Changing your voice, no matter if you are male or female can be a very difficult task. It can certainly be done but it takes a lot of effort and persistence to achieve it. Generally speaking, it is far easier for females than males to make their voices higher permanently, although with a lot of dedication, male singers can also achieve the same results in a much longer period of time. One of the major differences between men and women when it comes to achieving a higher voice is the amount of testosterone or the lack of it which affects your voice.
You can make your voice higher permanently speaking and singing with a higher-pitched voice as often as you can. The more you practice with your higher-pitched voice the better you will be at it and sooner or later it will become second nature. One of the best ways to make your voice higher permanently is by faking it till you make it start speaking and singing with a higher pitch as often as you can.
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How To Make Your Voice Higher Permanently
Usually, males who have a lot more testosterone in their body tend to have a deeper voice, although some females who do have more testosterone in their body than your average female, also tend to have a lot deeper voice. If you have read my recent article ( Top 18 ) Foods to improve singing voice, you already know that certain foods are better for singers as the food you consume will have an impact on the quality of your voice.
There are a lot of people who want to sound higher, my personal recommendation is to work with what you have if you have a deeper voice than use it. The truth is that the length of your vocal cords affects how high you can sing and speak, people with shorter vocal cords tend to have a deeper voice, while others with longer vocal cords tend to have a higher voice.
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Fake It Till You Make It
If your goal is to make your voice higher permanently then you need to start speaking and singing with a higher-pitched voice. This could be extremely difficult at first as your body will not be used to the higher-pitched voice and you will struggle for the first couple of days. Just keep in mind that you need to use your higher voice always, even when you are alone and singing or speaking by yourself.
After a couple of weeks of speaking and singing with a higher-pitched voice, it will become second nature and you will not have to constantly focus on using your higher-pitched voice.
Take Deep Breaths
Singing higher means that your body will need all the air that it can get, generally speaking, people who can not sing high notes are the ones that do not breathe correctly. If you do not breathe correctly you will not have enough power in your lungs to push out the higher notes, and even if you manage to push out these higher notes they can not keep it up for more than just a few seconds before going out of breath.
If you have read my recent article How to improve voice quality naturally ( 10 Quick and Easy Steps ), you will find that breathing is just a piece in the puzzle for changing your voice, if you haven’t read the article my recommendation is to check it out.
Change Your Pitch
How you use your laryngeal cartilage will determine your pitch, this can be either a lower-pitched, higher-pitched voice or anything in between. Singers who have a low-pitched deep voice rely on the laryngeal cartilage to create their voice, usually, they open up their throat just enough to be able to produce their deep voice. People who want to achieve a higher-pitched voice, need to learn to open up their entire throat as this will result in a higher-pitched voice.
One of the easiest and fastest ways to open up your throat is by a simple yawning exercise, while you are doing your vocal warm-up simply incorporate yawning into it. In addition to this, you should also focus on how open your mouth is, generally speaking, the wider your mouth is open the more open your entire throat becomes which will result in a higher-pitched voice.
Listen To Your Voice
People sound very differently on a recording if you are not sure how your voice actually sounds then you have to record yourself and work on your weaknesses. Having a higher voice means different things for most people, you need to identify the kind of high-pitched voice you are truly trying to achieve and practice till you are successful. Do note that the quality of your recording also dictates how you sound, while most studio equipment is great for higher-pitched voices, the day to day smartphones and microphones are not that great at recording higher-pitched voices and you might sound distorted.
Head Up Jaw Down
There are a lot of beginner singers who use their entire head to sing, some of them look like bobbleheads while singing. But if you take a closer look at singers who have a naturally high pitched voice while singing you will notice that while they are hitting the higher notes they tend to look up and let their jaw take over the higher notes. The main reason why they are looking up is to open their throat, this way they not only have more air to work with but this position is also a lot better for achieving a higher-pitched voice.
Use Your Nose
There are a lot of people who have a nasal voice, generally speaking, they tend to have a higher-pitched voice than people who are not speaking through their nose. Although by speaking through your nose you can achieve a higher voice this is not recommended if you are an actor or a singer. People with nasal voices tend to have a hard time getting people to listen to them as their voice oftentimes sounds fake and incoherent.
Focus On Your Tongue
The positioning of your tongue is vital if you are trying to achieve a higher-pitched voice, as your throat needs to be as open as possible to be able to achieve a higher-pitched voice oftentimes the tongue could actually get in the way. Most people when they are singing and speaking do not take into consideration how important the position of the tongue is, this is especially important for people with larger tongues.
If your main goal is to achieve a permanent higher voice then you need to push down your tongue so that it does not even come close to the roof of your mouth. More importantly, you need to achieve this even with the back of your tongue which can be difficult. Do not pull back your tongue, instead, let it sit comfortably in the bottom of your mouth and try to hold it down in that position when hitting the higher notes.
Know When To Breathe
If you are a singer you probably already know how important is to know when to breathe while singing. Breathing is extremely important for singers, especially for the ones who are constantly trying to hit higher notes. Unfortunately, there is no magic trick for knowing when to breathe for each song, this is why you will need to study the song and either try to learn when the artist is breathing or come up with your own breathing times during singing.
As all people are different my personal recommendation is to sing the song a couple of songs and identify at which parts you are almost out of breath, taking this into consideration you will have to figure out when it is the appropriate time to breathe during the song. If you are a beginner singer my recommendation is to check out my recent article How to sing for beginners step by step ( 14 Easy Steps ), this way you will have an easy follow trough guide even if you want to change your voice.
Clean Up Your Diet
Diet has a direct impact on your voice, no matter if you are an actual singer or not. People who usually smoke and drink tend to have a deeper voice this is mostly due to the excess toxins and mucus-forming on their vocal cords, it is not only unhealthy but people who tend to smoke and drink do not have the lung capacity to sing. Sugar also impacts your voice in one form or another, if your goal is to have a higher voice permanently you will need to cut out sugar and toxins from your diet as much as you can.
Speak With An Accent
You will be amazed how different your voice sounds by simply using different accents, actors usually are fairly quick in learning different accents but with enough practice, anybody can pick up a new accent. Try and sing while using the new accent and record yourself, now compare your singing when you are singing with an accent and when you are not. Some people find that using a different accent can actually hit the higher notes a lot easier than before.
Key Takeaways
- Develop strong breath control and support to effectively control your voice. Focus on diaphragmatic breathing, where you engage the muscles of your diaphragm to take deep, controlled breaths. This provides a solid foundation for vocal control and allows you to manipulate your voice to sound higher.
- Practice vocal exercises that target your upper range and help you develop better control over your voice. Work with a vocal coach or engage in vocal training programs to learn proper techniques for reaching higher notes without straining your vocal cords.
- Pay attention to your articulation and resonance to create the perception of a higher voice. Practice speaking with clear and precise articulation, enunciating each word carefully. Experiment with adjusting your resonance by using more head voice or forward placement, which can make your voice sound brighter and higher.
How can I make my voice higher naturally?
To make your voice higher naturally, you can try vocal exercises that focus on expanding your vocal range, such as practicing scales and gradually increasing the pitch. Additionally, working with a vocal coach or taking singing lessons can provide guidance and techniques to help you develop a higher voice.
What makes your voice go higher?
Your voice goes higher when the vocal cords tighten and become thinner, allowing them to vibrate at a faster rate. This tightening and thinning of the vocal cords are controlled by muscles in the larynx and are influenced by factors like pitch, breath control, and vocal technique.
Why is my voice so low?
The natural pitch of your voice is determined by the size and thickness of your vocal cords, which are influenced by factors such as genetics, hormones, and physical development. If your voice is naturally low, it may be due to longer and thicker vocal cords, resulting in a lower pitch.
How can I make my voice deeper forever?
The depth of your voice is primarily determined by your physiological characteristics and vocal anatomy. While you can train your voice to resonate in a deeper range and improve vocal control through exercises and techniques, it is not possible to permanently change the fundamental pitch of your voice.