How To Sing A Solo Confidently? ( In 6 Easy Steps )

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Confidence is like the Achilles heel for some singers, the problem is that without confidence it will be extremely hard to progress from amateur singing to professional singing. Luckily there are several proven methods that will actually raise your confidence as a singer, all you need to do is to follow my advice and you will not see but feel the results, even if you are a beginner singer.

You can sing a solo confidently by focusing on the actual singing rather than on the audience. In addition to this, you should practice singing the song as much as you can, this way you will be more confident while you are singing. If you are singing for the first time in front of a crowd then just keep looking at family members and friends while you are singing, it will make you sound a lot more confident.

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As a singer, it is extremely important to have confidence in your abilities, if you lack confidence then you will project it towards the audience and they will definitely notice. Generally speaking, most beginner singers lack the confidence to sing in front of others, especially for the first time, however, this is not only limited to them as there are plenty of famous singers with very low confidence.

The major problem of not being able to sing confidently is that it almost ruins your chance of being a professional singer. As a singer sooner or later you will have to sing in front of others and there is no other option, you will have to face your fears. Some singers prefer to record their singing and post them on social media, where they might even get an offer or two to sing at an event, although most social media singers refuse for different reasons.

Some simply refuse because they know that they are editing and modifying their voice and they will never be able to sound as good in front of a live audience as in their recordings. On the other hand, there are extremely talented singers who are actually scared of failure and in some cases of success. Yes, you heard it right, there are people in the world that are actually afraid of success and some of them are even talented singers.

All this is due to a lack o confidence in themselves as a singer, the main problem seems to be that they haven’t sung in front of anybody ever and they only are confident to sing if they can edit the recording later. If you are not a confident singer then my personal recommendation is to start working on your confidence, a big step would be to sing in front of your family if you can not sing in front of your family then how will you ever be able to sing in front of a crowd, if you want more information then check out my article Fear of singing in front of family ( How to get over it? ).

How To Sing A Solo Confidently?

Singing a solo confidently requires a combination of preparation, mindset, and performance techniques. Firstly, thorough preparation is key. Familiarize yourself with the song, its lyrics, melody, and dynamics, and practice it diligently. Develop a strong understanding of your vocal range and capabilities, and choose a key that suits your voice. Secondly, cultivate a positive mindset. Believe in yourself and your abilities, and visualize a successful performance.

Focus on the enjoyment and expression of the music rather than solely on the judgment of others. Thirdly, employ effective performance techniques. Practice deep breathing and relaxation exercises to calm nerves before singing. Maintain good posture, engage your core, and project your voice confidently. Connect emotionally with the lyrics and communicate the story of the song to the audience. Finally, perform regularly to gain experience and build confidence. Start with small audiences and gradually work your way up to larger ones.

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Focus On Singing And Not On The Audience

Generally speaking, most singers do not have a confidence problem while they are singing to themselves when they are home alone. If you lack the confidence to even sing to yourself, then you got some serious issues. The major problem which lowers the confidence of a singer is the audience, this is mostly due to the lack of experience of singing in front of others. Before singing in front of an audience there are so many things going through the head of the singer, most importantly not to embarrass themselves.

Once they start singing they will often look to see approval from the crowd itself, and when they see a couple of people not impressed with their singing then they simply lose it. In some cases, they might even forget the lyrics of the song or they even start to stutter. For you, as a singer, the first couple of experiences on stage will be lifelong memories and if it is a bad experience then you will definitely remember it.

If you are singing a solo for the first time in front of an audience then my recommendation is to focus on singing and not on the actual crowd. You have probably seen a lot of singers who interact with people while they are on stage, you will also be able to do it but first, you have to get some experience and confidence to be able to sing in front of other people. There are plenty of tips for shy singers on my site so feel free to browse around.

Calm Down

I know it is easy to say that you have to calm down, right before you go on stage to sing a solo in front of a crowd. Most people simply wouldn’t be able to do it, as it takes a lot of confidence to walk up on that stage. When it is your turn to go on stage then your first thought will be “OMG this is happening”, and it will feel like your legs are made out of lead all of a sudden. With each step towards the stage, your instincts will want to take over and make a run for it.

You as a singer will have to actively fight this urge to run away and the simple fact that you got on stage proves that you have confidence, although it may not show while you are singing. This response of the body is fairly normal, although there are people who actually love being on stage, but these singers do not have any problems with confidence. A lot of people will tell you different things on how to calm yourself right before a solo performance, odds are most of them is bad advice.

My personal recommendation is to meditate, this way you will clear your mind of all the thoughts and you will be able to go on stage clear-headed and without almost any fear. If you are embarrassed to sing then hands down the best way is to meditate right before you sing the solo. I also highly recommend setting aside every day 10 minutes for meditation, this way your meditation before singing will be a lot more effective. If you think that your nerves are getting the better of you then my recommendation is to read my article How to not be nervous when singing a solo? ( Top 13 Easy Ways ).

Boost Your Confidence

This is a lot easier said than done, but you will have to somehow increase your confidence. As a singer, you probably know most of your positive and negative qualities, just focus on the positive ones. Not a lot of singers get a chance to sing a solo in front of an audience and you should not feel lucky but impressed by your achievements as a singer till now. While most people will say that you as a singer have to get lucky to sing a solo in front of a crowd, the truth is that all the work you have dedicated to becoming a better singer has led you down this path.

There are a lot of singers who are afraid to sing loud, mostly because they think that singing loud means that they have to sing high notes, which is not true at all. Once you conquer the fear of singing loud you can consider it as a stepping stone towards your singing career. Confidence for singing on stage will take some time, no matter how talented you are as a singer, simply put the more often you go on stage the more confident you will become.

You just have to fight your urge to run away and block out any negative thoughts and stop worrying about embarrassing yourself as a singer. Even if your first couple of stage appearances do not go as planned you will still have learned a lot from these experiences, and they will be vital later in your career as a singer. My personal recommendation is to learn how to growl which will actually increase your confidence, for more information check out my article How to growl like a ( Lion, Tiger, Dog, Wolf or a Bear ).

Another good idea on how to increase your confidence as a singer is to adopt powerful body language, there are plenty of tutorials online so I will not go much in-depth about how you can do it. It is scientifically proven that the way you stand impacts how others perceive you and if you stand with confidence even if you are not confident you will not only look confident but also sound confident.

Find A Friendly Face While Singing

If you are singing a solo for the first time in front of a crowd then my recommendation is to find a friendly face, someone from your family, or a group of friends. If you focus on them then you will be on the stage singing a solo and you will actually fool your brain that you are singing a solo to your friend. If for some reason none of your friends or family could make it to the event then you should focus on a person who seems to be enjoying your singing and has a nice smile.

Something as simple as a smile can actually calm you while you are singing, just keep in mind not to smile back as that will affect your voice. If you are a shy singer who can not even keep eye contact with a friendly face then do not focus on eye contact, just look at their faces. Some singers while they are on stage singing a solo, will actually look at an object. While this doesn’t seem to be the best idea, it actually works for some singers, especially if you are worried about how the members of the audience will react to your singing.

If you want to know how to get over the fear of singing in front of others, then my recommendation is to find a friendly face and simply sing to them. If it is your first time singing a solo on a stage or in front of a crowd then you should ask your best friend to come as their emotional support will be enough to get you through your first time singing on stage.

Choose A Song That You Can Sing With Confidence

Most singers will probably pick some new and trending songs which they will want to perform for the first time on the stage. My personal recommendation is not to do that, instead pick a song that you have sung hundreds or thousands of times already, even if that means that you are bored of it. The problem with newer songs that you didn’t have time to practice hundreds of times is that once you are on the stage you simply might forget the lyrics due to nervousness.

My best tip for how to not be nervous when singing a solo is to sing a song that you are familiar with and you already have experience in singing as you have sung it hundreds of times. It should be a song that you can sing instantly even if someone wakes you up in the middle of the night, this is when you know that you can sing the song with almost zero effort. This is also a good tip if you are wondering how to be confident at singing auditions.

Sing On Stage As Often As You Can To Increase Your Confidence

If you want to know the easiest way how to sing confidently is by going on stage as often as you can. If you want to improve your confidence while you are singing a solo then you will need to get as much experience on stage as possible. You will probably have stage fright for the first couple of times when you go on stage, but you will notice that this stage fright will start fading away with each performance on the stage.

In addition to this, you will also notice that with each on stage performance, you will actually start loving being on stage, and at this point, I will have to congratulate you as you have made it and your career as a singer is more possible than ever.

Key Takeaways

  • Build confidence by investing time and effort into learning and rehearsing your solo piece. Practice consistently and become familiar with the lyrics, melody, and dynamics of the song.
  • Work on your breathing, posture, and vocal exercises to enhance your vocal technique. This will help you maintain control over your voice and deliver a confident performance.
  • Gradually expose yourself to performing in front of others to build confidence. Start with smaller, supportive audiences, such as family and friends, and gradually progress to larger settings. Receiving constructive feedback and positive reinforcement can boost your confidence and help you refine your performance.


How do you gain self-confidence in singing?

Building self-confidence in singing can be achieved by practicing regularly, seeking constructive feedback, setting realistic goals, and performing in front of supportive audiences. Additionally, taking voice lessons or participating in vocal workshops can help improve technique and boost confidence.

How do I stop being nervous when I sing?

To reduce nervousness while singing, try deep breathing exercises, warm up your voice before singing, visualize a successful performance, and focus on the joy of singing rather than worrying about making mistakes. Gradually exposing yourself to performance situations can also help desensitize anxiety over time.

Why am I not confident in singing?

Lack of confidence in singing can stem from various factors such as self-doubt, fear of judgment, past negative experiences, or a perception of not meeting certain standards. It’s important to remember that singing is a skill that can be improved with practice, and building confidence takes time and perseverance.

How do you sing when you can’t hear yourself?

Singing when you can’t hear yourself well can be challenging, but you can overcome this by focusing on your breath support, body resonance, and muscle memory. Trusting your training and practicing in various acoustic settings can help develop the ability to sing confidently even without clear self-monitoring.