My Singing Voice Is Weak! ( What To Do? )

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A lot of singers take to heart when somebody comments on their voice and they say that they have a weak voice, at this point, a lot of singers will be discouraged to sing in front of others. Odds are if you have a weak voice you can fix it with some good breathing and singing techniques, as long as the weak voice isn’t due to a medical condition.

A weak voice when singing can be attributed to a lack of breath support or weak supporting muscles. Breath support is essential for maintaining stability and strength in our voice, especially when we need to project or hit high notes. Insufficient breath support can result in a weak and unstable voice, making it difficult to achieve the desired power and control while singing. Developing strong respiratory muscles and learning proper breath control techniques are crucial for improving breath support. This includes diaphragmatic breathing, engaging the abdominal muscles, and maintaining a consistent airflow to provide the necessary support for your voice.

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There are a lot of singers who are being told that they do have a weak voice, and they are not actually told how to fix their weak voice. As a singer your primary asset is your actual voice, however, there are a lot of factors that come into play that actually make your voice sound weaker or stronger. It is not the end of the world if you have a weak voice, far from it, there are some easy ways to strengthen your voice.

If you are a fairly good singer, in general, but you only lack the power in your voice then my recommendation is to start focusing on making your voice more powerful. There is nothing more infuriating in the world than when you know that you can sing but nobody takes you seriously because your voice is too weak. On the other hand, there are singers who go right in the opposite direction, while they are trying to make their voice stronger they become breathy singers, which is equally bad as having a weak voice.

If your voice is weak when you talk then your singing voice will be also weak, with some exceptions as I have seen a couple of very talented singers who have weak talking voices but once they start singing they can fill an entire opera house with their voice without using a microphone. Oftentimes, other singers will comment on your voice that it sounds weak, I would simply ignore them as they are probably just nitpicking and as your vocal technique cant be criticized negatively they just say that your voice is weak.

There are some singers who do have stronger voices but once they hit certain notes their voice actually becomes weaker. This is mainly because while you are singing higher notes you will need a lot more air in your chest, and even if you manage to sing the rest of the song flawlessly, odds are you are simply out of steam when you are hitting the higher notes. If you are having trouble singing higher notes and this is what actually makes your voice weaker then my recommendation is to check out my recent article How to sing in head voice with power? ( In 10 Easy Steps ).

My Singing Voice Is Weak!

If you feel that your singing voice is weak, there are several steps you can take to improve it. Firstly, focus on proper breathing techniques to support your voice and improve vocal strength. Take deep breaths from your diaphragm and practice controlling your exhalation while singing. Secondly, engage in regular vocal exercises and warm-ups to strengthen your vocal cords and increase your vocal range. This can include exercises that target specific areas such as vocal agility, resonance, and control.

Thirdly, consider seeking guidance from a vocal coach or taking singing lessons. A qualified instructor can provide personalized feedback and guidance to help you develop your voice and address any weaknesses. Additionally, practicing regularly and singing songs that suit your vocal range and style can help build confidence and improve your overall singing ability. Remember, developing a strong singing voice takes time and consistent effort, so be patient and persistent in your practice.

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A lot of singers are extremely shy when they have to sing in front of somebody, this is what makes them actually sound weaker. Although most shy singers do know that this is their main problem which makes them sound weak, but they simply lack the courage to sing out loud. Being a shy singer isn’t the end of the world, but if you truly want to become a singer then you will have to get over your shyness.

If you have to sing in front of others, then simply close your eyes and sing with as much power as you can, odds are that it is extremely intimidating to you to look at people who will actually judge your singing and this is why you are scared to sing loud. There are plenty of ways how to get rid of shyness as a singer, my recommendation is to read my in-depth article to get rid of your shyness Tips for shy singers ( How to get rid of it? ).

Bad Diaphragmatic Breathing

Oftentimes, one of the causes of a weak singing voice is the lack of sufficient air in the lungs and diaphragm. The diaphragm plays a vital role in singing and if you are serious about singing you should learn how to breathe from your diaphragm. The problem is that most beginner singers think that the air which they need to sing is in their chest, while this is true to a certain extent, but if you are using only your chest for air then you are simply put limiting yourself as a singer.

If you have ever been to a vocal coach or if you have taken singing lessons then probably the first couple of lessons were about breathing with your diaphragm. The thing is that diaphragmatic breathing is the foundation of a singer, without it you will not be able to sing at your full potential, my recommendation is to learn as soon as possible and build your voice upon it. On the other hand, there are singers who are breathy singers, these singers do use their diaphragm but they do not control the airflow efficiently, and yes breathy singing is bad.

Voice Cracking

If you want to know how to sing less breathy and with power then you will need to eliminate the cracking sound of your voice. The cracking sound is usually when you take a small pause between the notes, either to inhale or just because you think that you are doing it correctly. These minor breaks in the voice of a singer are fairly normal and common, however, most successful singers manage to hide or actually get rid of their voice cracks.

If you want more information about how to get rid of your voice cracks then read my recent article Voice cracks when singing high notes? ( How to fix it? ).

Don’t Take Long Breaks From Singing

Oftentimes when singers take long breaks from singing like a couple of months they find that either their singing voice has no power or their singing voice is simply gone. Far too often people tend to freak out because they think that they will never be able to sing again. This is far from the truth, while you might have lost your singing voice, it is only temporary and once you start practicing singing again you will recover your singing voice in a matter of just a couple of weeks.

Just like when you take a longer break from going to the gym, your muscles will become smaller and you will be not able to lift as heavy as before. Luckily in singing and in bodybuilding, there is such a thing as muscle memory, this is the memory of your muscles which is achieved by repeating the same thing over and over. This memory also knows when it was more efficient and stronger, so it will take you a lot less time to recover your voice than to actually improve it further than you have previously done so.

Use Your Head Voice

If you use your head voice correctly then it can make your voice sound a lot more powerful, just keep in mind not to actually transition from your head voice to your falsetto voice, especially if you are not able to control your falsetto voice. The talking voice of most people is from their chest voice, the chest voice is also used by a lot of singers, however, the head voice arguably sounds a lot more powerful than a lot of singers’ chest voice.

Some singers who have a breathy voice tend not to have the ability to either sing correctly from their head voice or from their chest voice and this is what actually makes their voice sound weak. Another problem you might face is the actual transitioning from chest voice to your head voice, as for some notes the head voice will need a lot more air than the chest voice and it will make you sound weaker if you can not control the transition.

Learn A Proper Singing Technique

Most of the time when singers complain that they have a weak voice is because they do not have a good singing technique. Oftentimes singers do make the mistake of confusing singing techniques with singing style, although they are quite different. singing technique is the actual way you have to sing to sound good, singing style is the unique style which you implement while you are singing. The problem is that a lot of singers are focused on making their unique singing style and do not actually learn the correct technique which will allow them to sing a lot better.

Believe it or not, but there are plenty of successful singers who have absolutely no clue what singing technique actually is, the difference between you and these successful singers is that they sing how they feel like it and they seem to have a natural ability to develop their own singing technique for each song. If you think that your singing technique is what actually is making you sound weak then do not worry, there are plenty of resources on my site which will teach you proper singing technique.

Learn To Sing In Key

Singing in tune is somewhat similar to singing in key, singing in tune has a more general definition as the singer has to be able to match their singing to the tune of the song. On the other hand, singing in key is how you actually sing the individual notes. You as a singer already should know that you have to put more emphasis on some notes than on others, simply to sound more melodic. For beginner singers, this is quite a challenge as they often do not have the ability to identify which notes they should put more emphasis on and power upon.

If you do not know which notes you should sing more powerfully then you are probably not singing in key, and this will make you sound weak. Oftentimes when you do not know where or how you should sing some of the more difficult notes, what ends up happening is that you will put power on some notes and not on the correct ones. If you want more information about how to sing in key correctly then read my article How to sing in key for beginners ( In 9 Easy Steps ).

Take Care Of Your Vocal Cords

While most people know that they are probably doing wrong when they sound weak while singing, although this is true to a certain extent, but the problem might be more complicated and even dangerous like health-related issues of the vocal cords. Far too often people who want to sound better will force their vocal cords till they end up not even being able to sing for a couple of days. It is not always the best idea to force yourself to sing notes that you are not even close to being able to sing.

Your vocal cords can take only a limited amount of strain and pressure before they are either injured or swollen, so my recommendation is to take good care of them as the health of your vocal cords will determine how good you can sing. While some would argue that the power of somebody’s voice doesn’t come from their actual vocal cords but from the air and the pressure which they create while exhaling, this is true but if your vocal cords are not healthy, no matter how good your breathing technique is you will still sound weak.

Key Takeaways

  • There can be numerous reasons why your singing voice is weak, anything from weak vocal cords to bad breathing techniques while singing. Generally speaking, singers who tend to have a weak singing voice do not use their diaphragm correctly while singing. Diaphragmatic breathing is what actually gives power to your voice, once you start doing diaphragmatic breathing exercises you will notice that your singing voice will get stronger.
  • Practice proper vocal technique, including proper breath control, vocal placement, and vocal support, to maximize the power and projection of your voice.
  • Seek guidance from a vocal coach or singing teacher who can provide personalized feedback and exercises to help strengthen your voice and address any specific weaknesses or challenges you may have.


How do you fix a weak singing voice?

To strengthen a weak singing voice, it’s important to focus on vocal exercises that target breath support, vocal resonance, and vocal range. Working with a qualified vocal coach or participating in voice training programs can help identify and address specific areas of weakness.

Why is my singing voice weak?

A weak singing voice can be caused by various factors, such as improper vocal technique, lack of breath support, or tension in the vocal muscles. It’s essential to identify the underlying causes and work on improving vocal technique, developing breath control, and releasing any tension to strengthen the voice.

Can you strengthen a weak voice?

Yes, with proper training and practice, it is possible to strengthen a weak voice. Vocal exercises, focused practice, and consistent training can help improve vocal strength, endurance, and overall quality.

Can I fix my bad singing voice?

Yes, a bad singing voice can be improved with dedicated practice, vocal training, and guidance from a vocal coach. By addressing technical issues, developing proper vocal technique, and working on specific areas of improvement, it is possible to transform a bad singing voice into a better and more enjoyable one.