

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Eating Ginger Can Protect You From Losing Your Voice

Beginner singers oftentimes lose their voice after long singing sessions, this loss of voice can occur right after the singing sessions or on the second day when they wake up. Losing your voice usually means that you have strained your vocal cords and you need a break, but this could have been simply avoided with a good diet and vocal practice. If you read my recent article How to improve voice quality naturally ( 10 Quick and Easy Steps ), you will find out several ways how to practice singing correctly in order to avoid straining your voice.

Usually, people, who suffer from loss of voice and use ginger tend to drink ginger tea, combining the tea with warm water and honey has extra benefits. In addition to the healing effects of ginger, the added honey and warm water can also help you with your loss of voice. Just keep in mind that it will not instantly recover your voice, usually, it takes from a couple of hours to a day. In cases where you have a loss of voice during the evening, it is especially beneficial to drink ginger tea right before bedtime, as while you are sleeping your body can use all the beneficial nutrients contained in the ginger to heal your vocal cords.

Just keep in mind that not all causes of voice loss are the same, while some can occur after long sessions of singing which will result in strained vocal cords which become inflamed, while other reasons for losing your voice could mean that there is a bacterial infection. Ginger tea could also help with the bacterial infection however if the symptoms persist you should ask the advice of a doctor as oftentimes you will be needing antibiotics if the infection is severe enough.

Ginger Tea Is Good For Singers

When making your ginger tea you should always use honey instead of sugar, as honey has also anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties. The water should be warm, but not so hot that you burn your lips, the actual temperature tolerance is different for everybody so you should figure out what is the right temperature for yourself. Adding limes or lemons to ginger tea could also speed up your healing process as these do contain a lot of antioxidants and vital vitamins like vitamin C.

In order to achieve the maximum recovery effects which ginger tea offers especially for singers, you should consume it while it is warm. There are a lot of teas prepackaged containing ginger, however, most of these do not have nearly enough ginger in them to be able to get the full beneficial effects of ginger. Most often these prepackaged teas advertise that they are “Ginger Tea”, however, if you read the package closely you will find that the whole pack of tea only has a few grams of ginger in it.

The very small dose of ginger in these teas diluted with warm water will probably have no effect on your voice. My recommendation is to either get fresh ginger if you have the possibility and make your own tea by slicing up a few slices of ginger as thinly as possible and mixing them in your tea. You can also find dehydrated slices of ginger in some stores, these are also fairly good for healing your throat but only use them if you can not find fresh ginger.

Some types of singing are definitely more exhausting for your throat and vocal cords than others, singing alto for someone who is not a natural alto could easily strain your voice. If you read my recent article Famous alto singers ( Top 12 ), you will find that most of these singers at one point during their career have begun to use ginger as a natural remedy for their voice.

Ginger Health Benefits For Singers

Usually when people search online for ginger and its health benefits is when they already have a sore throat or a throat infection already. If you are a singer, you already know how detrimental could be to sing with a sore throat especially if you have a big audition ahead of you. While drinking a couple of cups of ginger tea could improve your voice significantly before an audition, my personal recommendation is to incorporate ginger in your daily diet and not to try and heal your voice a day or two before an audition.

Having a healthy diet will definitely not only improve your singing voice but it will actually hinder the growth of bacteria and reduces the risk of inflammation. In most cases, singers who have a sore throat are due to inflammation, which could be due to a cold, strained vocal cords, or due to an infection. Depending on the severity of the inflammation this could be healed with ginger tea but in some cases when in addition to inflammation you also have a cold you might find that even while you eat it will actually cause pain to your throat.

This is why you should incorporate ginger into your diet, to avoid any potential inflammation and bacterial growth. As a singer, it is vital to use precautions like drinking ginger tea to avoid pain and complications, although in rare cases where you strain your voice due to not warming up or by forcing your vocal cords, inflammations can still happen.

Have you ever noticed that when drinking warm tea it is very soothing to your throat, this is due to the warm water and not due to the actual tea, this is why when drinking ginger tea it is even more beneficial to drink it while it is warm. Most people think that while drinking ginger tea the actual ginger coats their vocal cords, the truth is that this is not the case with ginger tea. The soothing effect will come from the warm water, honey, and the lemon or lime added to the ginger tea, and not from the actual ginger.

When you drink ginger tea, you will feel a slight pinch in your throat and this is normal, generally speaking, the more ginger your tea contains the bigger this pinching effect becomes, some people even consider ginger tea as being spicy. Once the ginger tea has been absorbed by the stomach your body will use the vital nutrients, antioxidants, anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory agents to heal your voice.

Depending on the severity of your sore throat, your symptoms could get better within hours. Just keep in mind that even after you consider your throat healed, drink a cup of ginger tea before bedtime for the next 3 days, odds are that your throat inflammation has started to heal and by drinking a cup of ginger tea before bedtime for the next 3 days your throat will be healed completely. Oftentimes beginner singers simply stop drinking ginger tea when they see a significant improvement in their voice, but if you have a weak immune system the inflammation and the infection could come back and one morning you will wake up with a sore throat, at which point you have to start it all over again.

Key Takeaways

  • Yes, ginger is good for the voice due to its healing characteristics, ginger contains a lot of antioxidants, and it has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial agents. If you have ever had a sore throat you know how painfully difficult could be to sing with it, however consuming ginger will significantly improve the quality of your voice by reducing the inflammation in your throat.
  • Ginger has natural anti-inflammatory properties that can help soothe the throat and vocal cords. Consuming ginger in various forms, such as ginger tea or ginger lozenges, may provide relief for singers experiencing throat irritation or vocal strain.
  • Ginger is known for its ability to help clear congestion and alleviate mucus buildup in the respiratory system. This can be beneficial for singers dealing with nasal congestion or a phlegmy throat, as it may improve vocal clarity and ease of singing.
  • Ginger is rich in antioxidants and has been associated with numerous health benefits. Maintaining overall health and wellness is crucial for optimal vocal performance.


Is ginger good for a lost voice?

Ginger is known for its soothing properties and can help alleviate symptoms of a lost voice. It can provide relief by reducing inflammation and soothing the vocal cords. However, it’s important to note that ginger alone may not cure a lost voice, and it’s advisable to consult a healthcare professional for proper diagnosis and treatment.

Can ginger tea improve your voice?

Ginger tea can be beneficial for singers as it can help soothe the throat, reduce inflammation, and provide a warming sensation. However, it’s important to note that individual results may vary, and it’s best to maintain overall vocal health through proper hydration, vocal rest, and good vocal technique.

Is ginger drink good for singers?

Ginger drinks can be beneficial for singers as ginger has anti-inflammatory and soothing properties. It can help reduce throat irritation and provide temporary relief. However, it’s important to maintain a balanced diet, hydrate adequately, and practice good vocal care to ensure long-term vocal health.

What drinks improve voice?

Several drinks can help improve voice quality and maintain vocal health. Warm water with honey and lemon can soothe the throat, herbal teas like chamomile or peppermint can provide relaxation, and staying well-hydrated with plain water is crucial for vocal cord lubrication. Additionally, avoiding excessive caffeine and alcohol consumption is recommended, as they can dehydrate the body and strain the vocal cords.