Why Do I Cry When I Sing? ( Top 8 Reasons )

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A lot of singers think that if they cry while they are singing that it is a negative thing, but the truth is that this is a two-edged sword. On one hand, if you are crying while you are singing then you can project your emotions while you are singing which is a big plus. On the other hand, if you cry so hard that it starts impacting your performance and your voice then it will definitely be a negative thing.

One possible reason for crying while singing is the activation of facial muscles, which can put pressure on the lacrimal glands, prompting them to produce tears. This phenomenon is similar to how tears may sometimes occur during yawning.

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Emotional singing doesn’t mean crying, but when it does it can be extremely powerful. If you are shedding a tear or two then it won’t affect your voice, but if you start crying uncontrollably then you won’t be able to sing correctly. A lot of singers struggle to sing emotionally, but there are some that simply let loose their emotions and that is the time when they start crying uncontrollably, and if you have ever seen a singer do that on stage then you noticed how awkward it is.

As a singer, your main goal is to entertain and provoke a reaction from your audience. If you are singing a sad song then you want your audience to feel the sadness, if you are singing a joyful and upbeat song then you want your audience to feel happy. This is why some singers are so popular at concerts, while others are still famous singers but they simply do not attract a crowd as they are not singing emotionally.

If you are singing and crying then you are singing with emotions, and if you find that this is altering your voice then all you need to do is to control it. There is a fine balance in pulling off singing while crying, too little and it won’t have any impact, and if you cry too much then it will be extremely difficult to sing the song correctly. Confidence is a big part of singing, the lack of it will make you sound off, and in some cases, you might even start crying for more information check out my recent article How to sing a solo confidently? ( In 6 Easy Steps ).

Why Do I Cry When I Sing?

The act of crying while singing is not uncommon and can be attributed to a variety of reasons. Singing has a unique ability to tap into our emotions, allowing us to express ourselves in a raw and vulnerable way. When we connect deeply with the lyrics, melody, or meaning behind a song, it can evoke powerful emotions that may manifest as tears. This emotional release can be therapeutic and cathartic, as it allows us to express and process our feelings through music.

Additionally, singing engages the diaphragm and stimulates the release of endorphins, which can further intensify our emotional response. It’s important to embrace and honor these emotional experiences while singing, as they contribute to the authenticity and depth of our performance.

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Due To Stage Fright

One of the main reasons why most singers cry while singing is stage fright. Stage fright is extremely common for singers who are on the stage for the first time. Every singer no matter how famous and successful they might be all had stage fright in the beginning. For some singers, stage fright manifests in a freeze, which means they stand on the stage like a statue without singing or even moving.

For other singers, stage fright manifests in crying, and this is extremely hard to watch. The problem with stage fright is that you have to get on stage in front of people to experience it and with time, you will get over it. Simply put you have to take the plunge, most singers never have the chance to sing on a stage, and you shouldn’t throw it away just because you are afraid. Stage fright can be also present if you have to sing in front of your family, if you want to get over this then check out my recent article Fear of singing in front of family ( How to get over it? ).

Due To Sad Memories

Memories can bring out a lot in a person, from pure happiness to pure misery and sadness. There are some songs that are excellent at doing this, and if you sing them then odds are that you will start crying while you are singing them. Songs that bring back some memories are excellent for making the audience feel those memories, the memories can be personal or something that happened in the past and everybody knows about it.

Generally speaking, there are two types of memories, sad and happy, the bad news is that even happy memories can make you cry while you are singing. Often times you will see singers who close their eyes while they are singing, they do this because they want to feel the memories, which will help them to project their emotions a lot better.

Due To Emotional Projection

Emotional projection is when a singer projects its emotions into their singing. The most successful singers are able to do this, and this is why they are famous and not because they have an amazing voice, although that also helps. As a singer, you should also project your emotions, but if you are trying too hard you might notice that it is extremely hard to control yourself if you are crying.

Crying is beneficial to you, but if you do it in the middle of a song then you will probably not be able to sing the song correctly. This is because while you are crying your body will accelerate your breathing and you won’t be able to control this, so you will go out of breath while you are singing. If you are a shy singer and you want to get rid of your shyness then check out my recent article Tips for shy singers ( How to get rid of it? ).

Because Of Trying Too Hard

Singing emotionally is a very desirable quality for a singer, but some simply try too hard and end up in a place where the crying doesn’t enhance their singing but ruins it. If you are able to get a couple of tears out while you are singing then you have achieved your goal of emotional singing, however, if you are forcing yourself too much to shed a tear or two then you might go overboard and start crying uncontrollably.

As I have said before, there is a fine balance between crying and crying uncontrollably. If you are not able to cry without trying too hard then just practice it for a couple of weeks, sooner or later you will be able to shed a tear or two whenever you want.

Due To The Lack Of Control Over Your Emotions

Emotions are great for every singer, especially if you can project them. However you will have to control your emotions, and this is where a lot of singers fail. Your main goal is not to start crying while singing but to shed a tear or two. Shedding a couple of tears will not impact your performance, but crying will definitely will. Once you are able to shed a couple of tears then you have to focus on controlling them, as this is a tipping point, you will either stop with a couple of tears or you will start crying uncontrollably.

Being in charge of your emotions is not as easy as it sounds, especially if you are a singer who doesn’t have a lot of experience singing in front of other people. The easiest way to control your emotions is to focus on getting a couple of tears out and then think of happy thoughts, this way you won’t go to the other end of crying uncontrollably.

Because You Are Sad Or Happy

Your mood directly impacts how well you sing, although some singers are extremely good at hiding their mood from their audience. If you are a singer and you are happy then you should use it if you are singing happy songs. On the other hand, if you are happy and you are singing sad songs then you should control your happiness in such a way that it isn’t projected in the song. A lot of singers think that crying while singing is because of sadness.

The truth is that most singers who are crying on stage do it because they are happy, even if they are singing a sad song. It is all about the singer’s perspective on the memory which they want to use for singing. Some singers are extremely good at tapping into a sad feeling and making themselves cry while others cry because they are happy. Singing on a stage in front of hundreds or thousands of people can be extremely emotional, and some singers can channel these emotions into their songs and make themselves cry, but this doesn’t mean that they are sad, not even if they are singing a sad song.

Because You Are Too Emotional

Your personality plays a big part in why you are crying while you are singing. Some people are more emotional than others and they will often cry without any particular reason, this doesn’t necessarily mean that they are sad or happy, it is just their body’s response in certain circumstances. The bad news is that you can’t really do anything about it if you are crying while singing due to your personality.

We all know a couple of people who often cry as a means to an end, once they don’t get what they want they instinctively start crying. This is not their own fault, they have most likely picked up this response from one of their parents, and as a child, they noticed that crying has results, this is the same reason why people get extremely angry about small things.

Due To Contracting Facial Muscles

One of the reasons why you cry while you are singing is because you are contacting your facial muscles and some of these will put pressure on your lacrimal glands which will release a couple of tears. This is exactly the same reason why you get a tear or two while you are yawning. Singing can be extremely stressful for your facial muscles, and sooner or later you will have full control over your facial muscles, which will allow you to cry whenever you want.

This is a common technique used by actors as well, although a lot of them will say that they use their sad memories to make themselves cry. The truth is that they have the ability to control the muscles which are around the lacrimal glands. Just look at your face and while you are crying and you will see all kinds of muscles bulging out. Some singers tend to find that they start shedding a couple of tears while they are singing high notes.

This is because they are opening their mouth wide, and in certain situations, their body thinks that they are ready to yawn, which will make them shed a couple of tears. Some singers incorporate this yawning technique into their singing, if you are trying this out make sure to practice before, as a yawn is not that easy to stop and the last thing you want while you are singing is to cry and yawn.

Key Takeaways

  • You are crying while you are singing because you have an emotional connection to the song you are singing. Emotional projecting while singing can be extremely powerful and in some cases, it might make you cry. On the other hand, you might cry while singing because you open your mouth so wide that the facial muscles put pressure on your lacrimal glands and this will make you shed a couple of tears, just like yawning does.
  • Singing engages various muscles and body systems, including the diaphragm, vocal cords, and respiratory system. The physical exertion and increased oxygen intake during singing can stimulate the body’s release of endorphins and other chemicals, which can induce emotional responses, including tears.
  • When singing songs that hold personal significance or resonate with one’s experiences or emotions, the lyrics and melodies can trigger a strong emotional response. The connection to the lyrics, combined with the act of vocalizing those emotions, can lead to tears as a form of emotional release and expression.


Is it normal to cry when you sing?

Yes, it is not uncommon for some individuals to experience an emotional response while singing, which can lead to tears. Singing has the power to evoke deep emotions, and the release of emotions through tears can be a natural and cathartic response.

How do I stop crying when singing?

To manage or prevent crying while singing, it can be helpful to practice emotional control techniques, such as deep breathing, focusing on technique and performance, and gradually exposing yourself to the emotional content of the song. Additionally, working with a vocal coach or therapist who specializes in emotional expression can provide valuable guidance and support.

Is it rare to cry to music?

No, it is not rare to cry to music. Music has the ability to elicit strong emotions and deeply touch our hearts, often leading to tears as a natural response to the emotional power of the music and lyrics.

Why do my eyes water when I’m singing?

The act of singing can tap into our emotions and create a deep emotional connection to the music and lyrics, which can trigger tearful responses. Additionally, the physical process of singing, including proper breath control and resonance, can stimulate the tear glands and cause watery eyes.