How To Sing Better ( Top 47 Tips & Industry Secrets )

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The simple fact that you are here on my website, informing yourself how to sing puts you in front of the majority of singers and it is the first step in actually becoming a better singer. Below you will find all the information you need on how to improve at singing, no matter if you are a beginner or an advanced singer you will find plenty of useful information. Writing this article was a lot of hard work, but even if one person learns something new, it was well worth it, thank you, and enjoy your reading.

Singing can be fairly difficult to learn, especially for beginner singers. However even after you have learned the basics of singing, there is still so much you can learn and improve upon. The life of a singer is all about learning and improving their voice. Although there are some singers who stick with one genre of singing that they have mastered over the years, but in general most singers learn their entire lives.

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A lot of people can sing, but there is a massive difference between people who can sing well and those who can just sing. If you have ever watched a singing talent show, you probably have noticed a lot of participants with amazing voices, and singing techniques, this is because they have practiced singing for years. There are a lot of singers with good voices, who do not think that they can improve as a singer, mostly because they think that their voice is all that matters for singing.

Although this is true at some level, but singing as you will find out in this article is fairly complex and there are a lot of methods and techniques which can improve any singer, not only in terms of their voice but also in terms of their technique. My personal recommendation for you as a singer is to always try to improve, you will probably learn your entire life, but that is what is the difference between a good singer and a bad singer.

A lot of people will claim that in order to sing better you will either have to hire a vocal coach or get some expensive singing course, the problem is that people who claim this often are the ones who are selling singing courses, and of course they are going to recommend you to buy their course. There is absolutely no reason to buy any of these courses, and there is plenty of information for free available on my site.

Most of these courses will try to sell you some magic trick but trust me, there is no magic trick, it only takes hard work and determination. On the other hand, if you learn better with the direction of a vocal coach then go ahead and hire one. Some singing techniques do require a vocal coach as they are fairly complex and without the expertise of a vocal coach you will find it fairly difficult to learn, one good example of this is the singing into the mask technique, for more information check out my recent article Singing into the mask ( Fast & Easy ).

How To Sing Better

Sing With A Unique Style

The first step in getting better is to find your unique style. Do not confuse your unique singing style with finding your true voice as they are two separate concepts. Your unique style is the singing technique that you have developed for yourself, there are a lot of singing techniques and not all of them will be good for your own voice, this is why a lot of singers improvise and develop their unique style.

Your singing style, doesn’t have to be anything fancy or complicated, make sure that your singing style is as effortless as possible, as this will make you sound a lot more natural. Your unique singing style will be composed of your breathing technique, singing technique, and even of your vocal projection. If you are a beginner singer, do not worry if you do not have a unique style as it will take some time.

I would even go as far as to say that you shouldn’t actively try to develop your singing style, as this will come naturally after hundreds of hours of singing. Sooner or later you will hit that sweet spot where you both sound good and natural, and most importantly you will seem that you can sing effortlessly.

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Use The Correct Singing Posture

Your posture while you are singing, tells a lot about what kind of singer you actually are. Not a lot of singers focus on having a good posture while singing, and this can be heard in their voices, seen on the stage by their lack of presence on stage. Shy singers who have difficulty singing in front of others often adopt a fairly awkward posture, you can see on their body language that they are not comfortable and they would rather run than sing in front of a crowd.

Even if you are a shy singer, you will only benefit from having a good posture. Stand straight, tall, and with your head held high, just not so high that others can see in your nose. I won’t go much in detail as I have already written an in-depth article specifically aimed at shy singers, so check out Tips for shy singers ( How to get rid of it? ). As a side note, you will probably hear a lot of people say that while you sing you should smile, although if you are a beginner singer I wouldn’t recommend it as the shape of your mouth and its position plays a vital role on how you sound, and if you are smiling while you are singing you won’t be able to sing at your full potential.

Relax Your Voice

Singing can be fairly stressful, especially if you have to sing in front of others. Every singer will have to sing in front of others sooner or later and believe me that all singers do remember their first time singing in front of a crowd no matter how famous or successful they might be today. You as a singer not only have to learn how to relax your body but also your throat and even your vocal cords.

Most singers are extremely nervous the first couple of times when they sing in front of a crowd, this feeling of nervousness will eventually go away, even if you are a shy singer. The problem is that the only way this nervousness before singing on stage will go away is with time and experience on stage. However you can do several things in order to relax before you sing, my favorite method is to meditate.

With meditation, you will be able to calm yourself down, and ready to sing. In addition to this, there are several breathing exercises that will also calm you down and relax your throat for more information about this, search around my website as there are plenty of articles on the subject.

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Use Diaphragmatic Breathing

One of the easiest ways to sing better is to learn diaphragmatic breathing. As a singer, you are probably already familiar with this breathing technique, if not then let me break it down for you. Everybody has the ability to breathe by using their diaphragm, although most people breathe from the chest. As a singer, diaphragmatic breathing is essential as it will let you inhale a lot more air which you will use for singing.

My personal recommendation is to learn how to breathe from your diaphragm as soon as possible, as it will make singing a lot easier. If you don’t know if you are using your diaphragm to breathe while singing, then simply put one of your hands on your stomach, while you sing your stomach should inflate or expand, if it remains rigid then you are not using your diaphragm for breathing. Once you have mastered diaphragmatic breathing, you will notice that singing isn’t that hard at all, it will take some time till your diaphragm is strong enough to support your singing, but sooner or later it will be stronger.

Have A Proper Breathing Technique

Now that you know how to breathe from your diaphragm, you will have to learn a specific breathing technique that is best for your individual needs as a singer. Luckily for you, I have also written an in-depth article about this, so feel free to search around. Keep in mind that there is not one “best breathing technique” no matter who claims it to be so. The best breathing technique, simply put is the one that works the best for you, so try a couple of breathing techniques out.

Take Care Of Your Vocal Cords

I can not put enough emphasis on how important your vocal health is as a singer, without it you will never be able to sing at your full potential. The problem is that a lot of beginner singers think that while they are forcing their voice, is that they are getting better, as sooner or later their vocal cords get “strong” enough to facilitate their signing. The problem is that with vocal cords you have to use what you have, and no matter how much you force your vocal cords, they will not grow.

The voice of any person is determined by their vocal cords, mainly how long, how short, or how close together they are. There are some singers who undergo vocal cord surgeries, but most of them do it because of some preexisting damage to their vocal cords, and not because they want to change their voice. If you want to change your voice, there are several ways to do this, without affecting your vocal cords.

Every singer has one specific singing style which is unique to them, although they might sound good, but this doesn’t mean that they have good vocal health. If you take a quick search about Adele and vocal nodules, you will find that she had a couple of surgeries to remove these nodules, which were caused by her falsetto singing. If you want more information about vocal health, then check out my recent article How to take care of your vocal cords for singing? ( In 10 Easy Ways ).

Warm Up Your Voice Before Singing

Warming up your voice is part of every serious singer’s routine, not only it prevents damage to the vocal cords but it also makes singing a lot easier. If you want to know how much of a difference is singing with and without warming up your voice, then first thing in the morning as you wake up start singing and make sure to record yourself. Record yourself singing once again but this time in the late afternoon, now compare the both of them.

You will probably notice that your voice in the morning is fairly, deep even if you are a female. This is because, without a proper warm-up, you will have a lot of excess mucus on your vocal cords, which will make you sound a lot deeper than you actually are. There are a lot of singers who skip warming up their voices, as they think that their voices will be warmed up while they are singing. Although this is true to some extent, but the problem is that if you do not warm up your voice before singing, then you will only end up forcing your voice.

Vocal warm-ups are fairly simple, and the best thing about them is that you can actually do them while you are showering. 10-15 of vocal warm-up should be enough, just make sure that you do include some lip trills and humming in your warmup routine as these are highly beneficial for your singing voice.

Hydrate And Lubricate Your Vocal Cords

If you have read my above-mentioned article about vocal health then you probably already know how important hydration is for a singer. The problem is that not a lot of singers take into consideration how important hydration actually is. There are a lot of singing websites that do advise you to drink plenty of water, as it will hydrate your vocal cords. The problem is that hydrating your vocal cords isn’t your body’s main priority.

Your body’s main priority is to keep yourself alive and fully functional, this is why most of the water will go towards your vital organs first, then to the other organs, then to the muscles, and only after that it will actually focus on hydrating your vocal cords. The trick in hydrating yourself as a singer is to maintain a somewhat constant level of hydration, and this can be achieved by taking small sips of water often, and not by gulping down a gallon of water.

In addition to hydrating your body, water will also dislodge the excess mucus on your vocal cords, which will make you sing better. As a singer, it is a good idea to have a water bottle with you almost everywhere you go if you have a performance on stage then take a couple of sips of water right before you go on the stage. Just remember that no matter how hot it is outside, always drink room temperature water, as cold water will constrict your vocal cords, and will hinder your ability to sing.

Singers Diet

Diet plays a vital role in your ability to sing if you have a bad diet which only facilitates the deposits of fat cells then no matter how talented of a singer you are, you will ever be able to sing at your full potential. On the other hand, if you eat the right kinds of foods which actually benefit your singing voice, you will find that singing will become almost effortless.

There are some foods and drinks, which are actually hindering your performance as a singer, like coffee, alcohol, and even dairy products. A lot of singers have a fairly strict diet, my personal recommendation is to add some healthy foods to your diet in order to not only keep your vocal health in a top-notch condition but to also have more energy to sing. Foods that contain a lot of salt will dehydrate you, so if you are planning to sing make sure you eat something light a couple of hours before. If you are a fan of teas, then check out my recent article Best tea for singing voice ( Top 11 Teas ).

Practice Singing Every Day

The only way you will ever be able to sing better is if you practice singing, however, you should always set goals with your practices and aim to reach them in a couple of weeks or months. Goals that need more time to be achieved are also a good idea, the problem is that oftentimes these long-term goals take so long that some singers lose focus and simply get bored. My personal recommendation to you is to set up a daily routine of practicing singing.

Before practicing, do not forget to also warm up in order to prevent irritating your throat and vocal cords. A lot of people still consider that having talent is one of the most important factors that make somebody a good singer, although this is true on some level, but there are a lot of singers without any natural talent who actually became good singers by simply practicing to sing daily. While practicing singing, make sure that once in a while you sing a new song, this way practicing will not become boring.

Sing With Confidence

I know that this is easier said than done, however, a confident singer is generally considered a good singer if he or she has the ability to also sing well. There are plenty of shy singers who became successful, so it doesn’t really mean that if you are not confident then you can not become a better singer. On the other hand, having confidence in your ability to sing will reflect in your singing, and trust me, people will notice.

If you are a beginner singer, then you probably do not even have the confidence to sing in front of your family, this is normal, as well all are scared of judgment, especially if the people who are judging our singing are our loved ones. Confidence will take some time to develop, the trick is not to focus overwhelmingly on the negative aspects of your singing. If you know that you struggle at singing some notes, or you struggle with the singing or breathing technique, then my recommendation is to start focusing on improving those aspects of your singing.

Take it with baby steps, slow and steady wins the day. As you will start to slowly conquer your goals as a singer you will get a boost of confidence and odds are that from there on you will be a confident singer, unless something goes horribly wrong.

Use The Open Throat Technique

By learning the open throat technique you will be able to open up your vowels, which is a fancy term to say that your pronunciation will be a lot better and clearer. One of the easiest ways to learn the open throat technique is by opening up your mouth, and by placing your tongue on the bottom touching your bottom row of teeth. If you have never tried this, then I highly recommend you to try singing with an open throat technique just a couple of times till you start noticing the difference.

Have The Correct Jaw Position

Your jaw will either make you sound good as a singer or it will actually limit your ability to sing. Far too often singers who are not confident will sing with a half-opened mouth and their voice will suffer because of it. How open or closed your jaw is will determine how much air you can inhale or exhale while you are singing, in addition to this while you are singing the shape of your mouth also plays a vital role in producing your unique sound, this is why I do not recommend beginner singers to smile when singing.

One of the easiest ways to check if your jaw position is correct is by watching yourself in the mirror while you are singing. Try to alter between opening and closing your jaw a bit to notice how much it affects your voice.

Eliminate Cracks And Breaks While Singing

All singers have cracks and breaks in their voice, this is that weird pause between the notes, although most successful singers manage to hide it fairly well. The problem is that these cracks and breaks in your voice are extremely noticeable if you are a beginner singer, but this is mostly due to inexperience than anything else. In addition to this, some beginner singers can actually be labeled as singing out of tune because of these breaks.

Getting rid of these breaks and cracks in your voice entirely is impossible, you will have to learn to mask them. Generally speaking, most singers have these breaks and cracks while they are transitioning from one voice to another, like from your chest voice to your head voice. I will not go much in-depth about how to get rid of these cracks and breaks as I have already written an in-depth article about it, so check it out Voice cracks when singing high notes? ( How to fix it? ).

Find Your Vocal Range

Your vocal range will determine what kinds of songs you can actually sing. Singing songs that are outside of your vocal range isn’t the best idea, especially if you already know what your strengths and weaknesses are as a singer. On the other hand, I do recommend beginner singers to sing outside their vocal range, as they might even find that their vocal range is a lot broader than they had thought.

There are plenty of online tests or apps which will show you what your actual vocal range is, my recommendation is to try a couple of them out. A lot of singers might find that their vocal range is not one specific voice type, this is because the different voice types overlap each other, and what actually determines your vocal range is the higher and lower notes which you can sing correctly. The vocal range of each voice type is different, odds are that you are probably a combination of several voice types.

Generally speaking, voice types are categorized as follows:

  • Soprano
  • Mezzo-Soprano
  • Alto
  • Contralto
  • Tenor
  • Baritone
  • Bass

Extend Your Vocal Range

Now that you know what your vocal range is, you can start working on extending it. The vocal range of most untrained people is around 2 octaves, for trained singers is somewhere between 3-4 octaves. There are some singers who have a massive vocal range like Tim Storms, who has a vocal range of 10 octaves, this is currently a world record. Although you do not have to increase your vocal range so much to be a good singer.

Even a small increase of 0.5-1 octave should be enough to let you sing a whole new genre of music. I have already written an in-depth article on how you can extend your vocal range, so check it out How to increase your vocal range by an octave? ( As Fast as Possible ).

Record Your Singing

By far one of the best tips which I can give you is to record your singing. Not a lot of singers actually record their singing, although today it is even easier than ever. By recording your singing, you can analyze where you have made mistakes and focus on improving and eliminating these mistakes. In addition to this, I will also suggest filming yourself how you are singing, this way you can correct your singing posture and identify if you are actually singing with an open enough mouth or not.

Do not delete these recordings, just compare how you have sung today to the previous month. If you have been practicing, and focusing on singing better than even after a short period of time, such as a month, you will still see some improvements.

Imitate How Other Singers Sing

There is a famous saying “Fake it till you make it” and this is also true for singers. The problem is that most beginner singers will try to imitate singing the song rather than imitating the actual singer. Focus on trying to imitate a singer who you like how he or she sounds, and try to figure out how she is actually singing. The best way to learn from famous singers is by watching their live shows, as you will hear their true voices, what kind of posture they have, and even their stage presence.

Just make sure that the singer is actually singing live, as there are plenty of shows where they claim that the singer is singing live, but they are actually only singing playback. Not every singer can be imitated or copied, as some singers have a fairly unique voice, and no matter how hard you try to copy them, you will never be able to sound like them because you have your own limitations in terms of your voice capabilities.

Sing High Notes

Singing high notes is a challenge, even for some established singers. The truth is that almost everybody can sing high notes, the problem is that most singers do not know how to sing high notes correctly. If you have ever heard a person with an untrained voice, attempt to sing high notes, then you have probably noticed all the cats from the town have vanished. Jokes aside, singing high notes is fairly important for any singer.

Just listen carefully to any contemporary music and you will notice how much they rely on singing high notes. This is because as most people can not sing high notes properly, and once a singer sings with high notes correctly, you will notice that everybody’s jaw will drop. Learning how to sing high notes, is not that complicated, you will have to practice a lot, and eventually, you will be able to sing high notes.

Just keep in mind not to force your vocal cords too much as it is oftentimes the case of beginner singers who are learning how to sing high notes. Singing high notes should not be effortless but it shouldn’t also cause any pain, so if your throat hurts while singing high notes then you are probably singing them incorrectly.

Sing High Notes

Oftentimes, a powerful voice is enough to become a good singer, the problem is that most singers do not actually work on developing the strength of their voice. Most singers are used to singing with a microphone, and with some editing software, it is fairly easy to make anybody’s voice sound powerful. On the other hand, there are opera singers, who will definitely need to have a powerful voice, as opera singers can not use microphones.

Some vocal teachers will say that the position or the placement of your tongue will determine how powerful your voice is. I have to strongly disagree with this notion, the power of your voice doesn’t come from your tongue, as it comes from your breathing and no matter how you position your tongue, if you do not have enough air in your lungs to fully support your singing, then you will not be able to sing with power.

There is no magic trick in how to get a powerful voice, you should first focus on your breathing as oftentimes this is the main reason why you can not develop a powerful voice if you want to find out more, then check my recent article Causes of shortness of breath while singing ( 11 Most Common Causes ).

Sing In Tune

We have all heard plenty of singers who can not sing in tune, no matter how hard they might try. Oftentimes even advanced singers fail to sing in tune for different reasons. The problem with singing in tune is that on some level you have to feel it when the tune of the song changes and when you also should switch between your voices. Some singers have a natural ability to sing in tune, almost any song, on the other side, there are the majority of singers who will have to put in considerable effort to learn how to sing in tune.

As a singer, you have probably noticed that you can sing in tune with some songs, but that you are struggling with others. This is fairly normal, even for advanced singers as the tune and the pitch of almost every song is different and it is all about the question of how much experience you have singing that kind of song you have. One of the easiest ways to learn how to sing in tune is by using a piano or an app that mimics a piano.

Simply hit a piano key ad try to sing that tone don’t worry if you are a beginner singer and you are fairly off, it is normal, just keep on practicing. Don’t try to hit the perfect pitch as this will be extremely difficult for a beginner singer.

Enhance Your Voice Types

Most singers rely on only one of their voice types although they could use several of their voice types if they would have worked into enhancing these. The truth is that the more types of voices you can use to sing the more versatile of a singer you will become. As you can see the trends of the music industry are always shifting at a fast pace, what sounds good today, might be an old singing style tomorrow, so make sure to develop and enhance your voice types.

If you are a beginner singer then my recommendation is to focus on only one of your voice types, once you are comfortable singing with that voice type, then and only then start to develop your secondary voice type.

Resonate Your Voice

Resonating your vice is fairly difficult for beginner singers although with some practice anybody can do it. Most singers who are able to resonate their voice, generally speaking, are using their head voice, and if you know how to sing with your head voice you probably felt that the sound which you produce resonates all over your face. With plenty of practice and enough time, you will learn not only how to resonate your voice, but also how to resonate from certain parts and this is how you will control your resonating sound.

Develop Your Hearing

Now you might ask yourself what does your hearing get anything to do with singing the simple answer is, everything. Singers who are not able to sing in tune, oftentimes can not do it because they can not actually hear the different notes and tunes, so it is impossible for them to sing in tune. Most people do not have a well-developed hearing, although most singers should work on developing their hearing as this will make them better singers.

Once your hearing is developed enough you will start noticing individual notes, and different cues from the song where you have to either hit some higher notes or you have to transition between your voices. One of the easiest ways to develop your hearing is by placing your hands on your ears, and opening up your palms towards the direction from where the song is coming from, this way you will have a far easier time identifying individual notes, and after this just try to sing the note.

Sing With Your Head Voice

Most people use their chest voice while they are speaking, there are also some singers who only use their chest voice although this comes with a couple of problems like not being able to sing high notes correctly. Generally speaking, your head voice should give the volume and the power of your voice in addition to your breathing. Far too many singers force themselves to sing high notes with their chest voice, and they will struggle as the chest voice isn’t the best for singing higher notes.

Singers who can sing higher notes either use their head voice or their falsetto voice, the best ones can effortlessly and consciously switch between these. If you are a beginner singer, then my personal recommendation is to learn how to sing with your chest voice first and then with your head once. After this, you will have to learn passaggio between your different voices.

Use Passaggio Correctly

Passaggio is the term used in classical music where the singer transitions from one of their voice to another. Generally speaking, the passaggio tends to start from the chest voice to the head voice and vice versa ( the other way around ). Even if you are a beginner singer and do not know what passaggio actually is, you have probably done it at least a couple of times without noticing. Practicing songs that have alternating high and lower notes is a good way to learn proper passaggio.

If you notice that you are making a small pause between switching your different types of voices, then don’t worry as this is normal it is called a break in the voice, and somewhere above in this article, you have all the info you need on how to get rid of it.

Have A Dedicated Place For Singing

Every singer should have their own unique singing space where nobody can hear them sing. Not that your singing is bad, but generally speaking singers sing a lot more differently when they know somebody can hear them. This singing space doesn’t need to be some big home recording studio, just a small corner of a room where you can sing your heart out, without worrying about bothering anybody with your voice.

If you live in a crowded apartment building then you might have difficulty singing at home without anybody hearing you, in this case, you have two options, either soundproof your apartment or use a soundproof singing mask. If you don’t know what a soundproof singing mask is, then check out my article Soundproof singing mask ( Pros and Cons ).

Sing With An Instrument

Yes, you heard it right, learning to play an instrument will actually make you a better singer in more ways than you can even imagine. The best part about learning to play an instrument is that you have control at your fingertips of what kind of sound the instrument makes. My personal recommendation is to learn either to play guitar or piano as both of them are great to visualize the songs which you will sing.

You might think that you have full control of your singing voice, but the truth is that it will take you a fairly long time to develop the control to the same level as you control an instrument.

Projecting Your Emotions

If you have read my recent article Hardest songs to sing ( Top 90 most Difficult songs to Sing ), you have probably noticed that some songs are not difficult from a technical stand of point but from an emotional stand of a point. Some singers are so good at projecting their emotions that they can make a crowd cry, the bigger the crowd the more powerful this effect is. You as a singer are an entertainer, and your primary goal is to get your listeners to feel something and this is done with projecting your emotions.

Not only you will have to learn to project your emotions through singing, but also through your body language as people are more responsive to body language than to singing when it comes to emotions. For example, if you are singing a sad song and you are smiling, then this will create a disruption of the emotional projections so make sure that your body is somewhat mimicking the emotions to the best of your ability.

Sing With Stage Presence

No matter how big the crowd is to whom you are singing, you should always have a stage presence. Most beginner singers when they get their first chance to sing on the stage they will sound and look fairly awkward. And who can blame them as going on to the stage takes a lot of courage, but once they get on the stage they either completely surprise everybody how they sing or they start singing quietly without moving.

Now I am not saying that you should have a stage presence like Madonna did back in the good old days. What I am saying is to put some effort into actually entertaining the crowd, and keep in mind that a concert or an event is both auditive and visual so do not just stand in one place awkwardly singing.

Sing The Right Songs

Not all songs will be good for your voice, far too many singers go to auditions prepared to sing songs that are not good for their voice. Once you know your vocal range and your capability as a singer you will also know your limits. Simply put, not even the best singers in the world can sing every song well, and mostly because of the limiting factor of their own unique voice. Most singers simply choose a song to sing either because of their popularity or because they like listening to it.

The problem is that no matter how much you love a song if you are not able to sing it correctly then you either learn to sing it correctly or not sing it at all. In addition to this, a lot of singers have problems with their pronunciation, so if you know you can not pronounce correctly then try to focus on it before you actually start singing the song.

Don’t Sing Playback

Playback is when you sing while the music and the vocals of the song are also playing in the background. The reason why this is a bad idea is that it will give you a false sense of accomplishment, as oftentimes you will not be able to differentiate between your own singing and the singing of the original artist. I know that a lot of singers became interested in singing by singing playback, but if you are serious about singing then sooner or later you should stop doing this, no matter how fun it is.

A lot of singers who are used to singing over someone else’s voice think that they have the same qualities as a singer as the original artist. Just stop that background music for a minute ad you will notice how bad you actually sound.

Sing Acapella

Some vocal coaches will say to stay away from acapella, mostly because without music or someone accompanying you will be extremely difficult for you to sing. Although I can understand this as being a problem, but hear me out, if you are serious about singing and you are preparing to go to an audition then you have to be prepared with at least one acapella song as sometimes at an audition you will be asked to sing an acapella.

Acappella singing will not make you a better singer, but in order to progress your career as a singer then it is vital. Just don’t do the mistake of some beginner singers who only focus on acapella and think that because they can sing acapella that they are good singers, this is far from it.

Sing By Practicing Scales

Even as a beginner singer you probably heard somebody practicing the Do, Re, Mi, Fa, Sol, La, Ti, Do, these are some of the most common scales called the minor scale, which you should also start practicing this will make you a better singer.

Vocal Coach

A good vocal coach will definitely make you a better singer, although a vocal coach isn’t always necessary to be able to sing better. There are plenty of pros and cons to hiring a vocal coach, one of the main cons is the price of them as they can get fairly expensive, especially if they have taught somebody who is famous. There are even online vocal teachers, but my personal recommendation is to avoid them at all costs as you truly need to sit down face to face with a vocal teacher in order to learn anything which is tailored to your unique and personal needs as a singer.

On the other hand, it is a very good idea to get a vocal coach when you hit a wall in your singing progress. It is fairly difficult to know why you are not progressing as a singer with your voice, and oftentimes the advice of a good vocal coach is priceless.

Know The Lyrics

Far too often I have seen singers at different auditions singing with the help of a sheet of paper, and this looks very unprofessional and simply unprepared. If you go to a singing audition with a piece of paper hoping that you will be the one to be chosen out of hundreds of singers then I am sorry to say but in my eyes, you are immediately eliminated. Part of an audition is your personality if you come unprepared for what you think is your big break then how will you prepare for a concert, probably the same.

Simply put just learn the lyrics, they are not that hard to memorize, and if you have truly practiced singing then you already should have had the lyrics memorized.

Join A Choir

Choirs are one of the best places where you can learn to sing, and the best part about it is that it will not cost you a penny. In addition to this, you will make a lot of friends who have the same mindset towards singing, which is trying to get better. The bar of entry in a choir is fairly low, especially in smaller towns, as simply not that many people are interested in joining a choir. It doesn’t even have to be a recognized or a church choir, basically, almost any choir will do as long as the choir director is actually qualified in teaching you to sing.

Shy singers oftentimes find their voice in a choir as they simply do not like being in the center of attention while singing. Although some might say that some singers are hiding behind the choir, which in some cases is true, but sometimes this is what they actually need in order to harness the courage to sing solo one day.

Sing With A Microphone Made For Singers

No matter how good of a singer you are, if the microphone is low quality then you will have a fairly hard time singing. My personal recommendation is to get a high-quality microphone, like the one I mentioned at the beginning of this article. The problem is even if you learn all the tricks for using your personal microphone, is that you will not be able to use it at every event or concert.

Some events use generic microphones, and they will simply not allow you to use your own microphone as they have to do extra work to sync it to sound good. In this case, you might even find that you got handed a low-quality microphone and the event organizers will expect you to sound like a superstar. In this case, my recommendation is to look for the most popular and cheapest microphones, because the odds are that the event organizers have cheapened out when buying the main microphone.

Once you start making money from singing, only then start experimenting with different types of microphones, and sooner or later you will sound good no matter what microphone you use.

Learning To Sing Takes Time

Singing like any other skill takes time to master, generally speaking, the longer you are practicing singing the better you should be, although there are plenty of people who are still struggling with the basics of singing, even after a couple of years, hopefully, you aren’t one of these singers. The good news is that virtually everybody can learn to sing, the bad news is that it will take a long time, patience, hard work, and determination to be a good singer.

You might think that this is a negative aspect of singing, far from it, the longer it takes people to learn to sing well the fewer people will sing, thus eliminating your own competition as a singer. Now don’t just practice singing the same old song for years and expect to become a world-class singer, you as a singer will have to constantly improve your ability to sing.

Learn To Read Sheet Music

Believe it or not but not a lot of singers can read sheet music. Generally, speaking, singers who go to a conservatory do know how to read sheet music, but only a very few singers who are self-taught actually know how to read sheet music. If you have never tried to learn to read sheet music, then it can become overwhelming, in this case, my personal recommendation is to use teaching apps that will teach you how to read sheet music step by step.

Identify Your Shortcomings As A Singer

As a singer, you will sooner or later notice that you are limited by your own voice, and this is normal and happens to every single singer no matter how famous they are. You will have your strong points and your weak points when it comes to singing, just like with everything else in life. My personal recommendation is to start focusing on the aspects of singing with which you are struggling, like singing high notes.

Find Your True Singing Voice

You have probably noticed that finding your true voice part is almost at the end of this article. A lot of websites will probably put this on top of your to-do list if you want to improve as a singer. The problem is that finding your voice isn’t that simple, it is not like learning a new skill. Some singers will find their true voice by accident, while others will find their true voice by experimenting with a lot of different types of songs and singing styles.

Believe it or not but this can take years, some singers never actually feel 100% sure that they have found their true voice and they keep on searching and experimenting until the end of time. A lot of people will say different things about how your true voice should sound like. The truth is that your true voice is the voice with which you can sing the easiest and the best as you can, you will have to find a balance between being able to sing well and singing almost effortlessly, once you find this sweet spot then you can congratulate yourself as you have found your voice.

Keep Learning Different Singing Techniques

The more you know about singing the better singer you should be, in theory, although this is probably not always the case. The problem with some singers is that once they sing professionally they simply stop growing as a singer, and they will be forever stuck in that small niche. By learning new things about singing, I do not mean to know every gossip about every singer, that is irrelevant. Instead, try and broaden your horizon in the singing spectrum by learning and experimenting with different singing styles.

Don’t Chase The Money As A Singer

A lot of singers get simply blinded by money, as more money means more financial safety. Although this becomes a massive problem when you as a singer put yourself in a corner from where you can no longer evolve as a singer. I have seen plenty of singers chasing money only to end up in singing genres that faded extremely fast. In short, don’t chase the money, do your own unique style of singing and sing what you are good at singing.

As a side note if you want to know the different ways how you can make money as a singer, then check out my recent article How to make money by singing ( Top 27 Methods ).

Have A Backup Plan As A Singer

Sometimes singing just doesn’t work out, this doesn’t mean that you are a bad singer, far from it. The problem is that there are a lot of singers who invest all of their money into their careers only to end up bankrupt. I know that a lot of singing related websites will tell you that you have to buy this and that expensive equipment or course in order to become a better singer, but the truth is that you already have everything you need in order to become a better singer, and if you are reading this article then you are doing more to educate yourself as a singer then 90% of singers.

Have Fun Singing

Singing should be fun, just like in the beginning when others noticed that you can actually sing, at that point, singing wasn’t anything serious as you only did it because you had fun and this is why you did sound so good. The problem is that making a career from singing is extremely hard as the music industry is very competitive, you will probably spend more time in hallways at auditions than actually singing.

So my recommendation is to try and have fun, once you notice that singing is becoming a chore, then just take a break and look at some awesome singing memes which you can find in my recent article Singing Memes ( Top 50 Memes ).

Key Takeaways

  • Focus on developing good vocal technique, which includes breath control, posture, vocal placement, and resonance. Work with a vocal coach or take singing lessons to learn and practice these techniques correctly.
  • Warm up your voice before singing by doing vocal exercises and warm-up routines. These exercises help to loosen up your vocal cords, improve vocal range, flexibility, and strengthen your voice. Consistent practice of vocal exercises can enhance your singing abilities over time.
  • Dedicate regular time to practice singing and work on improving your vocal skills. Practice different vocal exercises, scales, and songs to build your vocal strength, control, and accuracy. Consistency and perseverance are key to developing better singing abilities.


How can I improve my voice for singing?

To improve your voice for singing, you can practice vocal exercises to strengthen your vocal muscles, work on breath control and proper posture, receive vocal training from a qualified instructor, and regularly practice singing songs that challenge and expand your vocal range.

How can I sing more well?

To sing more effectively, you can focus on techniques such as proper breath support, vocal resonance, pitch accuracy, and vocal projection. Regular practice, warm-up exercises, and seeking guidance from a vocal coach can also help you develop better control and consistency in your singing.

How can I sing better naturally?

To enhance your natural singing abilities, you can maintain good overall vocal health by staying hydrated, avoiding excessive strain on your voice, and getting sufficient rest. Additionally, practicing regularly, listening to various styles of music, and recording yourself for self-assessment can contribute to your natural singing improvement.

Can a bad singer learn to sing?

Yes, with proper training, practice, and dedication, a person with limited singing abilities can improve and become a better singer. Vocal techniques, ear training, and guidance from a vocal coach can help address specific areas of improvement and transform a bad singer into a competent one.