What Is The Average Vocal Range Male? ( Range, Scale and Chart )

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Vocal range is the average range that a male or female can produce between the highest and lowest notes. However, even if you can hit those difficult low or high notes that does not mean you can use those notes for singing as most singers are not able to either keep singing with these notes or the notes become distorted to a point where it isn’t advisable for the singer to use it. Luckily with practice, you can increase your vocal range, usually, new singers focus on hitting the higher notes which could be rather difficult if you are a new singer.

The vocal range of most individuals spans approximately 1.5 to 2 octaves. However, some extraordinary singers like Freddie Mercury can reach up to four octaves, while others, such as Axl Rose and Mike Patton, can achieve an impressive six-octave range. Their exceptional vocal abilities have contributed to their unique and diverse styles of singing.

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The vocal range of any singer, not only males is determined by their voice type, there are 6 common voice types like Baritone, Tenor, Bass, Alto, Soprano, and Mezzo-Soprano. Each and one of these voice types has a rigid structure and set of rules, some people can identify their voice fairly easily, while others that are between different voice types will have a hard time identifying their voice. Most male singers who are in this category tend to pick one voice type which is the easiest for them to sing, and only then work on their secondary voice types.

If you are a beginner singer you might find that you have an above-average vocal range which allows you to sing better than most people. However vocal ranges are different between males and females, generally speaking, males are usually baritone, while females are usually either soprano or mezzo-soprano. Males, in particular, have a hard time hitting high notes, some singers like David  Phelps have a natural talent and ability to sing high notes, while others either struggle with singing them or outright abandon the idea of singing high notes.

There was a time a couple of hundred years ago when all theatrical and musical shows were performed by male actors and singers, while you might think that most of them are baritone this seems not to be the case, if you read my recent article How to improve voice quality naturally ( 10 Quick and Easy Steps ), you will see that I have written about Castrato Singers. These singers were simply castrated, this way they didn’t have excess testosterone in their bodies and this resulted in their voice change to a point where they could sing high notes effortlessly.

Generally speaking, the average vocal range of males which is baritone is usually between 1.4-2 octaves. However more males are around the 1.4 octaves spectrum than on the higher 2 octaves spectrum, and the average range is between F2-G4 in the case of baritones. The vocal range of natural male tenors is also different they tend to hover around A2-C5, and their falsetto range can also vary a lot more than in the case of baritones.

Generally, speaking male singers have one of the following voice types:

  • Baritone
  • Bass
  • Tenor
  • Countertenor

What Is The Average Vocal Range Male?

The average vocal range for males varies depending on factors such as age, training, and natural ability. On average, adult males have a vocal range that spans from the F below middle C (F2) to the G above middle C (G4) or higher. This range typically encompasses two to three octaves. However, it’s important to note that this is just an average and there is considerable variation among individuals. Some males may have a wider vocal range and be able to sing higher or lower notes, while others may have a more limited range.

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Male Vocal Range Chart

What Affects The Male Vocal Range?

Men and women are extremely different from a biological stand of point, females tend to have more estrogen and males have more testosterone. Generally speaking, the more estrogen a person has the less testosterone it has, this is the same case for testosterone as well. Throughout our evolution, man had to be intimidating, and testosterone achieves this, the more testosterone a male has the bigger his muscles are, they tend to be more aggressive and their vocal range is also a lot lower. If you need more information about a vocal range, then check out my recent article How to sing better ( Top 47 Tips and Industry Secrets ).

On the other hand, during our human evolution, females didn’t have to go to war or intimidate other people, this is also reflected by their more pleasant voice. If you have ever been to a gym you have probably seen a lot of buff guys, but there is always at least one buff guy with a squeaky feminine voice. Hearing a buff guy with a feminine voice might sound unnatural, which it is, and the main reason for it is either due to a pre-existing condition or he has been juicing with testosterone.

Artificial testosterone will change the vocal range of most men, and prolonged use of it could have detrimental effects not only on the male body but on the male voice as well. Testosterone is produced by the testicles, once there is an outside source of testosterone, the testicles will not produce more testosterone as the body has already enough. After a period of time, the actual testicles begin to shrink, and once the person stops using artificial testosterone the testicles will not be able to provide him with all the testosterone his body needs.

This, in turn, will lead to quick muscle mass loss, and in a high pitched voice, although they can always build their muscles back, not all of them can recover their vocal range.

Male Vocal Range Tessitura

When it comes to male vocal ranges most people often ignore which is the tessitura, simply put tessitura is the vocal range at which the male singer can sing comfortably. Singing comfortably means that you pronounce the words correctly, do not mumble, and have a pleasant voice. When taking into consideration the tessitura the average male vocal type tends to go towards baritone, even if they are not actually baritone. However, this is not the case for natural male tenors and countertenors, as they tend to have a higher-pitched voice which reflects in their singing ability.

Male Vocal Range Transitioning Points

Having the ability to correctly transition from your chest voice towards your head voice will also affect any male singer’s vocal range significantly. Beginner singers who do not have enough experience tend to make a lot of mistakes during the transitioning points, this will make their voice sound distorted and false at the same time. Sometimes during these transitioning points, the vocal range of a male will fluctuate a lot if done incorrectly, luckily with enough practice, you can avoid these vocal range fluctuations by hitting the transitioning points correctly.

Characteristics Of The Body Do Affect The Male Vocal Range

Different types of bodies have different voices, and their vocal range will differ a lot from one another. People who are overweight tend to have a slightly higher vocal range due to the lack of testosterone, the bigger the body fat composition is the less testosterone and muscles a person has, which affects their voice. People who have a fairly active lifestyle and are generally considered fit, tend to have a more baritone or bass-sounding voice, this is mostly because their bodies have more muscles which lead to more testosterone, daily physical activities also increase their testosterone.

Males and females tend to sound almost the same when they are children, but once the boys start hitting puberty their voice and vocal range will change in a matter of months. If you are a new male singer who was not yet hit puberty you will be shocked how much your vocal range will change after that.

Diet Does Affect The Male Vocal Range

Diet is one of the most important factors when it comes to the vocal range of males, in some cases, the diet could be even more important for male singers than female ones. If you have read my recent article ( Top 18 ) Foods to improve singing voice, you probably know what you should eat if you want to improve your voice. Generally speaking, most singers know what kinds of foods to avoid which could impact their voice quality negatively, like coffee, milk, sodas, and alcohol.

However, when it comes to male singers you have to be extra cautious as there are a lot of foods and drinks which are high in estrogen, and the main problem is with soy-based products. There are a lot of people focusing on a healthy lifestyle, especially determined singers, soy products are generally considered healthy due to their high protein count, however, the estrogen in these soy products will, in fact, lower your testosterone.

If your daily habit is to drink your coffee with soy milk then you are ingesting a lot of estrogens, and as this lowers your testosterone it will affect your male vocal range. My personal recommendation for male singers is to avoid soy-based products like the plague, if you are a male who consumes fairly often soy-based products just take a break from them for at least 30 days and you will see a significant improvement in your vocal range and voice quality.

How Abstinence Affects The Male Vocal Range

Yes, you hear it right, abstinence can affect your male vocal range. Having an active sex life is great, but the male body will prioritize producing sperm over anything else, this means that producing testosterone will become less of a priority. Having your body constantly producing sperm and not allowing it on focusing on producing testosterone will affect your vocal range significantly.

Simply put you need to give your balls a rest, and take a break for at least 90 days after the 60-day mark you will notice that your voice has become much clearer and deeper. You will know when this break is beneficial once people around you, especially women start to notice that something is different about you and that your voice sounds a lot manlier than before.

Physical Activity Affects The Male Vocal Range

Any person who has a daily routine of physical activity will have a lot more testosterone than sedentary people which directly affects the male vocal range. This physical activity doesn’t have to be bodybuilding, any activity should be fine if it is pushing the limits of your body such as running, jogging, lifting weights, playing basketball, and such. Having a walk after a large meal is not enough physical activity to increase your testosterone at all.

Key Takeaways

  • The average vocal range for males is between 1.5 and 2 octaves, this is for untrained males, for males who have been practicing singing their vocal range is a lot higher than the average males. Generally speaking, practicing male singers can have their vocal range around 1.7 and 2.4 octaves, and in some cases even higher.
  • The average vocal range for adult males typically falls within the baritone range. Baritones generally have a comfortable singing range between A2 (the second A below middle C) and A4 (the A above middle C). However, it’s important to note that every individual’s vocal range is unique and can vary.
  • While the average male vocal range is often associated with the baritone voice type, some males may have a lower range as basses or a higher range as tenors. These individuals may have the ability to sing lower or higher notes respectively.


What is the most common vocal range for males?

The most common vocal range for males is the baritone range, which typically spans from A2 to A4. However, individual vocal ranges can vary, and some males may have higher or lower ranges.

Is C5 high for a guy?

C5 is considered a relatively high note for most male singers, especially those with a baritone vocal range. It is more commonly within the range of tenors and countertenors.

What vocal range is normal?

The normal vocal range for an average adult singer is typically between F2 and C6. However, it’s important to note that vocal ranges can vary significantly among individuals, and each voice is unique.

Is A4 high for a male?

A4 is generally considered a high note for a male singer, especially for those with a baritone vocal range. It may require good vocal technique and control to comfortably reach and sustain that pitch.