How To Improve Voice Quality Naturally ( 10 Quick and Easy Steps )

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No matter if you want to be a singer or you just want to improve the quality of your speaking voice one thing is certain, practice makes perfect. Some people are naturally gifted or talented with a good voice, however, even if you are not among these you can still make a lot of progress towards your goal voice. In today’s modern world where almost every song is “enhanced” with different kinds of software like autotune, you might find that the natural voice of your favorite singer sounds either weird or fake.

You can improve the quality of your voice naturally by doing breathing exercises and focusing on diaphragmatic breathing while singing. In addition to this one of the easiest ways how you can improve your voice in a matter of minutes is by warming up your voice before singing. A good warm up session will make your voice sound a lot more pleasant and clearer, and the best part about it is that warming up takes only a couple of minutes.

Your voice quality is enhanced by listening to different songs from your favorite music genre, they might even sound completely different in one song compared to another. This is mostly due to the fact that the artist has probably switched studios or record labels, and if you are a veteran in the industry you already know that each studio has a kind of tune or sound that sets it apart from the other studios, this is the same case for singers.

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If you are a fan of alto singers you already know how their speaking voice is a lot different than their singing voice, generally speaking, their voice is a lot deeper than usual. No matter what kind of singing voice your goal is to achieve you will have to practice a lot, if you read my article Famous alto singers ( Top 12 ), you will find that most of the singers listed have been practicing since childhood. Most people who are serious about improving their singing or talking voice usually hire a vocal coach, the problem is that your progress will be limited by what you can learn about improving your voice.

If you have read my article ( Top 18 ) Foods to improve singing voice,  you already know that nutrition for singers is as important as any vocal coaching or breathing lessons, especially when you are a beginner singer when you need all the edge you need. Through the ages singers have found different ways of improving their voice, some of them went through great pain to achieve their voice like in the case of Castrato singers, these male singers have got their testicles removed or destroyed voluntarily to achieve a higher-pitched voice similar to a woman. They did this mostly in the middle ages as all actors and singers were male and they were trying to imitate the female voice as best as they could.

How To Improve Voice Quality Naturally

Improving voice quality naturally involves various techniques and practices that can enhance vocal resonance, clarity, and overall sound. One important aspect is maintaining good vocal hygiene by staying hydrated and avoiding irritants like excessive caffeine and alcohol. Regular vocal exercises, such as breathing exercises, vocal warm-ups, and vocal range exercises, can strengthen the vocal cords and improve control and flexibility. Proper posture, with an aligned spine and relaxed neck and shoulders, allows for optimal airflow and supports better vocal production.

Additionally, practicing good breath control, engaging the diaphragm, and focusing on breath support can lead to more sustained and controlled vocal output. Taking care of overall physical health, including getting enough rest, managing stress, and avoiding vocal strain, can also positively impact voice quality. Finally, working with a vocal coach or speech therapist can provide personalized guidance and techniques to improve specific aspects of voice quality, such as resonance, articulation, and pitch control.

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1. Breathe Correctly

The amount of air you can inhale will determine how long you can sing and in most cases will also affect the pitch and the tone of your voice. If you are a new singer then some breathing techniques might be difficult to achieve as in addition to concentrating to get the best voice you possibly can you are also intensely focusing on when you inhale and when you exhale. Breathing exercises will take some time to get used to, however, every famous singer has one thing in common, their ability to breathe correctly, which you also have to learn.

One of the simplest and easiest breathing exercises is to lie down on your back, make sure your shoulders are not hunched back, and put one of your hands on your stomach to notice how your normal breathing is. If you are a beginner you will notice that your chest will expand and contact while you are inhaling and exhaling. Your next goal should be to focus on breathing while using your diaphragm, this is a very easy exercise.

Hold the same position as before and focus on expanding your stomach area while inhaling instead of your chest. Do note that improving your voice naturally means that you will need to strengthen different muscles in your body, this will take time but practice makes you one step closer to perfection. If you need more in-depth information on what you can do to sing better, then check out my article How to sing better ( Top 47 Tips and Industry Secrets ).

2. Drink Water

If you browse around my website you will find an article titled Foods to improve singing voice, if you read it you will notice that the most important factor which determines your singing voice is how hydrated you are. Singing with a dry throat is not only almost impossible but it can also be dangerous as you will probably strain your vocal cords. One thing that nobody mentions is that the humidity in the air can also affect your voice, in arid climates, it is extremely important to get a humidifier.

Avoid at all costs any salty foods which can dehydrate you, foods like french fries, chips, or any other foods that are high in salt will only worsen your voice. There are a lot of people claiming they have a healthy lifestyle just because they drink vitamin water, my recommendation is to avoid vitamin water at all costs. These vitamin waters are packed whit sugars and usually, they contain only a penny’s worth of vitamins in them, plus they are a lot more expensive than normal water.

3. Warm Up

Most new singers either neglect the fact that they need to warm up their voices or they are doing it incorrectly. However, just as in the case of a bodybuilder, you will need to warm up your voice and your muscles which contribute to singing not only to prevent vocal chord injury but also to get your voice sound a lot smoother and clearer. One of the easiest ways to warm up your voice is by humming, close your mouth and start humming and let it come out through your nose, do not focus on how loud or powerful the humming is, the trick is to make the humming sound constant and for an as long period of time as you can.

With enough practice you will notice that you can hum for several minutes, this not only warms up your voice but aids in strengthening your lungs and diaphragm for easier breathing while you are singing. After extended periods of singing it is also a good idea to cool down your vocal cords, you can use humming to achieve this also.

4. Diaphragmatic Breathing

If you are a new singer you have probably already heard that several vocal coaches start their lessons with diaphragm breathing. Breathing using your diaphragm will not only make your voice more powerful but will also make your vocal cords less prone to accidental injuries. Usually, people use their chest to inhale and exhale, but you can also use your diaphragm to achieve the same result and even to improve your voice naturally.

When you breathe normally you will notice that as your chest fills up with air it will expand, however, if you are breathing using your diaphragm you will notice that your stomach will expand instead of your chest. There are numerous singers who sing by using their diaphragm, as this allows them to achieve higher notes and they can maintain these higher notes for long periods of time.

5. Open Your Mouth Wide

This is a no-brainer for any singer, but you would be amazed at how many people singers or not do not open their mouths wide enough. If you are a new singer go in front of a mirror and start singing, every once in a while use the vowels E and U during the song a couple of times and you might notice that during singing the vowels your jaw is not opened properly. Put one of your fingers on your jaw in such a fashion that you will not allow it to close more than an inch and start singing again using the same vowels.

My personal recommendation is to also record yourself this way you will have a before and after comparison, after doing this exercise a couple of times you will notice that your voice is fuller, more powerful, and a lot louder. This will not only improve your singing voice but will also improve your day-to-day speech as the words which come out of your mouth will be a lot clearer. If you do not notice any benefits after the first couple of tries and you notice some pain in your neck and jaw muscles do not worry, your jaw and neck muscles are not powerful yet but with some practice, you will notice a significant improvement in your singing voice, usually in just a few days of practicing.

6. Get A Vocal Coach

Generally speaking, vocal coaches are fairly expensive, but you can learn a lot from them. Starting with breathing exercises to singing and in some cases, if the vocal coach is confident enough in you then you might even get recommended by the coach to sing at small events or venues. Vocal coaches are also excellent for people who can not commit to a routine for improving their voice, as in everyday life some people are leaders taking the initiative while others are followers who follow the advice of others.

No matter which type of person you are if your aim is to improve your voice then you need all the edge that you can get, no matter if it is by practicing by yourself or by following the advice of a vocal coach. One major benefit which vocal coaches offer which you can not get if you do it alone is that you will not pick up bad habits which will become extremely difficult to unlearn after longer periods of time.

7. Sing While Keeping Your Chin Down

You have probably noticed that a lot of singers raise their chin while singing especially while hitting higher notes, this is a good way to hit those high notes, however, if you are new to singing this is not recommended as you might injure your vocal cords. If you want to see how much keeping your chin down improves your voice, go in front of the mirror and start singing while keeping your chin higher than usual.

Now do the same with your chin down and you will notice that your voice sounds a lot richer and even calmer, my recommendation is to also record yourself this way you can compare your voice.

8. Keep Calm And Slow Down

Have you ever noticed that you sound a lot better when you are singing alone? People who get easily nervous when they perform tend to speak a lot faster, they do not open their jaw and sounds do not come out clearly. Now imagine if you are a new singer just starting your career and you do know that you would be the perfect fit for a role or for the song, but while introducing yourself your speech becomes mumbled and your voice becomes distorted while singing.

First impressions matter a lot if you can not keep it together at a simple phone number exchange for a potential singing gig then you will make your life as a singer a lot harder. You need to keep calm no matter what, a calm person is a confident person. Even if you are not confident in yourself just fake it till you make it. If people frequently ask what you have said before because you speak too fast, just slow down so everybody can understand you clearly, by doing this you will not only improve your singing voice but you will also improve your social life.

While speaking slowly and clearly you will notice that a lot more people will listen and respond to you when you are speaking.

9. Don’t Yell While Singing

There are a lot of people who yell for almost no reason, generally, these people want to attract the attention of others. If you have been to any karaoke club, you probably noticed that a lot of singers yell their songs thinking that this makes them good singers. Not only the song they are trying to sing sound distorted but yelling frequently will eventually lead to injuries to your vocal cords.

If you are in your mid 20’s you probably can yell for hours before your vocal cords hurt and in most cases, the injury will be limited, but as older you get the more sensitive your vocal cords become to yelling.

10. Use Warm Saltwater

If you feel that your voice doesn’t feel or sound just right and you feel that your throat is having a difficult time hitting those high notes, the most obvious cause is that you could have a soar throat. Get a cup of warm water, stir in one tablespoon of salt, mix it together, and gargle. Do this for a couple of minutes and you will notice a significant improvement in your voice. Using warm salt water is a good idea especially after you got a cold or right before the cold sets in and you already have several symptoms like soar throat.

Key Takeaways

  • Drink plenty of water throughout the day to keep your vocal cords hydrated and prevent dryness. Avoid excessive caffeine and alcohol, as they can dehydrate the body and affect your voice quality.
  • Regularly perform vocal warm-ups and exercises to strengthen your vocal cords, improve breath control, and enhance your voice quality. These exercises can include lip trills, tongue twisters, humming, and sirens.
  • Take care of your voice by avoiding excessive shouting or yelling, smoking, and exposure to irritants such as pollution or allergens. Practice good posture and proper breathing techniques to support your voice and maintain optimal vocal quality.


How can I improve my voice clarity?

To improve voice clarity, focus on proper breath control, enunciation, and articulation. Practicing vocal exercises that target clarity, such as tongue twisters and consonant drills, can also be helpful. Additionally, receiving feedback from a vocal coach or participating in speech therapy sessions may provide guidance tailored to your specific needs.

Can I change the quality of my voice?

While you may not be able to completely change the natural tone or timbre of your voice, you can enhance its qualities through vocal training and techniques. Working with a vocal coach can help you develop proper vocal control, resonance, and expression, which can positively influence the quality of your voice.

Is it possible to change your voice naturally?

Yes, it is possible to make natural changes to your voice through consistent vocal exercises and training. By practicing techniques that focus on breath control, vocal range expansion, and resonance, you can develop and refine your voice’s capabilities.

How can I improve my vocal voice?

To improve your vocal voice, consider working with a vocal coach who can provide guidance on proper vocal techniques and exercises tailored to your voice. Additionally, practicing regularly, staying hydrated, and avoiding habits that strain or damage your voice, such as excessive shouting or smoking, can contribute to vocal improvement.