Online Singing Lessons ( Top 8 )

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Singing is an extremely competitive industry, most singers try to get that extra edge with online singing lessons. The problem is that there are so many online singing lessons that you will have a fairly hard time finding one which is good for you. Most singing lessons will start with the basics of singing, this is excellent for beginner singers but if you already know the content of the course or online lesson then it won’t be that helpful.

Online singing lessons are excellent both for beginner and advanced singers alike. There are two types of online singing lessons, personalized lessons, and courses. Personalized singing lessons are definitely the better options as everybody’s voice is different, you can find personalized singing lessons on Fiverr and Classgap. Singing courses are mostly for beginner singers, and the best ones are on Udemy, Skillshare, and Masterclass.

Before you pick a singing lesson you have to think about what you can achieve with it. If you are completely new to singing then an online video course will be a good fit for you. However, if you already know the basics of singing and you want to get better at singing then you should try out personalized singing lessons. Do note that it is completely possible to become a successful singer even without any singing lessons.

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If you have ever looked for online singing lessons on Google then you have probably noticed the same 5 or 6 courses popping up. Although there are plenty of extremely high-quality singing lessons other than these 5 or 6 programs, but finding them tends to be difficult. The good news is that some online singing lessons either have a trial period or are completely free. The ones which cost money tend to be the more popular ones but remember that everybody’s voice is different what works for some might not work for you.

There are two types of online singing lessons, personalized singing lessons, and online courses. There is a massive difference between the two, and you must make sure you get the right one for you. You can improve your singing with both types of singing lessons, although you will be more limited to online courses than with personalized lessons.

Personalized singing lessons are by far the best option when it comes to online singing lessons. These lessons are usually made through Zoom, Skype, Discord, or other platforms. The best part about them is that the vocal coaches who offer such a service will listen to your voice and overall quality as a singer before giving you advice. In my opinion, this is extremely important especially if you are more or less a self-taught singer.

The first online lesson will most likely be a test of your abilities as a singer. From then on the vocal coach will give you instructions on what you need to work on to get better. Most vocal coaches will give you some homework in the form of daily singing exercises. Usually, these personalized singing lessons take place once or twice per week, although this mostly depends on the availability of the vocal coach.

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Generally speaking, most private online singing lessons tend to have a test lesson which will be the first, this lesson tends to be the cheapest. From then on if you decide to collaborate with the singing teacher then you can book more sessions. The price of the lessons depends on the quality and the demand of the vocal teacher.

Singing courses are mostly for beginners and intermediary singers, although some of them do include some advanced singing techniques as well. Generally speaking, most online courses will come in video format although there are some which come only in audio format. These courses are excellent for singers who want a step by step easy to follow process. The downside of them is that they are not tailored to your voice.

The quality of most online courses is fairly high, jam-packed with valuable information, and the best part about them is that you can go back to any part of the course if you are having problems with a particular section. In addition to this singing courses also tend to be a lot cheaper than personalized singing lessons, some of them can be bought for a set price while others have a monthly fee. If you are wondering if singing lessons would make you a better singer then check out my recent article Do singing lessons work? ( Top 11 Reasons ).

Online Singing Lessons

Online singing lessons have become increasingly popular and convenient for individuals seeking to improve their singing skills from the comfort of their own homes. These lessons are conducted through video calls or pre-recorded lessons that provide structured vocal instruction, feedback, and guidance. Online singing lessons offer flexibility in scheduling and eliminate the need for travel, making them accessible to a wider audience. With the help of professional vocal coaches, students can receive personalized instruction, learn proper vocal techniques, work on breath control, expand their vocal range, and improve overall vocal performance.

Online platforms often provide resources such as practice exercises, song tutorials, and performance tips to support students’ progress. While in-person lessons offer the advantage of immediate physical feedback, online singing lessons can still provide valuable guidance and instruction for singers of all levels, helping them develop their skills and reach their singing goals.

30-day Singer

If you were looking for an online singing course then you have probably bumped into this course a couple of times already. This course is meant for beginner singers who need a simple step by step program. The course does include some good info for more advanced singers, but if you know the basics then you will most likely need a personalized singing lesson and not a course. In total, this course has around 150 lessons.

The lessons are broken up into 4 different chapters, each chapter focuses on different aspects of singing and the later chapters are about more advanced singing techniques. Now you might think that 150 lessons in 30 days are kind of a lot, which it is but you will go through the first two chapters fairly fast if you know the basics of singing. There is no time to rush, everybody learns at a different pace, you can definitely get better at singing in 30 days if you follow the step by step process.


Fiverr is mostly known as a platform for buying web-related services and products. Although the site in the past couple of years has been branching out into other industries as well. Currently, there are several vocal teachers offering online lessons. The best part about them is that these are personalized singing lessons. The price of a session varies from one vocal teacher to another but they are generally fairly cheap.

Most singing lessons on this platform have the first lesson as a test so that the vocal coach can form an opinion about your voice. Generally speaking, these test lessons are the cheapest and the following personalized lessons tend to be more expensive. The best part about Fiverr is that you have access to highly qualified vocal coaches who have been educated in the most prestigious schools. If you have a particular singing style you will have no problem finding a vocal teacher for your needs on fiverr, in addition to this, you will have access to vocal coaches who teach in different languages. If you want to get better at singing then check out my recent article How to sing better ( Top 47 Tips and Industry Secrets ).

Singorama 2.0

Singorama has been around for quite some time already made by Melanie Alexander. Although not a lot of people know this but she is actually an internationally known singer. She was part of the Australian girl band called Girlfriend. They hit it big in the early ’90s but the success didn’t last too long. Since then Melanie Alexander has dabbled in fashion and vocal coaching. Eventually, she ended up creating one of the most successful singing courses today.

Singorama has 28 lessons, all in audio format, which is good but not ideal. I tend to find that seeing somebody actually doing the things which they are teaching helps a lot, especially for beginner singers. The course has 28 lessons mostly for beginner singers, although the later lessons do contain advanced singing techniques. This course is mostly for people who are on the run and find it difficult to have some spare time to practice.

As the lessons are in audio format you can listen to them while you are driving around in your car, or while you are showering. The quality of the audio lessons is fairly high and with some good quality headphones, they simply sound amazing. Generally speaking, most of the lessons are around 20 minutes long, which is excellent for beginner singers. The first couple of lessons will keep you busy for at least a couple of days.


Udemy is a website that gives you access to thousands of online lessons. There are a lot of different topics which are covered by Udemy, and singing is one of them. Udemy is very similar to Fiverr, but they tend to focus on education more than anything else. The prices on Udemy can get fairly high in the singing field but the best part about Udemy is that they often have massive price drops, by that I mean up to 90%.

The best-selling singing course on Udemy is “Singing Lessons for Vocal Warm Up Tips & Voice Essentials” which has around 21k students and 2600 ratings. The singing courses on Udemy are updated fairly regularly and there is always something new which you can learn. If you find the price of some of the online singing courses too high then you can search around for coupon codes, and there you go. If you are at the point where you are already studying singing terminology then check out my recent article ( All 256 ) Musical terms explained in plain English.

Superior Singing Method

The Superior Singing Method is probably one of the most underrated singing courses. What makes this singing course stand above the others is its creator Aaron Anastasi. Anastasi has graduated from Princeton, he is an established vocal coach and even an author. His Voice of Your Dreams was at one point in Amazon’s bestsellers list. Anastasi studied philosophy and psychology at Princeton which you will immediately notice in his singing course.

His approach to teaching is different from most people, and this is extremely valuable for both beginner and advanced singers. If you have time to read a book then I highly recommend you read his book The Voice of Your Dreams. The course has 50 videos, so it is excellent for a step for step learning. The lessons can be downloaded which is a great bonus if you do not have reliable internet or if you have a data cap.


Classgap is very similar to Udemy, but the big difference is that they do offer personalized voice lessons. The best part about it is that you can select your online tutor who fits your needs in terms of scheduling, type of singing, or the level of their education. There are a lot of vocal teachers that you can access just for a fraction of the price that they would charge for in-person lessons.

The vocal coaches have an hourly fee, and the vast majority of them are fairly cheap. Some do offer a test lesson which is around 20 minutes, but not all of the vocal coaches on this platform offer it. If you need a vocal coach who has actually a degree in studying music or singing then this platform is for you.


Skillshare is a learning platform they have thousands of online courses and they do have one of the most high quality singing courses currently made by Gabriel Burrafato. Gabriel Burrafato is an established vocal coach and he is an award-winning Broadway singer and actor. The best part about Skillshare is that for a monthly fee, they let you access thousands of video lessons. In addition to this if you are new to the platform they also give the first 2 months for free.

The downside of Skillshare’s singing lessons is that you can not download them so you will need a permanent internet connection. Other than that there is simply nothing bad to say about this platform. New vocal coaches come fairly often to the platform releasing new singing courses, and they are some excellent hidden gems, especially if you are an advanced singer.

Christina Aguilera’s Masterclass

This is a fairly new singing course made by the people from Masterclass in collaboration with Christina Aguilera. Christina Aguilera has one of the best voices in the music industry, and this is the first time she is making a singing course. The singing program has 23 video lessons all taught by Christina Aguilera herself. These lessons are meant to be learned in several steps which will take you around 5-6 weeks to complete.

Although Christina Aguilera is an established singer, her lessons are meant both for beginners and advanced singers as well. The first video lessons are mostly for beginner singers, these contain the building blocks which make somebody a great singer like breathing techniques, and different vocal techniques. Just don’t expect to become a good singer like Christina Aguilera just by listening to these lessons, but with some hard work and dedication, you will significantly improve.

Masterclass doesn’t only have singing lessons from Christina Aguilera, there are several high profile vocal coaches who also make some excellent online singing courses. In Christina Aguilera’s course, you will mostly learn about pop and rock singing, so if this is not your area then you should find another course. Overall the course is fairly good, but the price of it can be kind of high, especially if you are a beginner singer.

How To Pick An Online Singing Lesson?

As you can see you have a lot of options when it comes to online singing lessons, the ones I have listed here are the best, although that doesn’t mean that everybody will get the same results. For beginner singers I recommend singing courses, these will teach you the basics of singing. Some singing courses do include advanced techniques but your main goal should be to learn the basics of singing.

If you are an advanced singer then you have to go with personalized singing lessons with a vocal coach. Singing courses do offer some value but most of them are made for beginners. When picking an online vocal coach look at their education and who have they coached in the past. On most platforms you will also see the ratings and the reviews for the vocal coach, just read through them to see how was the experience for other people.

Key Takeaways

  • Online singing lessons offer the convenience of learning from the comfort of your own home and the flexibility to schedule lessons at a time that works best for you. This eliminates the need for travel and allows you to fit lessons into your busy schedule.
  • Online platforms provide access to a wide range of qualified singing instructors from around the world. You can choose an instructor whose teaching style and expertise align with your goals and musical interests.
  • Online singing lessons often come with additional resources and tools to enhance your learning experience. These may include practice exercises, vocal warm-ups, sheet music, and recorded lesson materials that you can review at any time.


Can you really learn to sing online?

Yes, learning to sing online is a viable option for improving your singing skills. There are many reputable online platforms, courses, and tutorials available that provide comprehensive vocal training, exercises, and feedback to help you develop proper technique and enhance your singing abilities.

Can I teach myself to sing?

While it’s possible to learn some singing basics on your own, professional guidance and structured vocal training can significantly accelerate your progress. Working with a qualified vocal coach or utilizing online singing programs can provide you with expert instruction, personalized feedback, and a systematic approach to develop your singing voice effectively.

Where can I learn singing online for free?

There are several online platforms that offer free resources for learning to sing, including video tutorials, vocal exercises, and tips. Websites like YouTube, Singing Success, and The New York Vocal Coaching provide free content to help you improve your singing skills.

Does 30 Day Singer work?

30 Day Singer is an online singing program that has gained popularity and positive reviews. It provides structured lessons, exercises, and practice routines to help singers develop their voice. While individual results may vary, many people have found value in the program and experienced improvement in their singing abilities.