Learn To Sing From Home ( In 7 Easy Steps )

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Most singers discover that they have a talent for singing at home, singing at home is by far one of the best environments to develop your singing voice, as this is the place where you feel safe and the only people who will judge your singing are your family members. In most cases, the actual family members will encourage you to sing if they see that you have a passion for singing, and this might be just the starting point for your singing career.

You can learn to sing from home by starting with simple breathing exercises. Once you are comfortable with breathing exercises you should learn how to sing with your chest, head, and with your mixed voice. Learning to sing from home is all about consistency, so keep on practicing every day and you will see results in a matter of a couple of weeks.

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Believe it or not but a lot of singers actually learn to sing from their home, and most of them actually teach themselves how to sing, without any help from a vocal coach or a teacher. A small percentage of these singers will study music later in their life and even a smaller percentage of them will make singing a career. In today’s world, you will need a university degree for almost everything.

The thing that I love most about singing is that it all depends on you and it doesn’t even matter if you have a degree or not, if you are talented you can make it big as a singer. There are a lot of extremely successful singers who learned to sing from home, most of them do not even know how to read a music sheet but that hasn’t stopped them.

There will be some people who would doubt that you can actually become a singer by teaching yourself at home, my recommendation is to simply ignore these people. The most important thing is that you have found something you love and you actively pursue your goal of becoming a singer, which believe it or not is fairly rare. Just ask around your friends what their goals are, odds are most of them have no goals.

Some might say that learning to sing from scratch is hard, but the truth is that you can teach anybody to sing, and you can also teach yourself to sing from the comfort of your home. Believe it or not, in just a couple of months of practice anybody can learn how to sing, all you need to do is to train your voice and your musical instrument which is your chest and throat. If you want to know how to train your voice then check out my recent article Can you train your voice to sing? ( In 6 Easy Steps ).

Learn To Sing From Home

Learning to sing from home offers a convenient and accessible way to develop your vocal skills and pursue your passion for singing. With the advancement of technology and online resources, there are various platforms and tools available that provide comprehensive singing lessons, vocal exercises, and tutorials that can be accessed from the comfort of your own home. These resources often include instructional videos, vocal warm-ups, breathing exercises, pitch training, and guidance on various singing techniques.

Additionally, online communities and forums allow aspiring singers to connect with like-minded individuals, share their progress, and receive feedback from experienced singers and instructors. While learning to sing from home requires self-discipline and commitment, it provides the flexibility to practice at your own pace, explore different styles and genres, and build a solid foundation for your vocal development.

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Do Breathing Exercises

While most singers who start singing at home, do practice singing fairly regularly but generally speaking very few of them practice breathing. Breathing exercises can be fairly boring and it is understandable why most beginner singers simply ignore these exercises. If you are going to learn one thing from my article is that breathing is vital for you as a singer, practicing how to breathe while singing a couple of times per week will make you a much better singer, and most importantly know how to use your diaphragm.

While most people think that breathing exercises for singers are complicated and difficult to follow, the truth is that these are extremely easy to do and the best thing is that you can do it from the comfort of your home. You do not have to do hours of breathing exercises every day to improve, just 10-15 minutes per day should be enough for you to get noticeable results. Consistency is the key here, try to not skip these practices as if you do not do them regularly you will probably hinder your progress.

If you want to learn how to sing for beginners, then by far one of the best ways for it is to learn how to breathe while you are singing. There are a lot of breathing examples and exercises listed on my site, feel free to search around. In case you are still not convinced that breathing is important for you as a singer, then my recommendation is to read my recent article Why is breathing important in singing? ( Top 6 Reasons ).

Practice Every Day

Practice makes perfect and this is also true for singing, you should aim to practice with a goal instead of just practicing for the sake of it. A lot of singers simply ignore their flaws and shortcomings, the problem with this approach is that as time goes by they will keep ignoring all of their flaws, and by doing this they only do themselves as a singer a massive disadvantage. Consistency is key in practice also, there are way too many singers who used to practice singing for a couple of months, and end up quitting practicing for a couple of months, only for them to find that they can no longer sing.

Although this phenomenon is fairly normal, it is almost the same as in bodybuilding, once you stop training your muscles will stop growing and will actually shrink, this is the same for singing. Most beginner singers think that they need hours upon hours of practice every day, although there are some singers who practice a couple of hours per day, but this isn’t necessary if you are a beginner singer, just 30 minutes of practicing singing every day should show results in a couple of weeks.

Record Your Singing To Learn From Your Mistakes

One of the best ways to learn to sing from home is by actually following your progress as a singer. Most beginner singers only sing for themselves, sometimes in front of a mirror but they rarely record themselves and actually listen to how they sound. If you are a beginner singer and you have never listened to your own recording then my recommendation is to try it as soon as possible. For the first couple of times when you listen to your recorded singing you might be surprised by how your voice sounds.

In some cases, you might find that your recorded voice sounds fine, while other times you will simply be disgusted by how your voice sounds. Do not worry about it as it is fairly normal, nobody is used to hearing their own voice the first couple of times they listen to it. Most singers think that they will need some fancy home studio equipment to record themselves, but this is far from the truth as there are just a couple of bare essential items that you will need and most of them are fairly cheap.

What will actually cost you the most is the actual microphone, there are a lot of extremely expensive microphones, my recommendation is not to invest money in these top-of-the-line microphones till you start actually making money from singing. Start out with an affordable midline microphone, which has to be a condenser microphone, and if it is a cardioid microphone as well then it is even better, generally speaking, these are around $100. If you want to know more about what kind of equipment you need to record yourself at home, then check out my article Singing at home equipment ( Top 11 Essentials ).

Take Care Of Your Vocal Cords

Most beginner singers do not actually know that there are a lot of foods that are beneficial to their voice, on the other side there are a lot of foods that are actually harmful to their voice. I have written several in-depth articles on my site about the recommended diet for singers, feel free to search around a bit. While most people think that diet is something extremely strict and measured, the singer’s diet is far from it.

There are a couple of foods and drinks which you should actively avoid, and there are a couple of foods and drinks which you should incorporate into your daily diet, such as teas, lemon, and honey. Although the truth is that most beginner singers will not follow any kind of diet which actually helps them to sing better, and this is why you should, just to be a step in front of the others. As most beginner singers often force themselves to sing notes which they can not properly sing, they are risking injuring their vocal cords and throat. Some foods and drinks will actually prevent these injuries.

Use Singing Apps

If you want to know how to learn singing without a teacher then you should use some of the singing apps. Most of these apps are free and they are well suited for beginner singers as they will analyze your voice and they will show you what you should focus on practicing next, generally speaking, either on singing in tune or on singing higher notes. Just search around any app store “learn how to sing app” and you will find a lot of them, just try to avoid the ones which will start asking for money after a couple of days.

If you are not a fan of apps, then my recommendation is to search around the web for “learn to sing software”, as most of them will also allow you to hook up your home equipment. Using your own microphone is a big bonus, as most beginner singers use their phone’s microphone to record themselves which is not made to record the full spectrum of a singing voice.

Find Your Voice

By far one of the biggest challenges for beginner singers is to find their own voice. While some people will recommend you to get a vocal coach who will actually tell you how to find your voice and how to use it, but if you are learning to sing at home without a teacher then this isn’t a viable option. My recommendation is to keep on practicing at home, sooner or later you will find that sweet spot where your voice sounds natural and easy to listen to.

While most singers force themself to sing high notes, I do not recommend it if you do not know what your true voice sounds like. Odds are that if you are teaching yourself how to sing from your home you have already found your voice and you just want to make it better. If you are teaching yourself to sing for a couple of years and you still have no clue what your true voice is then my recommendation is to start experimenting with different singing genres.

Projecting Your Emotions

Singing is entertainment, and you will have to entertain people with your singing. Your main goal is to provoke an emotion from the audience, this is why you see so many fans crying when they listen to their favorite singer at concerts and live events. Most people go through life without any goals and trying to make themselves feel better with social media, which is, in fact, a bad idea. Luckily for you as a beginner singer, you can fairly easily provoke an emotion out of the millions whose life is revolving around social media.

Once you provoke an emotion from your audience they will remember you for the rest of their lives. If you have ever been to a concert you probably have seen thousands of people with their phones out recording the show. In some cases the singer actually asks the people to put away their phones and enjoy the moment, this is because it is fairly hard to provoke an emotion from people at a concert who are watching you through their phones, at that point your just another video from the hundreds he or she watched that day, and the direct connection between the singer and the audience is lost.

Key Takeaways

  • Learning to sing from home is a convenient and accessible option for individuals who want to improve their vocal skills.
  • Online singing lessons and resources offer structured learning materials, exercises, and feedback from experienced instructors, making it possible to receive professional guidance from the comfort of your own home.
  • Consistent practice, self-discipline, and a growth mindset are key to making progress in singing, even when learning from home.


Can I teach myself to sing?

Yes, it is possible to teach yourself to sing. While having a vocal coach or instructor can provide valuable guidance, there are numerous online resources, vocal exercises, and self-study materials available that can help you develop your singing skills independently.

What is the best way to learn singing at home?

Learning singing at home can be facilitated through various methods. Utilize online singing lessons, instructional videos, vocal warm-up exercises, and practice regularly to improve your vocal technique, pitch accuracy, breath control, and overall singing ability.

Can you learn to sing at 30?

Absolutely! Age is not a barrier to learning how to sing. With dedication, consistent practice, and proper vocal training techniques, you can improve your singing skills and achieve your desired level of proficiency, regardless of your age.

How can I train my voice to sing at home?

To train your voice to sing at home, focus on vocal exercises that target breath control, vocal range, pitch accuracy, and vocal resonance. Additionally, practice singing along with songs, record yourself, and analyze your performances to identify areas for improvement and track your progress.