Best Drink For Singing Voice? ( Top 13 Drinks To Help Your Voice )

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When it comes to singing, your diet plays a crucial part in how good or bad your voice will sound. The truth is that everything we eat and drink has an effect on our bodies. This is why as a singer it is crucial to have a good diet and to drink the right stuff. If you follow famous singers and artists on social media you have probably already noticed that most of them eat pretty clean and stay well hydrated especially before they have to sing.

To improve your singing, the best drink is water. It hydrates your vocal cords and helps prevent strain. Herbal teas (not too hot) are also beneficial. Keep a water bottle handy during lessons and rehearsals. Avoid dehydrating drinks like caffeine and sugary beverages. Stay hydrated for optimal vocal performance.

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Some would even claim that what you drink as a singer is even more important than what you eat, although this is true in some cases not all of them. If you lead a relatively healthy lifestyle and have a good diet then drinking the right stuff will only help your singing voice even further. However, if you lead a sedentary lifestyle with a bad diet, no matter what you will drink you might find that your singing voice is not improving as fast as it should.

If you want more information about what kinds of foods are best for singers then check out my article ( Top 18 ) Foods to improve singing voice. As a singer when it comes to diet and hydration your number one goal is to be well hydrated, while you can sing with an empty stomach fairly well you will find it extremely difficult to sing if your throat is dry.

Best Drink For Singing Voice?

The best drink for a singing voice is room temperature water. Hydration is essential for maintaining vocal health and ensuring optimal vocal performance. Room temperature water helps to keep the vocal cords hydrated and lubricated, promoting better vocal flexibility and reducing the risk of vocal strain or injury. Avoiding excessively hot or cold beverages is crucial, as extreme temperatures can cause vocal cord tension. Additionally, it’s best to avoid drinks with caffeine or alcohol, as they can lead to dehydration and irritate the vocal cords.

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Let’s get down to basics, water is by far one of the best drinks for singers. Although many singers know how important water is for the singing voice but most have no clue why it is so. Water when it is ingested it will be absorbed fairly fast and your body doesn’t have to waste almost any energy on digesting it, so not only water hydrates you but it also conserves a lot of energy which you will use for singing.

On the other hand, if you drink sodas all day long your liver will have to break down all the sugar contained in them and your stomach will use up a lot of energy to absorb it. Drinking sodas in addition to putting a strain on your energy levels also dehydrates you as digesting the contents of a soda actually uses up much more water than the soda contains, this is why you get even thirstier after you drink a soda.

Water is essential for every singer no matter if they are a beginner or already an established singer, although there is a lot you can do to make your voice sound better, for more information check out my recent article How to make voice clear and soft? ( Fast and Easy ).

Decaffeinated Tea

Drinking warm decaffeinated tea is ideal for singers but you have to keep in mind that it has to be decaffeinated as caffeine tends to harm your singing voice. My personal recommendation is to drink warm green tea and to avoid at all cost tea mixes as most of them do have teas in them that have caffeine in them. Do note that green tea should be consumed without any sugar, if you do not like the taste of it you can add some honey and lemon to spice it up a bit.

Throat coat tea

If you are not familiar with throat coat teas then you should definitely try them out as they can do miracles for your singing voice. Usually, these teas contain a mix of marshmallow root, slippery elm, and licorice root which all have coating properties, meaning they will make a protective coat on your vocal cords. These teas are especially useful if you have long sections of singing and especially during the cold season.

Peppermint tea

Peppermint tea is one of my favorite teas for singing, it not only hydrates you but also clears your throat and nasal area as well. Although not everybody is a fan of peppermint tea due to its spiciness of it, but if you can handle it your voice will sound a lot better after drinking it. A simple trick that I picked up a few years ago is that the warmer or hotter the tea is the spicier it feels, so if you do not like the spiciness then you can drink it lukewarm and still get all the positive benefits for your voice.

Cucumber water

Cucumber water is especially good for singers who have an active lifestyle and are prone to dehydration due to their lifestyle. Cucumber water has a lot of health benefits but for singers, one of the best benefits is that it will keep you hydrated a lot longer than a simple cup of water. The trick is to also consume the cucumber in the water, just make sure you slice them up into small pieces. Once you drink the cucumber water and ingest all of its content your body will absorb the water and the water contained in the cucumber itself, which will lead to you being hydrated for a longer period of time.

Honey and lemon water

This is by far one of the easiest drinks for singers, organic honey doesn’t really have an expiration date so you can store it almost indefinitely. Just add a tablespoon or two of honey in a cup, add a couple of slices of lemons, and add warm water. While you are stirring it make sure to crush the lemons so the vitamins and minerals get released in the water, in addition to this it is also a good idea to eat the lemon slices after you have had your drink.

The honey in the water will make a protective coat on your vocal cords and the extra vitamin C from the lemons will help your voice to sound a lot clearer than before.

Wild white moss tea

If you are a fan of teas you will find this one especially useful for your singers, while this does not make a protective coat on your vocal cords it has other health benefits that come with it when ingested, it is especially beneficial for your throat and lungs. Do note that wild white moss tea comes from the Himalayan region and keep an eye on the region where it is produced as there are a lot of teas claiming to have wild white moss in them when they actually don’t.

Aloe Vera drink

Aloe Vera has a lot of health benefits, it is extremely good for your stomach, lungs, and for your throat. If you wake up one day with a sore throat and drink an Aloe Vera drink and you will find that within minutes your voice is a lot clearer and your sore throat is no longer hurting. My personal recommendation is to get the ones that have chunks of Aloe Vera in them, usually, these ones are thicker than water but that is normal.

Most shops sell these directly from the fridge, while it will maintain all of its benefits even if it is cold, but if you are a singer my recommendation is to drink it when it has room temperature.

Licorice root tea

Licorice root tea when ingested makes a protective coat on your vocal cords, protecting them from strain and dehydration. While most people are not a fan of its taste, it is still a very good drink for singers due to its protective qualities. Do note that the hotter the tea is the more powerful the licorice taste it has, so if you are not a fan of its taste try to drink it lukewarm.

Ginger tea

I have been using ginger tea for years, especially before a long singing session. Ginger tea can do miracles for your voice and it even helps you avoid injuries to your vocal cords. If you need more information about how beneficial is ginger-tea for your voice, check out my recent article Is ginger good for the voice? ( Yes, But Why? ).

Onion syrup

If you are a beginner singer you have probably not heard of onion syrup. The truth is that there are a lot of successful singers who use onions in one form or another for making their voices sound better. Onions are especially healthy for your lungs, it not only helps you breathe easier and better but also eliminate the mucus-forming in your lungs and even vocal cords after long periods of singing.

You can find onion syrup in herbal remedies shops or you can create your own by chopping the onions adding some honey and crushing them together.

Maple syrup

Maple syrup combined with decaffeinated teas is excellent for sore throat, in fact, it is very similar to the health benefits of honey, which is the protective coating and very strong antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. The maple syrup is especially good for new singers who often force themselves to sing higher notes and thus end up straining their voices.

Steam inhaler

While this is not an actual drink, but by using a steam inhaler you will in fact hydrate yourself. Some singers do have a daily routine that has the usage of a steam inhaler incorporated, some singers swear it makes their voice better while others think it is only a placebo effect. Everybody reacts differently and if you are a beginner singer you should try it out and see if it works for you or not.

Key Takeaways

  • The best drinks for your singing voice are the ones that hydrate you and are also beneficial for your throat, vocal cords, and lungs. While you are singing you will oftentimes force your vocal cords, in this case, drinks that create a protective layer on your vocal cords are extremely good like throat coat tea, honey and lemon water, and licorice root tea.
  • Staying hydrated is crucial for maintaining a healthy singing voice. Drinking water helps to keep the vocal cords lubricated and prevents dryness, which can lead to vocal strain. Opt for room temperature water and sip it throughout the day to ensure proper hydration.
  • Herbal teas, such as chamomile or peppermint, can help soothe the throat and reduce inflammation. Adding a teaspoon of honey to your tea can provide additional throat-coating benefits and relieve irritation. However, be cautious with excessive honey consumption, as it can cause excess mucus production.
  • A mixture of warm water, fresh lemon juice, and a teaspoon of honey can provide temporary relief for a tired or strained voice. Lemon helps to break down mucus and honey provides a soothing effect. Sip this concoction before or after singing to help warm up or soothe your vocal cords.


What is the best thing to drink before singing?

The best thing to drink before singing is room temperature water. It helps keep your vocal cords hydrated without causing excess mucus production or drying out your throat.

What drinks help with singing?

Apart from water, warm herbal teas with honey can be beneficial for singers as they soothe the throat and provide temporary relief from vocal strain. Avoid drinks that contain caffeine or alcohol as they can dehydrate the vocal cords.

What is the best liquid to consume while singing?

The best liquid to consume while singing is room temperature water. It helps maintain proper hydration and keeps the vocal cords lubricated for optimal vocal performance.

What can I take to improve my singing voice?

To improve your singing voice, it’s important to maintain overall vocal health through proper hydration, regular vocal warm-ups and exercises, and vocal training or lessons from a qualified vocal coach. Additionally, maintaining a healthy lifestyle, including a balanced diet and sufficient rest, can contribute to the overall quality of your singing voice.