Why Can’t I Sing Anymore? ( Quick and Easy Fix )

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You probably can remember at least one thing that you were good at but for some reason, you are mediocre at best currently, this is true for singers or any other artists as well. There could be numerous reasons why you can not sing anymore if you want to find out the real reason you will have to dig deep down because the answer may not be so obvious. There are a lot of singers who at one time were considered very talented but for some reason, their voice has gotten worse over the years.

The main reason why you can’t sing anymore is because you took a break from singing, oftentimes long breaks of not singing will make you lose the abilities which made you a good singer. The good news is that after a couple of months of practicing you will start singing as you did before. In case you didn’t take a break from singing and you still can’t sing then you either have picked up some bad habits or there is an underlying health issue that stops you from singing as you did before.

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If you are among the singers who used to be good but now you are not, do not worry as you will get all the answers you need in this article. This can happen to anybody, even to successful singers but most often times it is more prominent in beginner singers who for one reason or another have developed a worse voice than when they started out. No matter what the cause is for why you can not sing anymore you will have to identify the problem as soon as possible.

On the bright side, once you have identified the problem you can have your singing voice back in a matter of weeks or months. If you had previously a good singing voice, then it is still there, you just need to access it and bring it back to the light. It is a lot easier to regain your voice than to actually develop a new singing voice. You have to approach why you can’t sing anymore by a simple process of elimination, for example, if it is not a health issue then check for other issues you may have listed in this article. If you are a beginner singer, then I highly recommend you to check out my recent article How to sing better ( Top 47 Tips and Industry Secrets ).

Why Can’t I Sing Anymore?

Experiencing a change or loss of singing ability can be frustrating and disheartening. There are several potential reasons why you may feel like you can’t sing anymore. One common factor is vocal fatigue or strain, which can occur from overusing or misusing your voice, singing with improper technique, or not providing enough rest and care for your vocal cords. Other factors that can affect your singing ability include stress, illness, allergies, hormonal changes, or changes in your overall health and well-being.

It’s important to consult with a vocal coach or voice therapist who can assess your specific situation and provide guidance on proper vocal technique, exercises, and vocal care. They can help you identify any issues and develop a plan to regain and improve your singing abilities. Additionally, taking breaks, staying hydrated, practicing good vocal hygiene, and engaging in vocal warm-ups and exercises can help maintain and improve your singing voice over time.

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Health Issues

One of the most common problems for people who can not sing anymore is a health issue. Undiagnosed health issues can be detrimental to your singing voice, as the body either does not have enough energy to sing as it could previously, or the health issue is directly affecting your lungs or throat. My recommendation is to do a full medical exam with an ENT to eliminate the possibility of you not being able to sing due to health issues, hopefully, there will be no underlying health issues. If you have been recently operated then you probably can’t sing anymore after laryngitis, although with time this will heal and you will get your singing ability back.

Emotional Trauma

Believe it or not, your emotional well being plays a big part in how you perform as a singer. Oftentimes beginner singers can have traumatic experiences by simply walking onto the stage and freezing as they have stage fright, compounding this with the inability to sing well is a recipe for disaster. Singing is not like any other craft in the music scene, pianists, guitarists, and drummers can and will feel more comfortable behind their instruments.

While they are performing on their instruments they tend to focus on the instruments and nothing else matters. But for singers, they have no other option but to face their own fears and the only object they can hide behind is the microphone. Singers have to look at the crowd no matter what, if you are not confident enough you will see some smirks in the crowd which can and will put you off.

Lack Of Confidence

Confidence is extremely important for singing if you panic easily once the spotlight hits you then it will be very difficult to focus on singing. Some singers may even experience a loss for words, and the previously well-known lyrics seem to be forgotten in an instant, generally speaking, this tends to happen to new singers far too often. You as a singer have to face your biggest fear of singing to a crowd, in today’s world it is easy to upload some videos on the internet and not to directly face your audience but this practice could be detrimental to your singing career.

Bad Diet

Diet affects our body directly, singers do have to have a diet specifically designed for their needs. If you read my recent article ( Top 18 ) Foods to improve singing voice, you will learn that there are a lot of foods that will actually help your singing voice. Usually one of the easiest signs of you not being able to sing anymore is that you are dehydrated, as this will directly impact your performance.

Picking Up Bad Habits

For beginner singers, it is extremely easy to pick up bad habits, especially if you do not have a tutor or a vocal coach to point out your flaws and steer you on the right path. The bad habits don’t even have to be related to singing, a bad diet and lack of practice can also have you lose your ability to sing. The further you practice these bad habits the harder it will become to overcome them. Remember the day when you were able to sing and think about what has changed since then, odds are you picked up one or two bad habits along the way.

Lack Of Practice

As a singer, you have to practice as much as you can, once you stop practicing your ability to sing will simply fade away. Luckily our body remembers the point where you were able to sing and once you pick up practicing daily again the problem should go away in a matter of a couple of weeks. If you know somebody who has been working out in the gym and suddenly quit then you have probably seen them going back to their original unfit shape, the same process is true for singers.

Once you stop practicing your body will revert back to its comfortable state before you have had any training in singing. Simply put, use it or lose it.

Trying Too Hard

Beginner singers make often times the mistake of trying too hard with a lot of practicing and constantly forcing their voice. If singing has taken over your life, and you do not see any success you will put a lot of emotional and physical pressure on yourself. You will simply exhaust yourself and no matter how hard you will try you will not be able to recover, singing takes time, you can force yourself to become a mediocre singer or you can simply go with the flow and let your body adjust before you force it again.

If you are one of those try-hard singers, my personal recommendation is just to try and relax, take a couple of days off and do something fun.


Age is a big factor in determining your voice, while most boys and girls below the age of 10 tend to have a tenor voice, however, once the boys start hitting puberty their voice changes to baritone in most cases. If you have just hit puberty you will notice that you either can not sing anymore or that you can not sing as well as before. The next couple of years will be hard for you as a singer as your body filled with hormones will constantly change your voice to a deeper one.

There is no shortcut here, you have to keep practicing and work with what you have. If you are going through puberty then my recommendation is to read my recent article How to become a singer at 17 ( 11 Easy Steps ) for more information.

Losing The Ability To Sing High Or Low Notes

There are a lot of singers who at one point have almost completely lost their ability to sing either high or low notes. Generally speaking, the main cause for this is either bad practicing techniques or forcing yourself to hit these notes. As a singer you will constantly evolve, and so will your voice. If you have been focusing on some aspect of your voice you might neglect your ability to sing high or low notes.

My recommendation is to test yourself once a week, record yourself and listen to it if something has changed. If you will listen to your recordings done months apart and you will have a lot easier time identifying any problems and following your progress. If you need more information about singing high notes, my recommendation is to check out my article How to make your voice higher permanently ( Fast & Easy ).

Losing Or Gaining Weight

Your weight does determine your quality of voice, simply put heavier people have bigger and stronger diaphragms and this will give them a lot more power to sing. If you have recently gained or lost weight then this could be one of the reasons why you can not sing. A sudden shift in weight will have negative consequences on your voice, and it could hide some underlying health issue that also impacts your ability to sing.

Following Bad Advice

Nowadays you can get a lot of criticism and advice about your voice, by simply uploading a video on social media. However, any advice you will see in the comments should be taken with a grain of salt. Most people who will comment will not be vocal coaches or teachers and you might end up focusing on the wrong aspects of your voice. Almost everybody will have a different opinion on your voice and singing technique, trying to please everybody will make you in the worst-case scenario lose your ability to sing.

Hereditary Factors

If there have been hereditary medical conditions in your family related to lung or throat complications then this could be one of the reasons why you can not sing anymore. The problem with hereditary medical conditions is that it is very little you can do to stop them from developing. Although not all people get hereditary medical conditions the ones that do will have problems singing if the health condition affects their ability to breathe.

Going Through The Motions

Have you ever felt that you were practicing singing just for the sake of practice and not to actually become better as a singer? If yes then you are probably not improving at all, in some cases you might even lose the little singing ability that you have previously had. The main goal of practicing singing should be to get better and singing, and pushing your limits. If you will only focus on one aspect of your voice and only practice for that for long periods of time you as a singer will stagnate and will get stuck into that routine.

Vocal Damage

It is extremely easy to damage your vocal cords, simply by not having the correct singers diet and by pushing yourself. If you find yourself losing your voice fairly often then you should address this problem before you get permanent vocal damage. The problem with vocal cords is that they tend to heal fairly slowly, and once they have been damaged severely it will be either impossible or extremely difficult to recover from it.

Key Takeaways

  • Overuse or strain of the vocal cords can lead to temporary loss of singing ability. Give your voice adequate rest and avoid excessive vocal exertion to allow for recovery.
  • Factors such as allergies, acid reflux, throat infections, or vocal cord damage can affect your singing ability. Consult a medical professional or a vocal coach for diagnosis and appropriate treatment.
  • Inconsistent practice or poor vocal technique can result in a decline in singing ability. Regular vocal exercises, warm-ups, and proper vocal training can help regain your singing skills. Consider working with a vocal coach to improve your technique and address any underlying issues.


Why did I lose my singing ability?

There can be various reasons for a temporary loss of singing ability, such as vocal strain, illness, fatigue, or lack of practice. Identifying the cause, resting your voice, and seeking guidance from a vocal coach or speech therapist can help you regain your singing ability.

Can I lose my ability to sing?

While it’s rare to completely lose the ability to sing, certain factors like vocal damage, medical conditions, or prolonged periods of vocal inactivity can affect your singing abilities. With proper vocal care, rehabilitation, and consistent practice, it is possible to regain and improve your singing skills.

How do I get my singing voice back?

To regain your singing voice, it’s important to rest your vocal cords, stay hydrated, practice vocal warm-ups and exercises, and gradually reintroduce singing into your routine. Working with a vocal coach or speech therapist can also provide guidance and techniques to help you regain your singing voice effectively.

Why can I no longer sing high notes?

A loss of ability to sing high notes can be attributed to factors like vocal strain, improper technique, vocal fatigue, or changes in vocal health. Consulting a vocal professional can help identify the underlying causes and provide guidance on exercises and techniques to regain your high note singing capabilities.